# Ukraine. Kharkiv. City and war.

in whereilive •  3 years ago  (edited)


I live in a beautiful city - Kharkov, Ukraine. It is one of the largest European cities in Eastern Europe. With a developed industrial and social infrastructure and a population of about 2,000,000 people. Kharkiv was founded in 1654; it is the second most populated city in Ukraine. There are 16 museums, 45 universities, 6 theaters and main - a lot of wonderful people. At least that was the case until February 24 of this year, when neighboring Russia launched a military invasion of my country and my city.









I can’t say that war is a quiet process, which was familiar to me only from the books and stories of my parents, grandparents, who survived the Second World War and are very reluctant to remember it. This war turned out to be very noisy - from the explosions of rockets that fly into my city every day and every night now, and today too. War is scary because you don't know if a rocket carrying 500 kg of explosives will fly into your house when you are sleeping or when you are making coffee for yourself. It is Kharkov that does not currently have missile protection, but they promise to install anti-missile defense closer to autumn. The main thing is to wait, and that other townspeople wait, we hope, we really hope.
Now life is perceived differently than it was in peacetime. We remember what our city was like recently and get nervous every day when rockets destroy its face and kill Kharkiv residents. Kharkov will definitely survive this war and become even better than it was, but now the task is to live up to this moment. We believe in our army and our forces and we know that the Lord is on our side.

  • All images are taken from open and published sources to avoid the use of unedited images for adjustment and guidance of missiles.


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so sad to see all these buildings destroyed there is some absolutely stunning architecture there that can never be replaced.

They fire rockets every day so far and the destruction is only being added, but the city will be restored

I hope there will be an end to the madness soon. Stay safe.

We believe in our army and our forces and we know that the Lord is on our side.

I don't agree with Russian invasion, this has to be said first.
But I don't believe in weapons and armies as help in this case, and I don't understand your "Lord".
I think there should real effort be given to end this invasion or war by meaningful negotiations. And I think, this is what my "Lord" would appreciate.
I also understand and respect your need for hope and your need for defense against the enemy's weapons and troopers.
May the "Lord" be graceful and open the eyes and hearts of those who have the ability and the responsibility to end this, to end destroying and killing.

You know, a person’s worldview changes so much after falling under fire that both real and mystical concepts are intertwined and fall into the right places where they are supposed to be)

a person’s worldview changes so much after falling under fire

Please excuse me, you are very right - I should have known.
My father and grandfathers experienced war, but I never did. I even refused to go to the army and decided instead for a civil service.

A few moments ago I listened to an interview of a German journalist with a South African foreign minister. She was great in pointing out not to take party but insisting on ending this war very soon by negotiations.

This is my wish for Ukrainians: peace - in freedom and integrity.

Sie brauchen sich nicht zu entschuldigen), für mich ist Ihr Bewusstsein eine große buchstäbliche Freude, glauben Sie mir, das ist sowohl für Sie als auch für mich wertvoller als jede Entschuldigung. Was die Verhandlungen betrifft, erst nachdem wir sie aus unserem Land vertrieben haben. Es ist unmöglich, mit diesen Leuten zu verhandeln, sie werden täuschen und wiederkommen, um zu töten, wir kennen sie besser. Danke an das deutsche Volk für die Unterstützung der Ukraine!

Haha, wie geil. Ich komme zu dir nach Hause, ermorde deine Familie, zerstöre dein Heim und vergewaltige deine Freundin und du würdest mit mir Verhandlungen anstreben. Ganz großes Kino.
Das Teile der Europäer zu feigen Stiefel lecker geworden sind, machen sich die Russen zu Nutze, genau darum trauen sie sich das. Ich betone extra „die Russen“, das halbe Volk und die russische Kirsche steht hinter Putins Angriffskrieg.
Wenn wir sie ziehen lassen, fällt Kiew und sie stehen bald wieder am Brandenburger Tor.
Mann/Frau verhandelt nicht mit Mördern&Terroristen

Wie beruhigend ist es doch, dass Menschen Vernunft und Kraft haben.

Тримайтеся, харків'яни...

Привіт, примайся! Все буде Україна!

Та счас уже не так, шумно, скажу весьма неуютно когда искандер с белгорода из-за горизонта выныривает, хрен его знает куда, от нас 500 м один лег, впечатлений хватило, но так чтобы страшно прям, такого нет, опаска есть конечно, но человек привыкает ко многому. Держимся, было много хуже

у нас на днях тоже было весело... 20 м от дома ракеты (или снаряды) касетные 2 штуки прилетело и школу недалеко бомбонули... короче...пздц, до си пор отходим...

Кассеты это весело, у нас с самолёта в марте бросили, у подъезда двоих насмерть, отдыхали люди на лавочках, один ранен. Основные заряды упали на детскую площадку, за 100 м, там все печально и много было 200 и детей и взрослых