enjoy hanging out together // menikmati nongkrong bersama

in whalepower •  6 years ago 


Apakabar sahabat semua, di mana kalian berada, menikmati minuman dan makanan di pesan sering kita lakukan bersama teman-teman, karena kekompakan dan silaturrahmi semakin akrab dengan kebersamaan, semua progres isu yang sedang berkembang bisa kita selesaikan dan membahas bersama. untuk berkumpul teman sebanyak ini selalu ada acara-acara yang di hadiri, undangan, acara organisasi, persepsi keluarga.

What are you all friends, where you are, enjoying drinks and food ordered often by friends, because togetherness and friendship are getting closer to togetherness, we can complete all the progress of the issues that are developing and discuss together. to gather this many friends there are always events attended, invitations, organizational events, family perceptions.


Di cafe yang sama tetapi kelompok yang berbeda, empat orang teman sedang santai menunggu, sesuatu yang sudah di pesan, mereka sedang melepaskan lelah dalam bekerja seharian. Sedang mengingat dan merenungi benar mungkin juga salah yang sudah di selesaikan inilah bukti kebersamaan.

At the same cafe but a different group, four friends were relaxing waiting, something that had been ordered, they were relieving themselves to work all day. While remembering and contemplating correctly it might also be wrong that this has been resolved proof of togetherness.


Pesanan kopi sudah di siapkan, mereka menambah
Pasangan unik untuk di nikmati, sahabat bisa melihat, durian enak isi sangat tebal menjadi dan warna tembaga telah di belah dan di letakkan di meja, semua teman yang ada merapat untuk mendapatkan isi durian ini, komunitas-komunitas seperti ini perlu di bangun untuk mendidik sesuatu yang sudah menjadi tradisi, jangan selalu kita siarkan perpecahan setiap perkataan dan perbuatannya kita keluarkan, sehingga menjadi dendam terpendam dalam organisasi dan pertemanan.

Coffee orders have been prepared, they add
A unique couple to enjoy, friend can see, delicious durian is very thick and the color of copper has been split and placed on the table, all of the friends are docked to get the contents of this durian, communities like this need to be built to educate something which has become a tradition, we do not always broadcast divisions every word and deed we take out, so that it becomes a hidden grudge in the organization and friendship.

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Vote for witness @good-karma.

By #jhoni.

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looks like a nice place! coffee is awesome :)
i just had so much of it in the past few days.

my friend and I have a special time to meet and have coffee together, @roundbeargames,😊