Here are The Contestants - To win One of Three Magical Steem Beans [ ENG | IND ]

in whalepower •  7 years ago  (edited)

To win One of My Three Steem Magical Beans
What are they? One February month #whalepower Register Membership Subscription

Credit Source

Read Here, the details , A Chance to Win One of The Steem Magical Beans
What If | You were Given Three Magical Beans??? In Whalepower

What If???


If you were to be Given Three Magical Beans, What do you with them?
Imagining this Beans are your Steems

  • write in your Own Post - What you will do with them?
    ( Be Creative , write 50 Words or more )
  • This Rules Reflex on your account. ( conditions )

This competition is open to Steemit / Whalepower Readers
Please answer below and get a chance to win February Month #whalepower Registered Subscription Membership.
( Three subscription given away )
( Competition closed 31 January 2018 )

Competitor only Allow to use One Tag Rules just #whalepower Tag or with Second Tag #whatif
for this competition and you are encourage to help others during this competition!

These are the Rules

  • You are Suppose to help others in this competition.
  • You are Encourage to help other Contestants during this competition.
  • Do Not keep your upvotes for yourself! Give generously to other contestant.
  • Audiences can leave a reply , Why this contestant should Win? Below my comment.


Ini adalah Aturannya

  • Anda juga ingin membantu orang lain dalam kompetisi ini.
  • Anda Dorong untuk membantu kontestan yang lain selama kompetisi disini.
  • Jangan menyimpan upvotes Anda! Berikan dengan murah hati kepada kontestan yang lainnya.
  • Audiens bisa meninggalkan balasan, Kenapa kontestan ini harus menang?

Pesaing hanya Izinkan untuk menggunakan Satu Tag Rules hanya #whalepower Tag atau yang dua #whatif
untuk kompetisi ini dan Anda mendorong untuk membantu orang lain selama kompetisi ini!


Bagaimana jika??

Jika Anda diberi Tiga Kacang Ajaib,
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan dengan Tiga Kacang Ajaib ini??
Pencitraan Kacang Ajaib ini adalah Steems Anda.

Menulis di Post Anda - Apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan Kacang Ajaib?
(Jadilah Kreatif, Tulisan 50 Kata atau lebih)
Aturan ini Reflex pada akun Anda. ( kondisi )

Kompetisi ini terbuka untuk pembaca Steemit / Whalepower
Jawablah di Post Anda dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan Keanggotaan Langganan Terdaftar Bulan Februari #.
(Tiga berlangganan diberikan)

(Persaingan ditutup 31 Januari 2018)

#whalepower Currently Promoting Reading / Writing

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If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

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Please Help them to ! Win! Be your Own Judges

Author by @tegoshei

Author by @acehnature
Please Retry

Author by @muna10
Please Retry

Author by @sokoloffa

Author by @siren7

Author by @ace108

Author by @war-tp

Author by @iqbalmuhammad

Author by @amuchtar

Author by @kayya.muleeya

Author by @commons

Author by @steemit-up

Author by @ettydiallova

Author by @nonasweety

Author by @bahtiarlangsa

Author by @gibran

Author by @harrylihardo

Author by @santiintan

Author by @dolles7

Author by @janes

Author by @ppagoda - Awarded with One Steem Magical Bean. ( Virtue Steem Magical Bean )

Author by @steemcleamer

Author by @jibja

Author by @mubarak

Author by @dhiki

Author by @browdarliz

Author by @smeet

Author by @pipit

Author by @dianrusdiana

Author by @doleno

Author by @kajaya

Author by @alinurman

Author by @chandrayunita

Author by @boyelleq

Author by @axsteem

Author by @grofer

Author by @saifulahtgk

Author by @jinotech

Author by @yeni

Author by @crofak

Author by @elshadr

Author by @cleavor

Author by @lavida

Author by @mnur

Author by @dawala

Author by @sky2sky

Author by @crishe

Author by @diananggraeni

Author by @israfuliqbal

Author by @alinurman

Author by @kajaya

Author by @doleno

Author by @maya-f

Author by @bambangsuraji

Author by @saifullahtgk Second Entry

Author by @novasurbakti

Author by @akar-rumput

Author by @overkil

Author by @nairadaddy

Author by @ponsaya

Author by @charta

Author by @radiv

Author by @irtiya

Author by @tjohan

Author by @jubelate

Author by @ratna87

Author by @coinfarmer :~ who is going be a Beanfarmer soon.

