March Break

in winterfun •  7 years ago 

We have been busy here on this wintery March Break, getting a lot of outdoor fun.

The kids and I have spent a couple days in the bush with @earthmother. What a great time we had!

The kids were so excited to get there, that when we did, my son hugged a tree and wanted me to take a picture of him, I think this is one of their favorite places to be.


When we got there, we were greeted by chickens and ducks, dogs, cats and a goat. Although I did not get a picture of the goat.



The kids had a blast! They helped out with the chores, collecting eggs, feeding the chickens, bringing in wood. They worked together so well and not one problem. Not even any procrastination! I think I have to move to the bush just so that my kids can clean their rooms...To be continued ... LOL

All the kids played together for the rest of the evening, excitedly waiting for the next day to come.

When they were in bed, I got to sit with my good friend and just enjoy each others good company. She showed me how to meditate. I need to work on that still but I got a great insight to be able to continue on.
I don't get to see good friends often so this, to me, was like a getaway, a vacation, not just a visit.

The next morning, the kids did all their chores, brought in eggs for breakfast and got washed up, all while I was sleeping. @earthmother gave me a chance to sleep in! How cool is that?

They then got ready to play outside. We brought them to the sand pit.... well snow pit for some sliding. The hill was steep enough that they didn't even need anything to slide with!

Here are pictures of how it all played out :)




Frankie was bummed that she couldn't climb the wall. Although she did try very hard!



After seeing all the fun the kids were having at the hill, Frankie decided to tread the deep snow to have some fun. Poor thing kept on falling lol. When she arrived, she wasn't able to get up the hill and I wasn't able to get her up there was well. She's so heavy with all her winter gear and I kept sinking. Oh well, she had fun eating the fresh snow instead.

Here comes Emma...


I didn't get any pictures of her sliding. She decided it was better for her to slide when the other 2 were done. I was back at the skidoo with Frankie, was too far for a good shot with my phone.

The dogs had a blast too!


This is the new addition to @earthmothers family. My kids have connected with her so much. Who doesn't love a puppy?


Towards the end Frankie got very tired and fell asleep in the sleigh


Koda was asking to go home.


When we got back we settled down and @earthmother made us some scrumptious bbq ribs. They were to die for! I can still taste it. Yum!

Me and the girls came back home and Aaden stayed out there. He is getting more adventures packed in to his time off from school.

Enjoy your break everyone!


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Very interesting and naturing for children!

It is, it's what kids need most of :)

Looks like a lovely little vacation <3 So nice to get away and have fun with a friend. And chickens!!

It was much needed as well. It was nice to get out of the house!

Waaah must have had a cozy cold day 🦊. ^^

The kids are adorable would love to come and join the fun in the snow. ^^

That would be nice. It wasn't too cold actually. The days are getting warmer. Except for yesterday... out of nowhere it was quite cold. But nothing like a warm cup of coffee/tea and hot chocolate to warm up the soul :) xx

OOOh hot chocolate would love to have that. ^^

with whip cream made from baileys and chocolate sprinkled on top with a cookie stick thrown in there and and and oh don't forget the cherry!

That's a perfect combination foxy.

Kids bring such a wonderful energy to this place! Love having you all here! We certainly have had fun! We won't wait so long for the next time!! Xoxo

I agree. And no its been too long! xoox

Maybe when the sap is running.. we can have a day in the bush!

YUMMM! It's planned! A day in the bush for sure!

Omgggggg how beautiful!! The puppies and babies are the best!! I love these types of posts the most and these being your fam and environment makes this so much more special. Thank you for sharing your world with us. 💕

You are welcome, and I can say the same thing for you! YOu share so much, it's nice to give a little back :p

Yes thank you for the share!