Aceh is the only province in Indonesia that has the privilege of establishing Islamic Shari'ah, the implementation of Islamic Shari'a has begun since the birth of Law. 44 of 1999 on the Implementation of Privileges of Special Province of Aceh, the Central Government has granted the privileges to the Government of Aceh to implement Islamic Shari'a legally and formally.
So unique is Aceh, something that does not necessarily exist in other areas exist in Aceh, it is not one of Aceh to be one of the areas so public national attention, maybe for those who often interact with outsiders will feel when to meet and say people from Aceh, so will come so many questions from those who are still curious about the privilege of Aceh
Sharia police or Islamic police officers are owned by almost every Islamic country, such as Arab, Afghanistan, Iran and Islamic State is different from middle east countries, Aceh is the only province in Indonesia which has a sharia police called wilayatul hisbah (WH)
Prophet Muhammad SAW in the heyday of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad SAW is immediately served as the official in charge of implementing the first hisbah in Islam, one of them by overseeing the activity of buying and selling in the market madina
Wilayatul hisbah is the official department established by the government of the Islamic State. The main task is to implement amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar. According to Ibn Taimiyah's term in al-Siyasah al-Shari'ah, the barmakna "authority" and "power" is owned by government institutions to uphold jihad, justice, hudud, do amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar, and help the persecuted, these are the most important religious necessities, as quoted from the official website of the WH of Aceh
WH has an enormous and wide range of duties. All that is ordered by the United States of America WH officers of the United Nations, and shorts, generally the law is a bit of enlightenment from the officers apart from that also often directly on the paint tights that can not be in use at a later date
In addition, WH officers are often reminders of WHO's for the peoples they use cars around the city with a mix that continues to instruct the adam immediately rush to the mosque
In order to minimize the number of immoral and munkar in Aceh, the WH also often raided hotel rooms where people do khalwal, or gambling place and also a place drunk people, such as in the whip for thosewho are caught in seclusion, gambling and alcohol
However, the WH is only in charge of observing the things that appear in the community, ie public cases that there is no clash disputes about the obligation to carry it out or leave it, in For Aceh, WH is also tasked to oversee qanun- qanun associated with the established Islamic law.