Author by @rahmanovic

Author by @taqdirul94

Author by @bookrak

Author by @hasmar

Author by @anto82

Author by @charlote : ~ Three Beans and $1 , You make me Smile

Author by @mesikelsembiring

Author by @wahyunibukhari

Author by @rismanrachman

Author by @akbarrafs

Author by @chairoeltks

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Audiences can help this authors to win. ( by upvote or comment )
Please give Generously to them.
Contestant must help other author's too.
Thank you All

My vote is not much, but I gave as generously as I can. Now my voting power is below 25%... I think I need to let it RECHARGE!

Good luck to everyone!!

No good shooting Blanks.
( up vote range between 70 - 100% are good )
Especially , when you have small pack Batteries.
Anyway Thanks.
ps My is batteries low too.

Sure 'one for all and all for one'. Remember reading that.!!! More than happy to support and get supported. That's the smart way to go to help each other.

Thank you for this info is very useful for me as a junior

Another Big Vote to WP Supporter. @amuchtar

Votes Count 69

Support my member

Support @the-reef

my vote for @amuchtar

i vote for him. Being so helpful toward fellow indonesian

Just vote...just vote

my vote for him

Berbagi kebersamaan itu memang indah God job, sukses untuk# whalepower

Saya pilih dia ...karena dia adalah yang terbaik


alinurman ? how are you..

Im fine.are you fine now ?

sangat kreatif dalam membuaf suatu karya tulisannya,dan sangat bersosial dalam kehidupan,karna masih mau berbagi dalam hal kebaikan.

he I also choose him for always sharing in goodness

yeaah...nice post.

nice hadipedia

Ya saya juga memilih dia
Karna dia adalah seorang guru bagi saya

votingku buat @amuchtar

support saya buat bang @amuchtar

Support @amuchtar , buat cerita uniknya

saya support dia karena dia yang terbaik , dan sering membantu masyarakat bogor , banyak cerita manis dah buat @amuchtar

Good job friend

semangat buat adikku @amuchtar

Siap mendukung untuk hal yg terbaik untuk steemit Indonesia bg muchtar .

cerita yang menarik

voting buat support bang @amuchtar

support buat saudaraku @amuchtar


running fast...bro

that's so creative! :)

@muchtar is the best post

my vote 4 support @amuchtar good luck

votingku buat support om @amuchtar

Upvoted for Indonesia. Sukses

support @amuchtar

Teriring Doa..jazzakumullohu khoiroti wa sa'adati Dunya wal akhiroh..Aamiin..Aamiin..Aamiin YRA..
Moga sucses brother

semangat om @amuchtar

my vote for him

Support @ppagoda
Best value for #whalepower Community

Thank you

Always looks after your supporters, couldn't agree lesser.
One Big Vote to @ppagoda

Voting for @ppagoda
Being A Loyal Supporter !
I noticed he upvoting for everyone . Very generous guy.

Thanks Bossman

Andddd.... BOOM! A generous upvote for a generous guy!
Good luck @ppagoda

Thank You

My support for @ppagoda; a loyal supporter for me and all of #whalepower! : )

Support for the Winners

You are so generous WOTD
One for you.

Yay! Bonus for the Winners

Boom! Strong 100% upvote to give the winners some nice SBD!!

Good luck everyone!!

A little more support for the winners!!!

go go go, there is another additional prize to grab.
come poeple jin the game, and remember to support each other. : )

You are so generous @bullionstackers

#whalepower one for all, all for one

Yes, I am happy to add to this SBD! The winners will be so happy!

Support for the Winners)

Very generous of you. I give you one

👏👏👍👍... Support winners ☺

good one there. It will surely encourage the contestants

Ira, we believe in you, and maybe we will not win at the cost of the commentary, but that's the number we will definitely win, for we are one very friendly community.

Ира, мы верим в тебя, и возможно мы не победим по стоимости комментария, но Вот по количеству мы точно победим, ибо мы одно очень дружное сообщество.

My vote for @sokoloffa

Good luck, @sokoloffa

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My vote 100% for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

Vote Count 49

I support @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

@sokoloffa good luck

Good luck in the contest!

My vote for @sokoloffa.

@sokoloffa - Мы морально с тобой!!!

@sokoloffa the best leader 🙂

@sokoloffa I wish you win

My vote for @sokoloffa

I vote for @sokoloffa, too! Everything is possible!

My vote for @sokoloffa. Good luck.

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

@sokoloffa, good luck and I hope you will be winner

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

Hi, I support my honey wife Iryna @sokoloffa.

I vote for @sokoloffa. Good luck.

My vote for her)

I vote for @sokoloffa. Good luck.

@sokoloffa our president! :)

I vote for @sokoloffa.

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

I vote for @sokoloffa. Good luck.

