Monochrome Monday ~ The Relaxing Joy Of A Drip ~ Original Photography and Discussion ~

in whatgardendreamsmaycome •  5 years ago  (edited)

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The Water Spigot

Lets Take A Peek Behind THIS House

Once a year our town sponsors a local Garden Tour, open to the public for viewing. (For a small fee, of course.) Local Master Gardeners sign up 12 months in advance, in the hopes their back yard artwork will be picked as one of the few special places toured by the public during this one-day event. A committee wanders the entry yards, and picks something like 10 gardens for the tour. This select group of gorgeous landscapes are placed on a map, and we of the public wander around, ooh-ing and aah-ing, and in-general marveling at these vunder-garden creations.

And let me tell you, these areas are INCREDIBLE. Gorgeous landscapes of flowers, green beauty and relaxation, tucked away behind houses and in alleyways, all over town. Places of mental sanctuary you would NEVER see, unless invited. Who knew? And ALL are downright incredible. I think I said that already. But they are truly hard to describe in a way that gives them their full due. They are all awe inspiring.

The Day Finally Arrives

Come Saturday, the public descends on these areas in droves. Like a herd of migrating wildebeest, wandering over, around and through these creations, viewing back yards, huge gardens, flower beds, and at times, INSIDE the house, to marvel and photograph the wonderful displays of nature. Every area is wildly different, and downright amazing.

And obviously, a LOT of work. And just like those wandering herds of the plains, the public pretty much trambles their way all over the place during viewing. I almost feel sorry for the gardeners. Then again, I suppose they DID invite us. Most folks stay on the desired path, though it is still a ton of feet, wandering these beautiful landscapes in one day. The areas survive, but are no doubt a bit worse for wear, once Sunday arrives. I guess they DO have a whole year to recover, or longer, since we probably won't ever be back this way again.

Photo One

This stand pipe above [↑] was part of an incredibly large water-garden area on the tour. A wonderfully quiet and relaxing grotto of bliss, to escape the hectic life of the city beyond. It is truly amazing what is tucked away in back yards and blocked alleyways all over town. Tiny corners of respite in brown and green one would NEVER see, if it wasn't for this yearly show. People are SO creative, and it's nice they share their gardeniferous work with us. If only once a year. I marvel at them, almost green with envy every Saturday I attend.

I Can Do That!

Every year, I go home after the show and plan and dream of making my very OWN little grotto, in my back yard. A quiet little corner of the place with a babbling fountain, complete with flowers and lush greenery surrounding a small, fish-filled pond. A lily-pad sanctuary of restfulness. The place to sit and forget the hecticity of everyday life. Ah, the joy and dreams of incredible relaxation.

And every year, I think back to some of the conversations I've had, during the show. Such as the 3 months it took for the guy with sandy hair to get ready for the tour. He re-sodded his entire back yard. Or the woman who just repainted the siding of the house for us (it was "still damp, please don't touch"). And the fact there is not a single weed in sight. Anywhere. In ANY garden on the whole tour.

It's at about this time reality comes home to roost like an 18-pound chicken on my noggin, in MY back yard. The yard where the bunches of weeds laugh at me as I head out the back door to hang the laundry on the line. The yard where I'm constantly admonished, as I traipse around with my big feet, "don't step on lunch!! " Ah, Reality de' Terra firma. This sort of gardening thing takes a MONUMENTAL amount of time, work and money. ALL year long. I now realize, there is an actuality to all of this incredible beauty, that we just don't see in a one day visit. It's pretty much a full-time job. I'm not sure I have the money, stamina, knowledge, or good old gardening get-up-and-go to make it work. For more than a week and a half. (Or a Martha Stewart crew to make SURE it happens.)

But, I still manage to relax. Any time I'm stressed, I tuck my imaginary, 18-pound garden chicken under my arm, and head off to the bathroom. Turn down the lights, flip on the green nightlight, twist the bathtub spigot to a pleasant little trickle, place the soap dish underneath for a 'boulder splash effect ', pull up a folding chair, and marvel at this B&W picture for awhile. Relaxation washes over me like a warm bubble bath in Yellowstone.

Which is a good thing. Now I can get to work, and finish up that Steemit post while it's still Monday, and OGP's Monochrome Monday challenge is still going on. And after it's all done? I'll head back to the bathroom, to my green glow, everyday spigot and splashy soap dish, and relax the entire day away once more.

Ahh, the stuff big dreams are made of.

