Tonight, I wanted to share something more personal with you. I've already told you about it a few times, but almost a year and a half ago, I started moving more and training again. I believe that it is moreover a resolution that is often very popular at the beginning of the year.
For my part, I wanted to start over for myself, for my well-being and for my health. I find that sometimes we tend to put ourselves aside, to prioritize many things before our well-being and our physical health. We often say: “I don't have time…”, I agree, life goes fast, we have responsibilities at work, family obligations, etc. If we changed this perspective together and instead said to ourselves: "I'm going to make time for it".
Honestly, it has changed a lot of things for me, my stress has gone down, I sleep better, I feel like I have more energy, I feel more motivated in general, my health is better too (I have the SCI and it helped me a lot) It is not only a matter of physical health sport, but also to improve our mental health in several cases. Here are my little tips to help you along the way:
I know that for many, you see everything as a task, an ordeal, a chore. Just find what works for you. It can be simple, if you like to get some fresh air, go for a good walk every day or even find a winter sport that you like: snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, skating, snowboarding?
You don't like gyms and indoor training, sign up for group classes, try different things: Yoga, TRX, Cardio? Me, I signed up for Yoga Fitness and it was a revelation for me. I loved the TRX classes, there are various classes every day, I just have to make my schedule and integrate the classes I want during my week according to my availability, and that's it.
It motivates me, the teachers are fun and dynamic, I have a specific time like an appointment, I have no excuses! Again, I speak for ME, you have to know what suits YOU, what you like and I can guarantee you that you will have fun integrating it into your routine. For moms or even if you are a busy woman and you have space at home, why not make yourself a place to do your workouts at home???
This point is not really necessary, since one can just want to feel better, period. BUT, often when we set a goal or an objective, it can help us. Whether it's to improve your flexibility, whether it's maybe to lose weight, whether it's to reduce your stress. All the reasons are good!!
The most important thing, if you make the decision to make time on your schedule, you have to go at your own pace. Do not impose on yourself the first week drastically 5 training sessions or to go for a 30-minute walk every day. It is certain that you will give up after not even 2 weeks and say to yourself “DLA MARDE”.
No, we want to go at our own pace, if it's 2 classes you can do this week, well that's it, period. It doesn't have to become stressful either, we're going there day by day, little by little, you'll get a taste for it and so on. At the same time, everyone has their own temperament, maybe it has to be drastic for you if you want it to work.
It's really specific to each person, I had to go gradually, don't push me into the "peteus" otherwise it won't work haha. Also, tell yourself that the only person you are competing with is yourself and no one else.