Chemical Weed Control in Maize
Understanding Herbicides.
Herbicides can be applied at various stages:
- Pre-plant cleanup: Before Maize planting.
- Pre-emergence: After planting, before Maize emergence.
- Post-emergence: After Maize and weed emergence.
Herbicide Types and Applications.
Pre-plant Cleanup Herbicides (Foliar Active).
- Examples: Glyphosate.
- Applied before planting to control germinated weeds.
- Also used post-emergent to weeds, but pre-emergent to Maize
Pre-emergent herbicides (Soil Residual).
- Examples: Mutsvairo Select, Metolachlor, Atrazine, MCPA, Acetachlor (Harness) etc.
- Applied after planting, before Maize emergence.
- May require light irrigation or light rainfall within 7-10 days after applying.
- Little to no foliar activity; usually ineffective against emerged weeds.
Post-emergent herbicides (Foliar Active).
- Examples: Mutsvairo Select, Atrazine, MCPA, Stella Star, Auxol, Dicamba, Nicosulfron (Accent), Halosulfuron andcBentazone etc.
- Applied after Maize and weed emergence.
- Generally safe for crops if applied as directed.
Minimizing Herbicide Injury
- Uniform application at specified growth stages.
- Avoid unfavorable conditions (Cool, wet weather, etc.)
- Consider crop stress, soil quality and seed quality.
- Choose herbicides compatible with Maize hybrids and cultivars.
- Plan for next season's crop planting options.
Key Considerations:
- Herbicide selection depends on factors like weed spectrum, soil type and climate.
- Multiple herbicide applications may provide season-long weed control.
- Always follow label instructions and recommended application rates.