7 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

in weightloss •  3 years ago 

If you’re in need of weight loss tips that are quick and safe, try these seven proven ways to lose weight quickly and safely. Each one will help you to shed pounds quickly, helping you to reach your weight loss goals before you know it! Plus, each tip comes with a helpful infographic, so you can clearly see what needs to be done in order to achieve your desired results!

  1. Regular exercise

The quickest, healthiest way to lose weight is through regular exercise. It does not matter what type of exercise you do—running, lifting weights, yoga—as long as you exercise for at least 20 minutes a day (and preferably longer) with some form of moderate intensity. This can mean anything from light jogging to hard swimming laps. If 20 minutes seems daunting, break it up into two 10-minute workouts, three five-minute workout blocks or four three-minute workout blocks each day. Exercise also helps release the stress hormone cortisol, which contributes to your body storing belly fat. In order to get the most out of your exercise routine, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before, during and after exercising.

  1. Eat breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kicks off your metabolism so that it can keep burning calories all day long. The key is keeping your breakfast on the lighter side so that you'll have more room for lunch. Eat fruit or drink fruit juice for a healthy, low-calorie start to your day. Try yogurt with a little bit of honey, toast with jam, cereal, or oatmeal. Add some protein like eggs, meat, beans, or tofu to give you staying power until lunchtime. If you want something sweet in the morning (or if there's nothing else in the house), try dried fruit like raisins or prunes.
Best healthcare tips of weight loss

  1. Choose foods rich in fiber

Fiber-rich foods can play a significant role in healthy weight loss. They help fill you up, slow digestion, and prevent spikes in blood sugar. Eating fiber-rich food is essential if you want to maintain your weight or lose weight quickly. Below are seven fiber-rich foods that will help your body release fat stores:

  1. Avoid sugar

Don't allow sugar into your diet, whether in the form of high-fructose corn syrup or as cane sugar. Avoid sodas and most fruit juices because they're typically loaded with more than just natural sugars. Foods that have a lot of sugar tend to be breads, pastries, cookies, cake, doughnuts, soft drinks, ice cream and many cereals. If you can't kick the craving for sweet food try low-fat yogurt mixed with some pureed fruit (to lower the calorie count). If that doesn't work then try having fat-free cottage cheese mixed with some pureed fruit (to lower the calorie count).

  1. Use small plates

When trying to lose weight, use smaller plates. This will make your stomach feel full with less food. Do this by filling small bowls with healthy foods or using small plates. It may take some time for your stomach muscles to adapt, but you will get used to eating less on smaller dishes.

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