Wisdom seeker: Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good. Proverbs 17:13

in wisdom •  3 years ago 

The science of wisdom teaches us which people to look for and which to avoid: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20. The most foolish people are those who do not act rationally, the reason of man by his nature seeks the good, that's why the rational man is not completely bad, but the impious people only reap destruction and chaos: "Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good." Proverbs 17:13. These people are identified by something that characterizes them, the crimes of passion.
Aristotle explains that we all judge according to our own measure, those who return evil for good do so because they only suspect betrayal by others, evil is a way of discerning. Impiety itself is an attitude of hostility towards God and all that mercy (compassion, gentleness, kindness) means: "No good comes to those who give comfort to the wicked, nor is it an act of mercy that they do. Give to the good but refuse the sinner; refresh the downtrodden but give nothing to the proud. No arms for combat should you give them, lest they use these against you; Twofold evil you will obtain for every good deed you do for them" Ben Sira 12:3-5.
Without saying it explicitly, what the Bible suggests to us in all its teachings on perversion is that evil has a scale and the wicked associate with each other due to the intensity of evil. People who are simply selfish seek out other selfish people and those who are cruel seek out those who mirror their own cruelty.
Cruel people, the impious, live in constant fear and do not feel safe even in their own home, the Bible explains: "Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind" Proverbs 11:29.
Wisdom seeker. Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good. Proverbs 17,13.jpg
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