Book of Wisdom - Wisdom a little coffee cup

in wisdom •  7 years ago 

A group of former students, now successful business people, gathered and visited an old professor at the faculty. The conversation soon grew into complaints of tiredness, exhaustion, stress at work, in the family and at every step of the way.
The teacher listened with full attention and compassion. "It seems like you need a cup of good coffee," he said, and retreated to the kitchen. He returned with a big pot that smoked coffee and a whole assortment of cups.
Each was different. There were porcelain, plastic, glass, paper, crystalline, ceramic ... Some looked expensive, as if they had arrived from the palace of the last Chinese emperor, the others looked quite ordinary, the third were torn and half-baked ...
"Serve yourself." When all the former students had a cup in their hand, the professor noticed: "Nice and expensive times are planes. On the table were left, untouched, ugly, ordinary and cheap cups. You want only the best for yourself, which is also the source of stress. And yet, the appearance of the cup does not contribute to the taste. A nice vessel is usually only more expensive, and sometimes it blurs what we're sewing. In fact, you all needed a good coffee, not a cup. Still, you reached for the best. And then you continued to measure other people's cups.
When you get caught up in the vortex of stress and discontent, remember that coffee is like life. And business, money, and social position ... like a cup. The cup does not define, nor does it alter the quality of life we ​​live. Sometimes, concentrating on the cup only, we miss out on enjoying coffee.
You drink coffee, not a cup.
The happiest people do not have the best, they get the best out of everything. They live simply, they say kindly, they love the generous ... "

Mudrost šoljice kafe

Grupa bivših studenata, sada već uspešnih poslovnih ljudi, okupila se i posetila jednog starog profesora s fakulteta. Razgovor je ubrzo prerastao u pritužbe o umoru, iscrpljenosti, stresu na poslu, u porodici i na svakom životnom koraku.
Profesor ih je slušao s punom pažnjom i saosećanjem. ”Čini mi se da vam treba šoljica dobre kafe”, rekao je i povukao se u kuhinju. Vratio se s velikim loncem iz kojeg se pušila kafa i celim asortimanom šoljica.
Svaka je bila drugačija. Bilo je tu porcelanskih, plastičnih, staklenih, papirnih, kristalnih, keramičkih…Neke su izgledale skupoceno, kao da su stigle s dvora poslednjeg kineskog cara, druge su izgledale sasvim obično, treće su bile okrnjene i polupane…
“Poslužite se.”Kad su svi bivši studenti imali šoljicu u ruci, profesor je primetio:”Lepe i skupocene začas su planule. Na stolu su ostale, nedirnute, ružne, obične i jeftine šoljice. Za sebe želite samo najbolje, što vam je ujedno i izvor stresa. A ipak, izgled šoljice ne doprinosi ukusu. Lepša posuda obično je samo skuplja, a katkad i zamagljuje ono što ispijamo. Svima vam je u stvari trebala dobra kafa, a ne šoljica. Ipak ste posegnuli za najboljom. A onda ste nastavili merkajući tuđe šoljice.
Kad se uhvatite u vrtlog stresa i nezadovoljstva, setite se da je kafa poput života. A posao, novac i položaj u društvu… poput šoljice. Šoljica ne definiše, niti menja kvalitet života koji živimo.Ponekad, koncentrišući se samo na šoljicu, propustimo uživanje u kafi.
Pijete kafu, a ne šoljicu.
Najsrećniji ljudi nemaju sve najbolje, oni izvuku najbolje od svega.Žive jednostavno, govore ljubazno, vole velikodušno…”
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very cool

yeah, a smart story, is not it?
