The backpedalling and coverups are grotesque.

in whitmer •  2 years ago 


I find it completely gross and maddening, yet also entirely predictable, that most of the governors and mayors who had the most viciously draconian covid policies are now back pedaling furiously, trying to rewrite history and pretend that they were heroes all along.

Do not let them get away with it. They were wrong from the beginning about virtually everything - from wildly overstating the risks, to actively putting covid infected people into nursing homes, to locking people in their homes and preventing outside activities, to shutting down schools, wrecking the economy first from shutdowns and then from inflation, to pushing the health care system to focus only on one thing at the expense of countless other deaths from treatable illness like cancer and heart disease, to fomenting so much fear and uncertainty on top of all that that it massively exacerbated a mental health and addiction crisis.

Whitmer, Cuomo / Hochul, Newsome & Garcetti, etc. deserve to be in prison, not merely to be booted from office.

Don't forget what they did.

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