Sometimes, you find yourself in your house on the weekends with nothing to do. Well, it turns out there are TONS of things to do. Here are 10.
- Go for a jog or a walk around the neighborhood. Exercise is also good for your health.
- Lie on your bed or couch and listen to music.
- Take a warm bubble bath. Relax yourself.
- Go to the library and read a book.
- Clean your house and see if there are any old things you've forgotten about (old picture books, yearbooks).
- Try yoga. Yoga is calming, and improves your blood circulation.
- Call a far relative or a friend. Send them a postcard!
- Do a puzzle, crossword or Sudoku! They're always free in your daily newspaper!
- Try something new on an online course. Do something you've never done before. (Yoga, programming, dance tutorial etc.)
- Television is still okay. Also online games. It's best not to do it but you can go play some online games (Roblox, Webkinz, Club Penguin, Moviestar Planet).