Forget this 3301 nonsense, WE ARE 138!!!

in whoisfrankbacon •  8 years ago 

Dear Frank,

I was wondering when exactly all these people who think they're soooooo goddamn smart are gonna wake the fuck up and see just how sideways this shit really is. Todd Glassey is the guy who created what would later be known as Blockchain, and holds the patents (3 of them) that prove. Todd happens to be a good friend of mine, and wouldn't you know he also just so happened to be roommates with Robert Anton Wilson years ago. Small world, I guess....

Take care, and say hello to your parents for me. Your friend,


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I thinkI have been trolled

Me three!

Me too!

Me four!

me five!

3301 is a Marketing Meme for my CHAIN of SPAz...
Tell Todd to join us here on SteemIt. A man who's invented Blockchain should have NO problem using one... no? And as for RAW, run THIS by your buddy and see what he thinks.
The Check is in the mail!


I love the misfits

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me too

what does "we are 138" from the misfits mean? do you know?
