Liquid Fast for Restoration Day 1

in weightloss •  7 years ago  (edited)

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I started my liquid fast for internal restoration and reset on Monday, January 15, 2018. I have no idea as to how long I will be on this fast but my initial day goal is 5 days. But that may not be long enough to help me reset my taste buds. The plan was to keep this journey to myself. However, the thought that someone else who may be dealing with a sugar addiction and its​ health effects might be interested in my journey.

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What I am keeping tabs on ​during this journey is how I feel mentally, this may be t.m.i. but waste evacuation, my overall weight, what workouts I am able to do, whether I have any aches and/or pains in my body, whether or not I eat outside of plan and my sleep.

Notes for Monday...
~ I took it pretty easy today because ​I was beginning something new and I didn't want to overdo​ it. So I took a do nothing day as far as physical activity is concerned.
~ I completed my morning bed routine... (wake up, pray, read devotional, complete Duolingo lesson, and read about 10 minutes of a book).
~ I made a crockpot of bone broth using oxtails, fresh herbs, apple cider vinegar, onion, ​and water.
~ Drank my morning beverage (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, ​and water).
~ I got hungry around 1:30 pm​ so I had a 16-ounce​ cup of beef broth.
~ About 3:28 pm my head was kicking my tail so I laid down in hopes of it not turning into a migraine.
~ By 7 pm I had drunk​ 32-ounces of broth and about the same amount of water. The best part is my headache didn't turn into a migraine. But that wasn't enough to keep me satiated and I ate a steak and some broccoli. Yup that happen but it didn't end there. I ate some Cheetos not long after 9 pm.

You may think that I would've gotten down on myself for eating a steak, broccoli, ​and Cheetos. But nope... I have learned that talking negatively to myself for eating something that is off my plan is not productive. What I did was tell myself that, okay you ate something that isn't apart of this plan. But, it happened and there is no taking it back so just do better next time.
The funny thing is that I haven't eaten Cheetos in I don't know how long. lmbo

Because of the fact that doing a liquid fast for whatever reason has a side effect of possible weight loss, I took a picture of myself and my scale.

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Years of eating too much not so good for me foods placed me at my highest weight of 310 lbs. That was what I weighed on January 1, 2017. On October 30, 2017, ​I weighed 307 lbs and decided that day that I had to do better. That day I started eliminating​ many white carbs and dairy milk products (My lactose intolerant peeps who still like dairy, wave your hand). But I still ate sugar in the form of candy (Duh, it was a day before a big candy holiday), cookies, cake, and such. I managed to get through the holidays and release 10 lbs. I will write about that on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

My next two posts​ will be Days 2 & 3 of my Liquid Fast.

Disclaimer: I will not respond to any negative comments from anyone. This is my body to work with and I won't do anything to harm myself, those days are over for me. I am sharing my journey because ​number one it's my journey to share and number two it may help someone else.
I am not encouraging anyone to do what I am doing. But if you are thinking about doing a liquid fast, talk with your primary care physician before embarking on such a journey as this.

See you next time... God Bless!

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Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks for the encouragement. I will do just that.