How to Bring Wisdom to Mankind

in wisdom •  4 years ago 

The question of how to bring wisdom to mankind is a valid one, in my opinion. The wisdom to live better is one of the great goals of humankind. However, I think this goal is just another term for a different, yet equally important, goal - the creation of a more just world, in which all people are treated with dignity and respect.

How can wisdom be brought into the lives of all people? I think the answer is in our own actions. A wise man does not think about, "How will I bring wisdom to humanity," he thinks about, "How will I make the lives of all of humanity better?
Think about it for a minute, why is it that some people have more respect for other people than they do for themselves? I'm pretty sure you know that you deserve respect, but you don't necessarily think you deserve it. The key to getting it is to believe in yourself, and then act accordingly.

This is the very same principle that applies to human beings. I mean, even though it may seem like wisdom to a wise man is impossible to achieve, we can all practice it by simply believing that we are as good as others are. We can then do what's required to live as if we're smarter than everyone else.

Of course, it takes effort to achieve the degree of self-esteem necessary to change the attitudes and behaviors of human society. You have to be willing to learn from others, but also believe in yourself so that you can become the person your fellow citizens respect.

We have to realize that it is not our good looks or talents that make us more worthy of respect than the people around us, but our willingness to be a part of humanity. It is a good idea for each of us to take a trip on an airplane where the pilot asks for our seat. In most cases, those passengers will be men and women who are less fortunate or even less intelligent.

Some of them will be there because their luggage or equipment needs to be placed on the plane. Some will be there because they have been delayed or are running late. Still, we should all be grateful for the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of those on this plane. plane, because it helps us see ourselves as we are.

When we act as if we are more than we are, we will have a greater opportunity to bring wisdom to the world. We are all in essence more than the people around us, and we have a unique ability to bring wisdom into the lives of other people.

We are not just a bunch of ignorant people; we're part of Humanity. When you practice this attitude, the world will eventually be ready to accept us for what we are. And we will, in turn, be ready to change its ways, and learn how to do the same.

The trick is in our willingness to give up what is ours and to become one with humanity. Once we begin to understand that we are part of a greater whole, then we will begin to understand that the world will look at us with respect.

We'll no longer have to worry that someone will judge us because we are not perfect. and, in fact, we are just as good as we need to be.

Remember, if we truly want to bring wisdom to the world, we need to become as wise as ourselves. If we believe that we are better than everyone else, then we will have more control over the judgments that will be made against us. Instead of having to be the ones to answer questions, we'll have to be the ones to act.

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