Day 79:) How are you, really?

in wellbeing •  5 years ago 

Its been around 40 days since we embarked in this lockdown journey. How’s everyone in your immediate family? I hope everyone is alright by God’s grace and enjoying this period. How are things being with you lately?

Maybe you are angry why did this happen? Feeling stuck in your room. This may be first time for you in last 15 years where you stayed inside the four walls consistently.

Who knows, maybe we end up inside for another odd 40 days. Life is full of twist and turns. Enjoy every ride of it. You can be lucky and sad at the same time. Lucky, as in you are reading this article. You are alive. You want to go out and roam around, but still can’t out of fear.


2020 is a year of self-reflection, time to heal oneself. The mother earth is healing itself and making us realize that we are just guest on this planet. Moreover, most of the things that we are running behind are non-essential. Ironically, most of the jobs that the economy has is in non-essential sector.

In case you are feeling sad or alone and want to talk to you family member or friends (including me) grab the phone and call them simple. You will get to cherish the memories and experiences you people had together. To put in Jospeh Addison words, “Talking with a friend is nothing else but thinking aloud ”

Image Credit ~ Twitter

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