Paying For A Witness Vote. The "Offer" and My Reply.

in witness-category •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is not going to be an easy post to write, as no matter how I word it, there are those who shall understand it, take it at face value and there are those who shall for whatever reason try and twist my words around into something that I did not think, write or say!

I guess I can apply my rule of thumb:

“I am only responsible for what I say, not for what people understand”

What I am about to mention is my first one on one encounter as far as “Witness vote selling” goes.

I had a conversation in which one of our witnesses openly mentioned how they are considering “selling their witness votes for financial gain”.
The witness has a substantial amount of proxied votes and in my case can make me jump from position number 50 where I am at the moment of writing this post, back to position number 46 where I was earlier today.

Openly, in a calm manner, very up front, without any hesitation, which I do appreciate as it wasn’t said to me in any secretive or roundabout way. So at least I admire that open and up front approach, I do like straight shooters when it comes to business. So don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t an unpleasant conversation, just one that I have to talk about openly so that I get it off my chest without going behind any ones back.

Maybe I should have done as I was planning to do and that was to write this today, sleep on it and then read it again tomorrow prior to posting. Well, yes, that would have been my regular approach, however there is nothing that I can say tomorrow that will differ from today except maybe some added “diplomacy”.

The proposal was that

“I calculate how many more blocks I will be producing with that witness vote and to split that 50/50 with the voter”.

The person also mentioned how they are considering a split with all the people who are using them as a proxy.
Now, I was kinda left speechless for a minute or so, felt like 10 minutes, idk.

Personally, I am all for a logical and efficient business approach to anything that outright concerns “Money”.

However, in this case there are a few things that I cannot agree with, namely I shall not be able to take this offer on and my reasons are the following:

1- It actually defies the entire governance model of our ecosystem.
True, it may be the case that some people are already selling their votes for money.
But if it is happening, it is happening in a way that I have not come in contact with it to date.

Some may claim that “vote trading” is the same.
I dare say that when voters exchange votes for whatever reason they may have and do not ask for a financial payment is not anything of a “sale”.

Everyone votes for different reasons and in the case of witnesses who vote for each other, I’ll openly admit that when a witness votes for me, I try to find a way to return the vote for them. In a way I do feel that I owe them, that they have done a good deed by me and that I need to return the good deed. Maybe I’m wrong, I’m not saying that I am right, what I am saying is that I feel that way when a Witness votes for me. Just saying it as it is.

So, someone supports me and I will support them, I will even go out of my way to make sure the people I hang out with hear that “so and so witness” voted for me. Not in a way that suggests to them that they should vote for that witness, but in a way that puts the information out how I have gotten the support from a fellow witness.
So, consider that to be what you wish, this is how it is.


2- Supporting people out there who have voted for me.

I have looked at this from many angles and I’d much rather say that I am supporting people who have and are supporting me.
However after this experience, I shall undeligate my bots @jackmillerbot and @thanku bot, and shut them down. So that no person out there can twist those two bots around into something that they are not.

There are already witnesses in the system who take advantage of their “upvoting” capacities and make it well known how they have the ability and delegations to give nice upvotes, so it is kinda “understood” that a witness vote their way can’t hurt. Without ever saying it, but that is how people feel/understand it! Yeah, they are hoping for a nice plump whale vote their way if their witness vote gets “noticed”. But that is an entire different story and I won’t get into it.

Basically, I have made my decision to do this as I don’t even want to give the impression that I am doing anything of the sort.

I shall delegate the 500SP from thanku to UMVbot and the 500SP from thanku to ANZUB.

Simple as that.

3- Further more. I have already paid for my server and tech support all the way through to March 2019.
My wife and I have agreed that all the earnings made from block production via my witness server shall go to charity.

Whatever that $ figure may be on the day the conversion rates are calculated for Steem, that is the amount in FIAT that shall be dealt with. Simple as that. So the Steem being paid into my account from me running a witness server is NOT MINE. Well, in a way it is, but it isn’t for me and I shall not give it to others.

The option of me earning Steem via posts to pay for a vote is again just not going to happen.

I could probably write an essay on this, but so far I have managed to make it VERY CLEAR that it isn’t going to happen.

Why am I not mentioning any names here in this post.

Well, I said to the person that they have 15 days to tell me what they have decided or defined.
So in fairness to them, I shall not mention a name.

Hopefully that person shall read this and see it from this angle and maybe think about it from this point of view. Likewise respect me for not doing the dirty to them by talking about it all behind their back.

