Weight loss by Cinnamon

in weightloss •  6 years ago 

What if I told you Cinnamon will not only help you to lose weight but also balance your body’s Vata, Pitta and Kapha according to ayurvedic studies.. yes that’s true.Cinnamon in India is also known as Dalchini. In India ayurvedic doctors and even allopathy doctors these days advise Cinnamon Powder and whole cinnamon for weight loss.


While burning the unwanted fats in your body, it also plays a significant role in balancing the sugar levels and boosting the metabolism.The boost in metabolism derived from Cinnamon consumption accelerates the Fat burning process.
The major cause of Obesity or unwanted weight is Inflammation of Fat cells. The standard diet in today’s date is highly inflammable.Therefore it becomes important to include anti-inflammatory fat burning foods and drinks in your daily life.

Different ways you can implement Cinnamon in your daily diet for losing weight.


Do you have a habit of consuming bed Tea? This is the right time to replace it with cinnamon tea.
Early morning tea in empty stomach increases acidity and disrupts the immune system. Instead of consuming normal conventional tea replace it with cinnamon tea.
Cinnamon tea in empty stomach flushes out free radicals, reduces inflammation and activates the Liver, heart, Lungs and kidney functions.

With all the above features and health benefits you may ask…

Is Cinnamon Tea good for weight loss?

1.The antioxidants and fat burning properties in cinnamon Tea makes it the best choice. Even green tea is acidic and some doctors don’t recommend it.

2.Having said that Cinnamon works on all the internal body parts. It stimulates the liver function and flushes out toxins and cleanses blood.

3.Clean blood reduces inflammation of fat cells thereby reducing the body weight.

4.Cinnamon tea is best for weight loss and fighting obesity when used wisely.

So now the question is…

How to make Cinnamon Tea for weight loss?

You can make cinnamon tea in 3 easy steps.

Take a glass of water in a Pan and heat it
Add Cinnamon Stick and let it boil
Make sure the color of water changes to reddish brown
Strain it and have it without sugar. (Adding honey will destroy the benefits of Honey as the tea is hot).

Cinnamon water

Just like whole stick cinnamon gives benefit in its own way the powder is also equally beneficial.

There are tons of ways to use Cinnamon powder for weight loss and to reap other health benefits.

The simplest way to use cinnamon powder is by mixing it to a glass of Luke warm water and drink it empty stomach every morning.

So let’s learn…

How to make Cinnamon water for weight loss?

Make Cinnamon water in three easy steps.Pour a glass of water in a pan and boil it.Once the water is mildly boiled add cinnamon powder to it and mix it well.
Drink it while it’s warm.
The second method is overnight Soaking.

Take a glass of warm water and mix it with Cinnamon and store it overnight.
Drink it in empty stomach every morning.
I personally prefer the boiled cinnamon water technique as it gives result much faster.

Note: While having Cinnamon water do not add any sugar or Honey if you are diabetic.

When Using Cinnamon powder for weight loss question arises…

Is Cinnamon powder good for health?

Cinnamon Powder can do wonders for you provided you have it in right dosage.

Drink Cinnamon water twice a day to stay healthy and control your weight. You can use Cinnamon powder in many ways and combination.


Cinnamon with lemon

Cinnamon when mixed with lemon literally becomes a medicine.

Yes that’s true it becomes an ayurvedic medicine to treat multiple ailments related to obesity.

In fact it reduces the overall body weight by cleansing your liver and reducing your cholesterol levels.

In Ayurveda ancient doctors frequently prescribed Cinnamon and Lemon for weight loss. There are two ways to make this fat cutter drink.

1.) Cinnamon Tea mixed with lemon

Take a cinnamon Stick and boil it until the water turns brownish.
Let it cool down, add few drops of lemon Juice and replace this with the regular tea.

Try this for next 21 days and see the benefits

2.) Cinnamon Powder with Lemon Juice.

