Every day, you have thousands of thoughts More than anybody else, you converse with yourself. You are your most trusted confidant and counselor. Many of the discussions you conduct with yourself are private, as sharing them with others would reveal the "true" you Self-doubt, worry, grief, guilt, hurts, and disappointments are all part of you.
This, however, is not the "true you." Your ego and belief systems have created this version of you. These negative thoughts were created by you and accepted as true by you. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
Where did these erroneous notions about you come from? Parents, teachers, coworkers, and friends were the main sources of information. They may have planted the seed by stating something like "she's obese," and you've grown to accept those statements as your fact.
You're allowing some cryptic remarks from years ago to dominate your entire existence. Nobody has the authority or the power to tell you who you are. You are the only one who fully understands who you are and what is in your heart.
You came into this world without the burdens of your existing negative belief system when you were born. You came into the world as a lovely bundle of joy, full of limitless potential and possibilities.
I’m here to tell you that you have not changed. You are still and will always be a beautiful bundle of joy with unlimited potential and possibilities.
The only difference is what you give your attention to. Let me ask you a question. If you stopped all the negative talk that you currently have with yourself such as;
– I’m too fat
– Why would anyone want to love me
– I will never be thin
– I always fail
The list goes on and on... What would your reaction be? Do you think you'd feel emotionally lighter if you did this? Do you believe you would be happier? Do you believe you'd be more self-assured if you did?
How do you think your life would alter if you took it a step further and just spoke positively about yourself in your self-talk? If you spend some time thinking about what you enjoy about yourself and solely think about that, your emotional condition will improve to the point where you will be able to achieve anything.
When you start exploring the wonderful aspects of yourself, you'll be shocked to discover that your greatness has always existed beneath the surface. You've never been anything other than the radiant bundle of joy that came into the world many years ago. By asking basic questions, you can easily unearth positive qualities of yourself.
– What am I good at?
– Who has benefited from me being in the world?
– Who am I, what is in my heart that only I know?
– What do I like about my body?
Your objective is to feel happy right now. What are your current feelings? You will feel nice and joyful if you only pay attention to what you believe is positive about yourself. Make a decision about how you want to feel right now. Make the decision to search for and appreciate the good in yourself at all times.
So, how does any of this relate to weight loss? Everything!!! The control valve that affects what you draw into your experience is your emotional state. Your subconscious mind is programmed by the way you speak to yourself. As a result, you must decide whether you want your thoughts and subconscious programming to be based on incorrect negative thinking. Or do you want your beliefs to be grounded in reality, in the knowledge that you are and have always been a flawless being?
Begin to love and care for yourself today. Allow the natural joy, fun, and passion you had as a child to seep into your daily activities. Allow yourself to rejoice in each and every accomplishment, no matter how minor. Every chance you get, love and cherish yourself. Do this every day and watch as your weight falls off, just as your old negative self-perceptions fade away.
If you want a secret weight loss tip, check this out: https://www.digistore24.com/redir/348520/Auradha12/