"I AM" - Declare Your Reality

in wellness •  7 years ago 

I am.jpg

"I am", could possibly be the most powerful words you say to yourself. With these very simple words comes an energy that can transform your future and the present moment in which you live. By saying these simple words you are declaring that what ever follows them is truth.
How many times have you heard yourself say, "I am a mother", "I am sick" or "I am a successful business person"? Can you see where this is going? Everyday we talk to ourselves and to others and declare to ourselves or others what we are. We have the ability to make these declarations positive or negative. Here are a few examples of each:​


  • I am loved
  • I am safe
  • I am healthy
  • I am beautiful
  • I am wise


  • I am sick
  • I am lonely
  • I am weak
  • I am unlovable
  • I am fat

It takes a minute to turn the negative self talk into positive self talk, but it can be done. Let's look at the negatives again and spin them toward the positive.

You may say...
"I am sick". - Instead try, "I am healing".
"I am lonely" - Instead try, "I am ready to receive loving company", or "I am adored and people want to be close to me"
"I am weak" - Instead try, "I am gaining strength", or "I am strong".
"I am unlovable" - Instead try, "I am open and ready to receive love", or "I am loved".
"I am fat" - Instead try, " I am (insert your desired weight here) lbs." (notice I said desired weight, not actual weight)

This is just one way you can get the universe to work to your advantage. You need to declare who and what you are in a positive way. The universe cannot discriminate between positive and negative declarations, so be very careful and be sure that your "I am(s)" are fueled with positive energy. Listen to your self while you talk and take note of when you are using this phrase, I am. Stay connected to the moment and re-state it with a positive connotation. For a true lesson in using the phrase "I am", let me suggest the book I Am Word by Paul Selig. Click the link to be redirected to his site for more information (https://paulselig.com/books/i-am-the-word/).

If you really want to manifest your desires quickly, picture what ever it is you are declaring, even if it is currently not in your reality, at the moment. For instance, picture yourself at 130 lbs or what ever weight you think is ideal. Think about how you will feel at that weight as opposed to your current weight. Picture your life with lots of money and how that feels as you are making the, "I am wealthy" declaration. When you use these two things together, your desired manifestations become reality very quickly.

Don't worry if you don't see an immediate change, give it time. The universe has it's own time line, but know that it has no choice but deliver, to you, what you declare to be your reality.

Speak kindly to yourself, declare your reality and let your words shape your reality then enjoy the smile that your new and improved life brings to your face and to your soul.


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Great post dear

Thank you! Thank you for reading :)

No need thanks just upvote

I Am the Shift.jpg

The love I want is very simple. You'll hear when I talk. You'll love when I'm capricious, and you'll be there when I need it

The results are stunning in my case. I believed the impossible, and it came to me as naturally as spring follows winter.
"That wasn't impossible at all."

I know that people don't believe this because I didn't believe in such things for far too long.
I hope everyone gets to read this.

You bring a much-needed point of view to Steem.it.
I humbly follow your posts.

H. G.

It's all in the mindset and the way you choose to perceive things, you have to convince yourself and accustom yourself to a positive attitude. Somebody said positivity is a habit.

some time its realy diffecult to think positive about ur self

Indeed. So, when you are having difficulties, get out a piece of paper and write these three words, "I am love". Write it as many times as you need to. When it starts to resonate with you, you will find fluidity in your writing. From there, write other positive affirmations about yourself. Maybe, "I am smart", or what ever you believe to be true about yourself. Make a list. Each time you struggle finding something positive to feel about yourself, look back at this list you have written and say the words out loud to yourself for 5 minutes straight. Before you know it, you will have a smile on your face. :) Sending you loving vibes my friend <3

My positive affirmation is i love you i mean i love your write up too

Thank you!

thank u i gona try

it's like you have to train yourself. We all have that voice that says we are not good enough, but it's up to us to fight it. What I like to do is remind myself of what I'm grateful for, even for simple things such as playing football with your brother, so if you are able to relive that emotion of joy you can let that positive feeling influence you.

thanks for this :)

You bet! :)

Good post.
Please follow back and vote back

Thank you! :)

Very nice. It's so true. What we speak is creating our future. Not everything is within our control, but this one thing is.

Thank you for reading! Keep up the positive affirmations!

Inspiring article! Power of positivity!!

Thank you for reading! :)

if taken in positive way without harming others it is indeed powerful

For arguments sake, how would the words, "I am" be used to hurt others? I have some ideas, but I'm interested in your thoughts.

I am here and now!

Yes you are!! Enjoy! The world is your oyster! :)

This is a very helpful write up. Our words affects our world. I will be more conscious of my proclamations. Thank you.