~ Finto ~


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Posted: 06/03/2019 @ 14:16

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 148

Capture DONE Cabbage Carving Stinky paper route.PNG

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That looks like fun! ... and a lot of work. Maybe it's easier in the city, though. Around where my parents live, the deer, rabbits, chipmunks, ground squirrels, moles, etc. chew everything up.

That sort of reminds me of the huge Patio festival in the city of Córdoba, Spain. The patios are on the inside of peoples' homes so, most of the year, only the families see them. During the festival, though, you can enter and some of them are incredible!

I can do the fun part. The work part to keep it going, is probably beyond me. I guess it is a choice of priorities. I spend more time on here than gardening, and right now, cutting grass and doing summer chores. So the nice garden is a dream. We DO put in a food garden, so that is gardening, but more for eating. I gotta get on that soon. The weather hasn't been helping much. Do you put in a garden? Probably not, as you've been in school. And THAT takes even MORE time. Can't say as I miss it much....then again, I wasn't exactly a model student.
That patio festival sounds grand. I would love to see that. So many places to relax and hang out and they would be, no doubt, beautiful. I love a patio all lit up with light strings or candles. I have a bunch of hanging candles I put out in the yard when entertaining. When it happens, which is seldom, but it's fun.
Have a nice weekend, hope the weather is improving.

Thanks! The weather is supposed to be back to "normal" soon. We're stuck with a heat wave, now...

Yeah... No garden for me. My parents have taken up straw bale gardening, as they live out in the country, but I'm renting an apartment and don't have a place for that.

The Spanish patios are amazing. The older homes are almost like the Roman design, where they have a central patio in the middle of the home, and they have sometimes hundreds of pots stuck to the interior walls. During the festival, the patio is like a little room with flowers for walls, and many have a fountain in the center.

Festival de los patios

Thanks for the link. Amazing indeed. I would get NOTHING of import done in Spain...

Beautiful corner of the garden! It’s wonderful place for relaxing and escaping from the hectic life of the city, as you said, I absolutely agree.

Ah! I can do that… my large garden, too….. Hope my dream would come true very soon!!!

In the meantime, I think, I have to go straight to my bathtub, as you did, right now….. Ha ha! ;D

It is pretty, isn't it?! I'd love to have it in my yard, but know just what it would look like after a week. Oh well. I'll enjoy it vicariously at the shows. I'm sure your garden is lovely, and a nice place to hang out and relax. That would be very nice. Do you spend a lot of time out there? Working on it too? I think the bathtub idea is under-rated. A great place to relax, and think in your chair. I hope your weekend is looking to be a good one. Cheers from this part of the world my friend.

Yeah! It's really pretty! Unfortunately, I have no space for it in my little garden. I do hope to have it in my larger garden in near future. Sitting in a chair near bathtub shall make me feel relaxed right now! Ha ha! ;D

Thanks so much for your wishes. Have a wonderful night, GFF! ;))

I feel your pain... so many things I see and want to do. But so little time in the day to accomplish it.

So true, though I suppose we can be glad we aren't bored. THAT seldom occurs. Nice to see you bopping about on Steemit once again. I know how busy life can be for sure. Cheers on a Tuesday night, though you are probably smart and already in bed.

Haha. I love your problem solving ability. It reminds of that 80's refrain ... I can dream about it ...

I couldn't imagine letting that many people trot through my things but I suppose the garden is the gardeners canvas and they want them seen.

That is one thing to call it ( :
I remember it well, and I guess you do have to dream big, no matter the size of the reason. I agree with the tramping through your area/house/garden/life stuff. But as you say, that is their canvas. Thanks for stopping in, and hope your evening is going well. Cheers.

Oh!! I want one of those things! It looks so rustic and cool!

I hope you can put one in. Nothing like a babbling brook to keep you grounded and relaxed. Maybe someday it will occur. In the mean time, sit by the bathtub and DREAM BIG ( :

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Oh yes a lovely mono! Hello to you from me on vacation!

That changes everything. I've never sniffed a cat's paw. Do they smell funky, after kitty has run around a lot? Plus, it begs one to, when a couple of cats are talking in a back alley around the ash can, and one of them has bad B.O. What do they say? They can't use our term: "you're the pits", since they don't sweat from the arm pit, like we human beans do. So,what is their main saying here? "You're the paws!" Makes sense to me. Then again, so does eating overcooked macaroni, so who knows.