Steps on How To Sell on Wish with CedCommerce

in wishmarketplace •  2 years ago 

CedCommerce assists merchants who wish to sell on the Wish marketplace by providing cost-effective extensions that are equipped with cutting-edge futuristic features. Sellers may automate their Wish sales with the Wish Extensions from CedCommerce and enjoy the most simple trading experience. To do so, a vendor must REGISTER on the Wish marketplace.

Upload Inventory on our extension’s admin panel-

Once the sellers install marketplace Integration extension by CedCommerce, they need to list product inventory on the extension’s admin panel. After this, the inventory can be uploaded to the Wish marketplace. While using our extension, product requirements can be identified and managed accordingly in terms of the following pointers.

  • Inventory Data: Using the CedCommerce extension, you can identify the data that needs to be on the Wish marketplace. Adding such crucial data adds to the visibility of your product(s) in the search engine ranking as well as on the marketplace itself.
  • Create Variation: You may create the product variation using the CedCommerce extension for Wish. It gives the users detailed information about your product(s) on the Wish marketplace. Try and optimize the product listings with enhanced plus content.
  • Add Images: Adding apt images helps the sellers get noticed by the buyers. You can do so easily using the extension provided by us.

Map Store Inventory with Wish Marketplace:

Like multiple other marketplaces, Wish also has a particular format for the inventory data. And, this extension makes the process of mapping inventory information to the Wish product field a simple method.

Send Listing on Wish:

Once the inventory information is mapped, sellers can start sending products to Wish. Our extension further simplifies the process of uploading products on the marketplace.

Product Purchase on Wish:

Once the products have been sent to the Wish marketplace, they are available for buyers to purchase from there. Hence, they can purchase the products and make payments in accordance with the chosen payment method.

Order Management:

The orders that customers place on the Wish marketplace for your products can be imported to the admin panel of the CedCommerce extension. The orders get retrieved from Wish and also get acknowledged as per the settings. From here, the orders can be seen along with the details. Shipment of the order can also be done using the easy-to-use features of the extension.

Order Shipment

The extension will notify the Wish marketplace on your behalf when you fulfill the order.

Why selling on Wish with CedCommerce is beneficial?

In answering sellers' vital question – how to sell on Wish, it’s important to tell the transforming role that CedCommerce can play for them. CedCommerce has multiple extensions to sell on Wish marketplace for sellers using multiple frameworks such as Magento, Magento 2, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, and OpenCart.

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