I guess I give people too much credit from time to time.

in whoopi •  last year 


As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I've always liked Whoopi Goldberg as an actress; but, she's shown via her years on The View that she's not a smart person.

I didn't support her suspension from the show and a couple of years ago for her asinine comments about the Holocaust not being about race, because it was in her view white on white. Still, what she said was freaking stupid.

It seems that we've been flooded with these morons who think that Ashkenazi Jews are just a bunch of European colonizers usurping land from indigenous Arabs.

Well, first of all, not all Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi. The Palestinians don't seem to care about the distinction, just like most of the white people in Europe and These United States don't seem to care.

Beyond that, the Ashkenazi Jews do absolutely have roots in the land.

Jews have been persecuted, discriminated against, and forced off their native land for five thousand years.

Why do y'all think the Jews in Germany and Poland didn't just declare themselves Christian to avoid the gas chambers during the Holocaust? It's because they're a different ethnic group.

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