Why dying person stare at a ceiling?

in why •  2 years ago 

All souls have to taste death,I am sure you have looked at a dying person and you may also notice their emotions before dying,there face have sadness,terror,relief or anger,you also notice many people stare at the ceiling in an attempt to avoid looking down.
When a person dies,they often stare at the ceiling,in this article we will discuss why does a dying person stare at the ceiling.

*Why does a dying person stare at the ceiling?
1)When a person dies, they loose physical control and sense of order,so in order to talk with their loved ones they try to stare at ceiling.
2)Many people stare at the ceiling because it is easier for them to do so than look around,you can easily focus on what's ahead rather than what's behind you.
3)When dying person stress at the ceiling tend to report a sense of calm and peace.
4)Dying people stares at the ceiling tend to report a sense of calm and peace.

  1. Dying people feel less stressed and more tranquil in their surroundings.
  2. Dying people avoid looking down in order to less their pain,a fear of being able to see anything below.
    7)Dying person look upward at the ceiling so that he can't be confused about his emotions.

*Why does a dying person stare?
1)Dying is painful process,where person has to experienced different emotions,he get confused by his emotions and find it easier at stare.
2)Staring at the time of death,is common phenomenon in human beings,like when the hurt pump people can feel the pain and starts staring.
3)Staring could be easier for dying person,as he loose his physical control and he can communicate with his loved ones.

  1. Staring at the time of dying, increase the chances of clear your mind and increase focus.

*Why does dying person ask for water?
1)As we know dying person loose physical control,which could increase the thrist level of people.
2)Dying person could more likely to suffer from dehydration so they ask for water.
3)When someone dies,their organ and tissues stop working,so they can feel thristy.
Important note: According to a study by the University of North Carolina at Chapel hill,43 percent of people who died in 2003 said they stared at the ceiling during their last hours,and for those who do stare at the ceiling,it's often because they feel overwhelmed or helpless.

*Why does a dying person at the ceiling after 3 minutes before death?
1)When a person dies,they may looked at ceiling in order to find consolation,the reality is that the dying person stare at the ceiling after 3 minutes for death so that they can source the comfort and support for many people.
2)When we see negetive side Of our lives and our impending that it is actually difficult to face the reality so dying person look at the ceiling to manage stress and take some deep breath, this will help to handle our emotions until day stay alive to reach the end.

  1. Also,another reason why someone might stare at the ceiling because it is comfortable while others may simply be looking for a way to avoid looking at something.
  • have you ever look at a dying person and seen all the different emotions that they might be experiencing?
    Yes, I have seeing a dying person and seen all of the different emotions.some of them are:
  1. I have seen the pupils are unresponsive and somehow look fixed and Staring.
  2. I have notice that their body is sometime hot or cold to our touch and sometimes their mail might have a blueish tinge.
    3)At the time of that poor circulation is very natural phenomenon and because of it heart is slowing down.
  3. I have notice that visuals and auditory hallucination are often lose in control they might see "another world" or talk to people or see things that others do not see.
  4. I have notice that the dying person experience and overly waterly eyes right before passing away and individual I may appear Glassy and Tear often.
  5. hour of moment before death eyes may be slightly open but appear not to focus on anything

*How do a person look when they die?
A person look when they die is different from Alive person.Some of them are:

  1. Feeling weak and tired.

  2. Sleeping more or being drowsy.

  3. Feeling hot or cold.
    4)Cold hands or feet.
    5)Eating and drinking less.
    6)Bladder or Bowel problems.

  4. Breathlessness(Dyspnoea)

  5. change in Pulse and Heartbeat are e regular or hard to feel or hear.

  6. person lose awareness can cause people to appear confused and or hallucination.

*What does it mean when a dying person stairs at you?
" "Death is not just the end of life; it's the most profound and mysterious of all human experience, preserving of our respect and reverence"
When a dying person stairs at you it means they want to communicate with you but they can't as they don't want have power to talk.

  • Why does a dying persons stair at the ceiling spiritual?
  1. In many culture and religion that is often viewed as a transition from this world to the next,
    during this transition and dying person may exhibit various science and behaviours that can be integrated speech or symbolic so the dying persons there at the ceiling spiritual sign is observed.
    For spiritual reason people may stair at ceiling because they may have lost in thought or experience confusion.Therefore, it is important to consider the context and other signs that a person may be exhibiting to determine if staring at the ceiling is a sign of dying.
    A dying person steering at ceiling have Medical and psychological explanation for this behaviour exist but there are also some spiritual connections:
    1)Some scholars believe that person is starting to detach from their physical body and prepare for their journey into the afterlife.
    2)Some believes it is way for the person to connect with a higher power or spritual realm.

