Museum of Tsunami Aceh

in wista •  3 years ago  (edited)

Museum Tsunami Aceh berlokasi di Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Sukaramai, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh. Posisinya sangat dekat dengan Masjid Baiturrahman
( The Aceh Tsunami Museum is located on Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Sukaramai, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh. Its position is very close to the Baiturrahman Mosque)


Ketika memasukinya, kamu akan melewati sebuah lorong kecil dengan pencahayaan minim. Lorong yang disebut ruang renungan ini akan membuat perasaanmu campur aduk.
ruang The Light of God (cahaya tuhan)

(When entering it, you will pass a small hallway with minimal lighting. This aisle called the contemplation room will leave you with mixed feelings.
The Light of God space)


Museum Tsunami di Aceh yang wajib di kunjungi ketika berada di Kota Serambi Mekkah. Liburan jadi lebih berfaedah, karena disana kita bisa belajar banyak hal tentang sejarah tsunami Aceh

( The Tsunami Museum in Aceh is a must-visit when in the Veranda of Mecca. Vacations are more useful, because there we can learn many things about the history of the Aceh tsunami)


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