Self Help Magicks

in witchcraft •  7 years ago  (edited)

Self Help Magick

I’ve been intentionally practicing magick since I was a young teen. It was something that I’d been doing for a long time without realizing it, so once I could name it, “magick” and “witchcraft” quickly integrated themselves into my identity.
When I was in a eight year relationship with an emotionally abusive, gaslighting narcissist who slowly but diligently negged me out of practicing, it was like I’d lost a limb. When I finally found the courage, at around the six year mark, to say "I want to practice magick again", I found my power. I started practicing and I finally found my voice. Two years later, I confidently clawed my way out of the hole. The words "I don't think this is going to work" left my mouth. I whispered them, mind you, but I still got them out!
A lot of the magick I did during that year and a half period is what I consider essential self help magick. It's a lot of maintenance to keep the self running and motivated. These methods are short, sweet, and simple for low energy practitioners. I get a lot of requests for what I do specifically in my practice, but I feel that everybody's practice is different. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am not a therapist, physician or a mental health professional of any sort. Magick is not an outright cure for mental or physical illness and should never replace professional help. If you or a loved one is having a crisis, please seek a professional or call a local hotline. Here is a list of suicide prevention hotlines from around the world. If you need help, please reach out.

Sigils and and mindfulness are great allies.

sigils and hypersigils.png
Sigils are one of the most versatile weapons in your magickal arsenal. They can be used anywhere, any time, any which way. Narrowing down your wants and needs into carefully crafted sigil phrases too can help you focus on your long term goals, giving you an anchor to the here and the now every time you charge and cast.
Hypersigils, multiple sigils smooshed together, typically in the form of a story or art piece (any medium) can be an incredibly cathartic outlet for creativity. Every time you work on a hypersigil (which typically become pretty immersive), you are rest assured that you are working towards your goals.
Mindfulness is being fully present in the here and the now. Feel your body and really experience what’s happening around you. Mindfulness, in short, keeps you grounded and focused on tackling problems head on without having knee jerk reactions. If I can’t meditate, I at least try to stay mindful throughout the day.

Glamours help instill confidence.

I don’t know about you, but I feel better when I at least feel like I look better. Consider glamouring yourself to project the healthy, happy, vibrant, beautiful, confident person you’re turning into. “Fake it till you make it”.

Sympathetic magick can work wonders.

voodoo doll.png
Make a poppet of yourself (and keep in a very hidden or special place) or dedicate an altar to yourself.
Treat them how you want to be and should be treated.

Ground and Center. Cleanse and Banish. Ward and Protect.

Basic techniques that most fledgling witches and magicians know. They should be a part of your regular magick routine, but if you are feeling low, it’s easy to forget.
Low energy cleansings can be simple visualizations while you’re practicing basic hygiene; like imagining all the astral gunk you’ve accumulated throughout the day is being washed down the sink while you’re taking a shower or bath.
A low energy banishing might be loudly proclaiming that all the “bad stuff” in your space needs to get the heck out! Spritzing any type of charged water or holy water around the room with a spray bottle when you can’t use usual methods might also be a good idea for cleansing and banishing.
Try to sneak in as many purposefully mindful and meditative moments in throughout the day that you can.


If you have a patron deity, when you’re feeling low is an alright time to petition them for guidance. Make sure you’re honoring them in whatever way is appropriate for that specific deity.

This is all very easy, straightforward stuff that is easily adaptable to fit your paradigm.
Thank you for reading! If you have anything to add or talk about, by all means please leave a comment! I look forward to seeing them!
Until next time!
- Bun Mom

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You may not use 'weapons' as a word,
because you want to heal and not to hurt.

However, I really enjoy your art
and I agree to you so much.
I hope, that you won't lose your guard.
Stay with your own magic in touch.

I like the way you laid this out in a simple straightforward manner. It reminds me that I tend to neglect my own spiritual work too much.

When I'm feeling down, regular maintenance stuff goes out the window and I can only read very straightfoward stuff.
So I figure I can't be the only one.
You can do it :) Don't pressure yourself, of course, but you can totally do it.

I dunno why I didn't read this before: This is a very lovely post, and one that definitely resonates with how I've been feeling lately. This is gorgeous :3