*Can a person sense when death is near?
1)Vision changes: As the body begins to shut down a person vision may change.They may experience blurriness and darkness or see things that are there staring at the ceiling maybe away to focus on something in their life of vision.

  1. Delirium: delirium is a state of mental confusion that can occur in some people who are dying it is cause disorientation,hallucination and changes in perception, Starring off into space is a common symptom of delirium.
    3)Spiritual experience: dying person stare at the ceiling because he can experience spiritual the approach that end of the life. staring at the ceiling may be a way of focusing or or connecting with this experiences.
    4)Pyschological response:A time persons care at the ceiling because the thought and feeling of the person can be emotional and psychological experience.
  • How the last hours of life look like by?
    1)The last hour of life look like by changing in pearls and Heartbeat are irregular or heart to feel or hear.
    2)Body temperature drops in the body.
    3)Blood circulation of the body decreases.
  1. Breathing is interrupted by gasping and slows until it stop entirely.
    5)Skin on their knees, feet and hand turn a molted bluish purple (often in last 24 hours).

*Why does Jaw drop when dying?

  1. The Jaw drop when a dying persons there at the ceiling because at the time of that he loses his control of physical being and his nerves are out of his control at the time of death.
  • Does a dying person feel thirsty?
  1. Yes,some dying person feel Thirsty or dehydrated, A lot is happening in the body and its near to die.(Thrist is also indication of death)

*What is the death stare before death?
1)Dying person stare at ceiling or walls before that he may experience lot of emotions in his mind, his body organs and blood circulation is started working down and he stare before death.

*Is starring at the ceiling is a sign of health?
1)According to some studies staring at the ceiling before death is a sign of good health.

  1. By staring at ceiling,dying person can reduce stress and anxiety.

*What could be done to help those whose care at the ceiling?
1)You can help a dying person who stare at the ceiling by providing proper water and food.

  1. Talk to them about special events in their life.
  • Can a dying person hear voice?
    1)A dying person can hear voice but not so clearly as he is losing his physical power.
  1. A dying person can ignore the low volume voice,as he can't hear it.
  • Does dying hurt people?
  1. Although dying is natural process but it loses is control of physical function.
  2. Person can feel chest pain, shortness in birth.
  3. Some dying person can experience in 10th pain in the extremities and the stomach.
  • When someone is dying do they know?
  1. As dying is natural process a dying person may instinctively know death is near.
  2. When dying person experience changes in body they come to know about their death.
  • How do you deal with a death stare?
  1. Keep your eyes fixed on the person asking the question.
  2. Your expression should demonstrate neither Joy nor anger.
    3)Try to keep your head still without noting in approval or shaking in disagreement.
  • Why does eyes close at death?
    1)A dying person body stop working including the central nervous system.
  1. A dying person nervous system stand signal to keep the eyes closed.
  • What are dying person wants to hear?
  1. Every dying person want to talk about that best memories big events of their life.
  2. A dying person want to be around the love ones.
  • How long can a person hear about dying?
  • According to one of studies ,A dying brain can respond to sound, even in an unconscious state up to the last hour of life.
  • When someone is time what do they see?
    -A dying person often see ceiling when they die in an effort to communicate with their loved ones.They claim that people stay at the ceiling they are striving to regain a sense of order and control over their lives.

  • Why does a dying persons stair at the ceiling?

  • According to some scientist the behaviour related to the sense of control that people experience after they pass away.
  • What is delirium in a dying person?
    -Delirium is known as mood fluctuation, impaired memory, diminish attention span,sleep problems general disorientation and delusions and or hallucination.

  • When someone is dying what do they see?

  1. Some dying person watches Angels on their spiritual figures.
  2. They see Angels come to help take them away.
  • What are the impact of Death stare when dying?
  1. A dying person breathing finally stops.
  2. The pulses can't be felt, the person can't be aroused.
  3. The eyes is fixed and eyelids maybe partially open.
  4. Jaw drop and mouth fall open.

Death is natural process and have different meanings.

  1. From a spiritual perspective it could be a sign of soul detaching from the physical body and preparing to leave this world.
  2. Different religion have their own believe regarding why that persons stairs at ceiling.
  3. On medical side it may because medication side effect,fatigue and Delirium.
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