Boomers share of wealth would still be rising as a percentage if they..

in wealth •  6 months ago 


  1. Didn’t have the murder managers in government actively, aggressively, and successfully reducing their average life expectancy.

  2. Had embraced BTC and crypto instead of swallowing the rat poison equivalent of advice about it from Warren Buffet, Jaime Diamond, and the media that declared BTC dead over 600 times.

  3. Pushed back on the tsunami wave of false health advice about SARS-CoV-2, taken ivermectin and gone about their lives normally.

  4. Used their immense power and virtual lock on what candidates got elected and pushed for a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility to continue the balanced federal budgets (surpluses!) that were gifted to dumbass George W. Bush and then squandered on wars and wasteful spending by Bush and his successors. The federal debt could have been zeroed out by now, with no need to run up the $33 trillion federal debt by $1 trillion every 100 days, necessitating spamming the world with over $10 trillion in extra fiat backed by nothing but hot talk.

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