To make this drink you need not boil the water. Instead you can make this drink in 2 easy steps.

Take a glass of Luke warm water
Add half tea spoon Cinnamon Powder and one teaspoon lime juice, mix it well.
Have it twice a day.
While this drink is very beneficial, overdose may have some side effects such as lose motion and nausea so please don’t exceed the dosage.


Other benefits of Cinnamon

1.Weight Loss

Cinnamon promotes weight loss without any side effects if consumed in appropriate quantity.

It is true that Dalchini burns the fat cells when consumed on empty stomach but it does not directly aids fat burning process.

Instead it works by regulating the insulin production and fighting fat cells inflammation.

Regular consumption of Dalchini water or tea will help you to boost the metabolism and keep irregular cravings away.

To lose weight you need not consume liters of Cinnamon tea or water. All you need it two glass daily and see the astounding results within months.

There are multiple ways to include Dalchini in your daily diet, we will discuss that further below.

2.Blood Pressure

Dalchini Keeps blood pressure and inflammation in check.

It regulates blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and easing the blood flow in the arteries.

A single dose of Cinnamon drink will give you around 36 mg of potassium and 5.32 mg of Magnesium. This helps to keep the pressure levels normal.

Healthy arteries means healthy heart thereby contributing to overall well being. When all the three Doshas are in top condition one need not worry about the weight loss.

Fat assimilation would never be a problem when you include Dalchini in your diet. No matter which part of the body the fat is located, cinnamon has the ability to clear the unwanted fat cells rapidly.

3.Cinnamon benefits Heart

Since consumption of Cinnamon helps maintaining healthy pressure levels and cleanses the arteries your heart stays in top notch condition.

It increases the exercise capacity by improving the heart function.

Cinnamaldehyde, a flavonoid found in Cinnamon has already been proven for its anticlotting properties, therefore if there is an event of heart attack cinnamon has the ability to fight clotting.

Cholesterol, triglycerides and fat assimilation will never be a challenge if Dalchini is consumed on daily basis.

The calcium and fiber contents in Cinnamon not only improves the colon health but also promotes healthy heart.


Diabetes is the most common lifestyle disease affecting millions of people today. This is mostly due to poor lifestyle and improper eating habits. Lack of exercise as well contributes to this disease.

Make sure you take Cinnamon for weight loss and diabetes two times daily and see the drastic change in your body in 6 months.

Within 6 months you will realize that the dependency on insulin or medicine is decreasing.

Monitor the sugar levels regularly and when you see the sugar levels are going down drastically start reducing the medicine dosage. You will find that within a year your sugar levels are as per text books.

5.Anti-cancer and Antioxidants

Using Cinnamon for weight loss has some positive side effects. Side effects such as regulation of free radicals, anti-cancer properties and tons of antioxidants not only makes this drink healthy but also makes you young and fit.

Majority of the benefits is derived from Anti-oxidants in Cinnamon. Dalchini is rich is Polyphenols and procyanidins. High levels of antioxidants make life of cancer cells difficult to thrive inside the body.

6.Liver Detox

Cinnamon water once day helps you to detoxify the liver. While it is an amazing cleanser you should avoid the overdose. Overdose of cinnamon can lead to hepatotoxicity and disrupt the normal liver function.

Ideal dose is 1 teaspoon in an entire day.

½ teaspoon morning and half teaspoon before bed.

Adopt any of the above mentioned combination to use Cinnamon for weight loss and other health benefits.

7.Controls acidity

Dalchini water is an excellent drink to cleanse the bowel and keep acidity at bay. Regular consumption of Cinnamon regulates bile movement and does not allow your stomach to produce unwanted acidic burps.

Best time to consume Cinnamon water is before bed if you are dealing with acidity.

8.Improves digestion

Since this is a complete weight loss drink it works on improving.

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Brother this is a briliant article for todays generation.

very good sir

The amount of value you provided on this post its amazing. Thanks for sharing