thats funny shit the wingmakers talk about the censors that control the information so we dont know there fakeass control grids help keep us in division cooincouness so they can they hope control us into a human 3.0 brought threw transhumanisim cyborgs! but we are them and sustain them in our reality they are us wow! :P
oH yea and that mass surveillance silly shit isn't 2 help protect anyone but there fake illusionary so called control grid.
If you dont know who the wingmakers are basically there a verison of ourselves threw what u call time traveling came back here. So yea basically there literally us they came back and we created them 2 . To help us to awaking to the infinity coincouness beings that we are and step out of the illusion of seperation and into unity coincouness where the true power lies! As well as taking responsibility for our lives!