DR. FUNK 80/20 indica dominant Evening Tokes with Cheech & Chong hemp papers - Solid Mind and Body Relaxation with Cheerful Euphoria

in weedcash •  6 years ago 


Rolled up an evening smoke with Dr. Funk buds and Cheech & Chong hemp papers - solid mind and body relaxation with smooth and cheerful euphoria. Sweet and sour citrus pine with light berry blueberry and cheese flavor - citrus zesty and bright terpene aftertaste, tangy.

DR. FUNK indica dominant

The Dr. Funk 80/20 indica dominant strain - also known as 'Dr. Funkenstein" - was created with the crossing of the DJ Short Blueberry and Bubba Kush strains (Source).


Dr. Funk Looks

The Dr. Funk buds have very dark and light greens - some of the dark greens look almost black or purple, sparse and hidden, dainty orange pistils, and a thick resinous coating of amber trichomes.


Dr. Funk Scent

The Dr. Funk buds have a dark and sweet earthy and light berry scent to them.


Dr. Funk Effects (Source)

Effects - Creative, Euphoria, Happy, Sleepy. May Relieve - Anxiety, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Depression, Headaches, Hypertension, Insomnia, Migraines.

Cheech & Chong Hemp Rolling Papers

Rolled up the Dr. Funk buds with Cheech & Chong 1-1/4 Hemp Papers - excellent quality hemp paper, very thin, i'm guessing 13g/m². Officially licensed - "www.cheechandchongpapers.com" - this is the "Somebody ripped off the thing I ripped off - Cheech" pack.


Dr. Funk buds split for grindage






Dr. Funk flavor

9:05PM was the First Toke... Sweet and sour blueberry berry cheese and citrus pine flavors with a light citrus pine zest on the tail end. The mind is relaxing, mouth lightly dry and puckering from the bright terpenes, tongue tingling. Cheeks, brow, and upper forehead numbed, cushioned, and tingling lightly - citrus zesty. Chest cushioned, body relaxed and lightly buzzing.


Dr. Funk effects

5 Minutes After First Toke, Second Toke... Sweet and sour citrus pine zest with light cheese and berry flavors - zesty mouth puckering bright citrus terpenes, sip of water. Mind relaxed and lightly cushioned, eye lids relaxed. Euphoria gently flowing up from the solar plexus, chest cushioned and buzzing lightly - slight perma-grin.


10 Minutes After First Toke...

Third Toke... Tasty sweet and sour citrus pine with light berry and cheese flavor - citrus zesty and bright terpene aftertaste, face glowing with smooth euphoria, zen-like slight perma-grin. Mind and body relaxed and cushioned, body buzzing with bright and laid back euphoric energy with some giggles - eye lids relaxed and slightly puffy.


25 Minutes After First Toke...

Fourth and Fifth Toke Night Caps... Sweet and sour citrus pine zest with light berry and cheese flavor - tongue tingling. Mind and body relaxed and well cushioned, eye lids relaxed and puffy - bright and zesty citrus after taste, smooth and laid back euphoric buzzing.


2-1/2 Hours After First Toke...

The Dr. Funk bud tokes provided solid mind and body relaxation with smooth and cheerful euphoria. Sweet and sour citrus pine with light berry blueberry and cheese flavor - citrus zesty and bright terpene aftertaste, tangy. I'll save these cheerful and laid back Dr. Funk buds for evening tokes.

Have a great day!

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man you really give a dude inspiration for posts! Love your style! wish I could be so articulate with the tastes and such. Keep up the good work!


Thanks - it took a little while to get to know the flavors and the format down, but it was worth all that smoking :)

sweet papers

I've enjoyed Cheech & Chong ever since i was a youngster and my dad had their movies on beta-max :) excellent quality hemp papers, a pleasure to roll with.