Pictures speak a thousand words and with each picture that is taken, a story is revealed! If animals could tell their story - we would hear more of family and the pride they take in that, adventure of how far and wide they travelled, territory and the battles they fight for their grazing rights and for their family survival, the playful youth, the rain, the sun, the cold. The different animals they meet and have to coexist and share the resources. They would tell you that humans are evil, that they don't get satisfied with what they already have, that they encroach on their grazing fields just to plant marijuana and other harsh drugs deep in the forest.
They would tell you this is why they come over to our side of the fence and feed on our baked gluten white bread, Instead of insects and leaves.
He would tell you that this was not his choice, to live in a 20 by 20ft cage all day everyday making unnecessary trips within instead of roaming freely in the vast wild without care hunting fresh antelope meat and some juicy warthog meat.
This strong chap would have a terrifying story, he would tell you that his whole 3 tonne mass is hunted down for a mere tusk that is sold on the blacl market for mere peanuts. He would also have a tear jerking story of how all his relatives were poisoned with and shot with arrows and that they are only a handful left in the world!
We met a number of them in their enclosures and all their stories were sad, they wondered why we called them wild animals and all they wanted was to be left alone and live freely in the wild. The animals they said - were US!! ( Story for another day )
These two brothers seemed happy though! I wondered if it was the carelessness of youth, the care free attitude of youthfulness, the ignorance of past and wondered if in 5years when they reach adulthood, what their story would be...
Lets take care of our Environment, mother Nature is unforgiving!!