I'm very happy to read this. Good luck to you! I'm sending positive vibes your way! :)

Thank you. I'd be expecting it

Thank you for this! Only we have control of our outlook on life

That is exactly right. If you can imagine it, you can bring it forth into reality. Keep your chin up and imagine the good things! :)

Fun articles I love it. thanks for sharing

WOW AMAZING! What a great way to confront the reality to yourself without having to make a lie and making it positive. THroughout life i have always been a believer of being honest because I believe that when we take full responsibility of who we really are and the situation we are in, we have the power and the choice to change and take control of the situation. That said being able to know, understand, and face the realities of your life is the best way to live a fulfilling one. Because it is only when we are honest and we know what we really want that we can make the best choices for ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing this @throuser what a good approach to handling our emotions and realities. Love this post. definitely upvoting and following you now.

Thank you for reading @johnrel! I appreciate your comments and am grateful that I was able to convey the message appropriately and in a way that you could relate to it. It's an honor to read your nice words.

"I am", you are right, they are words with a lot of power and only we know who we are

Indeed :)

Good thoughts and concept keep it up @thouser

Thank you!

Very positive and good stuff Tina!

Thank you so much!

I am loved

You really are!

yes i am , so are you, i hope...coz love is peace

I AM sick and tired of working long hours, getting pay reductions just so as to keep my job and going home just to be directed around the house doing household chores!!


Hmmm... Repeat after me: "I am getting a pay raise", "I am receiving new career opportunities that fit my lifestyle and aspirations", "I am happy at home", "I am happy to serve my family by doing chores", "I am happy", "I am loved by my co-workers and my family", "I am deserving of great things", "I am at peace".

Sending you good vibes my friend.

Loving your intention & your other content. You earned a new follower :)

Blessings <3

Thank you for following @r0b0n!

This is great and inspiring advice I see myself as "I am" a successful, beautiful, at a healthy weight,(as I workout more) and a strong person plus "I am" safe, loved, and wiser!!!
As I send this out to the universe I expect in due time to 'see' results as the universe brings back to me what I manifest through positive thought patterns, and doing what is right to bring those positive patterns into play...awesome advice my friend... I resteemed you so others can get your information too!!!...
Our thoughts really do come into play when we think either positive or negaitive friend!!!

I truthfully believe that there is power in the tongue. We are who we say we are. thank you for sharing.

I am, and i believe are powerfull words.

i am, "the bringer of light", and food, at least to my dog.

Dream it, believe it, recieve it. The mind is a powerful tool. Great article.

I am beautiful. Am i doing it right? ;)

Yes!! You are beautiful. You are a star! We are all made from the same stuff as the stars, are the stars not beautiful?

Sending you good vibes my friend!

Sorry to be the negative one, and don't get me wrong I like the positive slant of 'I'm healing' or 'I'm gaining strength' but this is only effective if a person is taking steps towards a positive end goal.

For example with -"I am fat" - Instead try, " I am (insert your desired weight here) lbs." (notice I said desired weight, not actual weight) - So here you're actively promoting a delusional self image?

Declaring something a reality does not make it so, working towards positive changes does. I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with having a positive outlook but there is no substitute for hard work and realistic self perceptions.

@skunkape30uk, I completely understand your perspective. At one time, that was my perspective as well. Then.. I started doing the work. I started meditating on my "I ams" (my declarations of what my desires were, not my reality), when I did that, I really started to see things change.
Let's take working out for example. I had NEVER been the girl that would consider "working out", I had tried, and wasn't at all interested. But as I started to declare that I was "fit", it seemed my resistance to working out wasn't as strong. Not only that, I found a way to work out that really fit into my life style, schedule and comfort level.
By declaring "I am", you are not changing reality as it is in the moment. What you are doing is sending a signal of your desires out to the universe. It is then up to the universe to fulfill your desires. It may happen over night, it may take a few months, it may take a year, but you will begin to see the changes you desire if you continue to declare your reality.

Maybe try this, instead of questioning my theory, try it. Along with your "I am" declarations, really visualize yourself the way you are declaring yourself to be (your desire). Imagine what you will feel like when the declaration becomes reality. Do that once a day and see if you begin to see a change.

Like I said, it may take time, so practice, practice, practice.

Good luck to you my friend. I'm sending you good vibes!

Hey sorry for the late reply, I've been working all weekend.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point. I'm all for positive visualizations and could get behind 'I will be' or 'I can be' as positive phrases or signals to send out into the universe. I understand how your theory works and combined with meditative exercises I'm sure it can work but I think with many people reinforcing something which is not a reality can be dangerous.

(I will give your theory a go though as it would be rude of me not too, hopefully it will help my Lent fitness attempts in a weeks time)