What Questions Should You Be Asking Your Wealth Coach?

in wealth •  7 years ago 

My clients have access to a team of Wealth Creation Coaches and some of the questions we get are amazing. We work with everyone from the salaried employee who is trying to get financially free, to the entrepreneur, to the savvy investor who is looking at how to make his next million. Between all of our clients there are multiple unique scenarios we coach on a daily basis and the questions are never the same. Today I want to share with you some of the top questions I have heard from my clients this week so that you can begin asking yourself and your Wealth Creation Coach (potentially me) questions like this.

#1: How do I gain more confidence when working with my customers.

This question I got from a car salesman on our program. He has been pushing for more deals and he noticed his confidence had lowered a little over the past month. My answer to his question is to stop agreeing with the objections his customers are giving him. The biggest objection he was getting is from customer’s coming in and immediately telling him they aren’t going to buy anything. So, naturally, he was believing them in many cases and not sure how to overcome it. I pointed out that their idea of “buying” and his idea of “buying” aren’t the same thing. It’s basically a mistranslation. They are saying “I am not going to make a $40,000 purchase today.” His job is actually to agree with them. He isn’t even going to be asking them to make a $40,000 purchase. He is going to be asking them to make a $500/mo purchase. They aren’t thinking about the deal the same way. The solution here is to stop agreeing with the customers objection and instead find ways to get on the same page and make the deal happen.

#2: How do I replace myself as the owner of the business?

This question was asked by a client of mine who runs a contracting business in the midsouth. He is the owner, salesperson, and most skilled individual on the team and he is in a position where he is building the company so that he doesn’t have to continue to do everything. This is easy with some positions, but much more difficult with the more skilled positions he currently fills. We discussed the first thing he must do is what is called a post write up. This means he must personally write up everything he does, how he does it, and all of the details he would need in order to share with someone else how to do the same job. The next step is that he needs to find an apprentice. He has this, so he will begin having his apprentice shadow him and follow the post write up. The ultimate solution is to create a talent pool of staff who are in training for a longer term role such as this. Just like the marines, professional athletes, and any other high level position.

#3: How do I stay motivated?

This client was having some trouble keeping the motivation going and maintaining consistency in production. His question caused me to ask if he is writing his goals down daily. In this case, he had fallen off the boat and hadn’t been writing down his goals anymore. This is the first step. Writing your goals down isn’t some esoteric motivational trick. You’re literally selling yourself on where you’re going. If you’re not sold on where you’re going you won’t be motivated to do the work to get there. That’s a fact. Next we discussed him locking down his purpose. He wasn’t sure what his purpose was and this is the main reason why someone wouldn’t be motivated. If you lack motivation, you lack a reason to be motivated. Find the reason and you will find the motivation.

#4: How to save money with life insurance?

I have several clients who are doing this right now. This client wanted to take cash flow from current investments and use that to save with life insurance. He wanted to know if it was possible. He has about $1,000/mo in passive income that he receives. I ran the numbers for him and was able to answer his question. We structured a High Early Cash Value, Dividend-Paying Whole Life Insurance Policy. This will provide liquidity, a legal tax evasion, guaranteed protection, potential for 6-8% annual dividends, and the ability to leverage his account to make the money grow in multiple places as at once. This policy will solve the exact problems he is looking to solve!

Coaching doesn’t mean you sit in a room and get motivated or walk on fire, or any of those things. It means you have someone whose sole purpose is to help you get where you’re going. Your situation is unique, you’re unique, and so will be your problems and questions. We are the best at coaching, hands down. Why? Because we have a proven process. Not only that, our coaching clients get free access to Cardone University so that they can self educate and train in between their coaching calls. The intention of this program is to help our clients become millionaires, and then deca-millionaires so that they can eradicate poverty in their lives and own their potential. Click here if you would like to learn more about being coached by Wealth DynamX.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

To get started, go to www.WealthDynamX.com/contact

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