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

I wish you win @sokoloffa,all Ukraine with you

My vote for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

I support my mother @sokoloffa

+1 for @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

Good luck in the contest @sokoloffa

My vote for @sokoloffa

I wish her luck in promoting her community to Steemit... ^^

Huya... no rules against supporting my own I suppose.

There is No Rules say you cannot Supporting yourself. Correct


These are the Rules

You are Suppose to help others in this competition.
You are Encourage to help other Contestants during this competition.
Do Not keep your upvotes for yourself! Give generously to other contestant.
Audiences can leave a reply , Why this contestant should Win? Below my comment.

Vote count 8

Thank you info is very useful for junior kmi

I vote for @tegoshei!!!

Thank you very much @bullionstackers

Vote Count 11

Good luck and hope you can win!!

Thanks a lot friend😊

This story is a great one! I really enjoyed it!

Hope that she can win!!!

Thank you very much @healthy-home
For your support and motivate.
I'm glad meet you here😊

Oooo yeah! Thanks @bullionstackers and all of #whalepower admin and member. Love you all.

Vote Count 4

ceritanya creative juga san

Vote Count 18

Terima kasih mbak @apri 😄

support for you :) <3

Thank you @sambassador

congrat mah :)

Terima kasih papah @syarrf 😊

Mantap dah


A good husband always wants to take care of his wife and make her happy!

Magical beans can help!!

Don't miss opportunities! When you see them, grab them!! Good advice in this post!

Yes, really good to use new strength to help others!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a very creative and fun story to read... <3

Saya pilih kamu kawan

I vote for this guys @bookrak. The best writer.

Nice post @akbarrafs. I read your post.

Dia itulah yang Good

Many thanks from the bottom of my heart. It's an honor for me to participate in this contest)

@bullionstackers, apa saya bisa ikut dalam kompetisi ini

Saya akan ikut dikontes ini, karena ini hal baru buat saya.

Aku ikutan kompetisi ini ya..
Karena aku masih baru gabung d steemit..
Tentunya ini menjadi akan menjadi ilmu pengetahuan lagi bagi aku..

Congratulations! This post has been awarded a 100% upvote by @lottobot! This post was selected from among all recent posts as the winner of lottery #1261, which had no valid entrants. You can win again by entering in @lottobot's regular lottery! To nominate a post for the regular lottery, just send 0.1 SBD or STEEM to @lottobot, and include the url of the post you would like to nominate as a memo. Learn more by reading the introductory post! Good luck!

ok , TY

Apakah saya layak untuk mengikuti kontes ini?

apakah saya bisa ikutan dalam kontes ini ?

Kompetisi ini terbuka untuk pembaca Steemit / Whalepower

Hallo @bullionstackers.
I already posted my story on my Blog. Could you take look please. I also already Follow you.

Thanks before😊

I Follow #whalepower Tag
I know who you are.
#whalepower Tag Hold better than FEED

terima kasih, perkenalkan saya dian dari indonesia - bogor dan saya sudah mengikuti kontes ini.

My vote @sokoloffa

Cukup menantang, butuh pemikiran keras untuk meramunya menjadi postingan berkualitas. Keren, tertantang sekali.

I was thinking of upvoting the comments, but I realised there are just too many. Sorry, hope it doesn't mess up the contest!

Don't worry! The rest of the comments dropped below.
Thanks for your concern.

Wow! Look at all of the entries. This is a great thing you are doing for everyone; its magical! My vote goes to @tegoshei. : )

you need to cast your vote in the require box.

Sorry about that. I just put my vote in the required box.

i miss out this.....congrats to those who win

Very good and helpful writing, follow back @nasir83. Many articles on environmental issues in Aceh, Indonesia. As

Your content is irrelevant Not #whalepower Support

Nice post

What is Nice Post?

hahahaha... please visit my entry for nice post

cara daftarnya gimana pak

Oh, I want to enter, but I am leaving tomorrow for a school trip. I hope I have time to write it!!

I will give some upvotes around to help everyone out!

Please vote shortly yes, please because we are new

After reading many of these, even though my time is short before this school trip, I will try to make a post into this contest.

It is great and thank you @bullionstackers @whalepower @the-reef and @paul-gillbanks for running this contest to help out us minnows!!!

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 7.12% vote... I was summoned by @bullionstackers! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

Thank you for your service Sneaky-Ninja, what a cute name.

good post, I like it.

amazing, hopefully be a lesson for me beginner

This post has received gratitude of 4.32 % from @appreciator thanks to: @accumulator.

my vote for @amuchtar


@amuchtar have my vote

selamat maju jaya

my support and vote for @amuchtar


13.69% @pushup from @accumulator

Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.