Only fair considering that it was laid out to me on the table as to what is expected from me to get the big mamma of a vote that can put me back to where I was this morning!

Now, again, I don’t judge anyone for their decision to proxy to someone, I don’t judge anyone for their decisions and reasons for voting for someone. I don’t judge this person either for considering this type of approach.

It must be frustrating to not be in the top20 and hold idk how much Steem in SP.

Seriously, it must be frustrating to deal with reality and sure, as a human being who wants to succeed this person is now looking at ways to make their goals happen. It doesn’t mean that they are “bad” what it means is that they want results which they haven’t achieved with the methods/means used to date.

So they are exploring different options out there. This is in a way a form of “Creativity”.

So let’s not judge, let’s try and understand WHY some people are frustrated with some of the things that are happening the way they are!

Whatever the case, I had to get this off my chest without going behind anyones back.

Not my style, likewise, I feel that a post was and is the only way to do this openly and sincerely.

Thank you for reading.

Hope you can appreciate my situation and the fact that I as a Dolphin am not in a position to pick a fight with a whale. So this is my way of making sure I don’t get burned in whatever the future here may hold in terms of selling or not selling votes for $.

Yours truly

Jack Miller

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Sadly it really doesn't surprise me this has happened, and it is most likely nothing new either. Personally paying for a Witness vote from someone else not only goes against the entire Delegated Proof of Stake system, but also carries an inherent risk - other then someone's word what is stopping them removing the vote after receiving payment - and where Proxies are included as part of the deal - how can it be guaranteed the proxy will not decide to change proxy or vote manually themselves in future.

I think it is a credit to you as a Witness that you declined what could have been a lucrative offer, and have been completely transparent about the entire situation. Witness voting is still a community driven aspect, even if the active community hold a relatively small proportion of the voting power. It is important I feel the community is as informed as much as possible about everything that is happening, good or bad so they can make informed decisions on how to vote and who to vote for.

#thealliance #witness

I have seen a lot more community witnesses rise over the last year. Yeah, it is slow but, I think, we are heading in the right direction.

You are a prolific commenter by the way!

So you "feel" that witness vote buying is bad for the platform...

Well, here's some science on that matter in an awesome post:
How Vote Incentivization Degrades Delegated Proof of Stake by @anyx.

Where money is involved, I'm sure there are disreputable ways to gain it. I wouldn't doubt one bit witness votes have been and are being sold. Sad truth, and that's why there is a reform slowly taking place on the chain. You see it, you're a part of it. Will take time, but I see a brighter future ahead.

I think there are a few things disturbing about this concept Jack. Whales already have a much stronger vote to start with so witnesses have needed to go the extra step to get their attention and vote.

For that extra step to involve spending funds, that really is an old fashioned bribe. From what you've written here, this person is not just using his stake to extract bribes but the stake of others who have proxied their votes to the person believing they would make wise choices for witnesses.

Did this person advise people who proxy their votes to him that he was going to use their stake as leverage to extract bribes? That in future their votes would go not to those who earned them by their contribution to the community but by the size of their wallet?

So, not content with extracting a bribe from witnesses in order to gain a witness vote of some weight, he also wants 50% of any increase in pay earned from said bribe? Again, has a solid deal been made with those who he is using their stake to profit from being informed of what is going on and do they consent to this use of their stake?

I certainly hope that if this witness proceeds with these corrupt and immoral practices of extracting bribes that he and any others who do the same are named so the community has opportunity to respond to this behaviour through their votes.

Interesting read. I suppose there will always be "shady" peeps out there doing things they deem to be OK while others say no or don't agree. I myself try my best to walk the straight and narrow more for Karmic reasons beyond all else. All I can say is if the system allows it to be possible someone will find the way to use it. Enjoyed Jack.

Glad you are not vote buying mate :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A respectable way to stay true to yourself and your path, while respecting the choices of those around you.

After all, the decisions made by all of the Steemit witnesses enevitably affect every investor, user, and businesses on this blockchain. The fact that you are open and honest, whether you agree or disagree with vote buying, is something in itself to appreciate.

I can see the issues that Steemit has surrounding it, but I can also see those who making choices to work towards solutions.

I won't fault those who sell solutions to problems, that sort of creativity is what makes opportunity for others (be it good, bad, indifferent). We learn from mistakes but AFTER they've been made.

We surely have no idea what solutions can will fix the issues that plague this platform, however, we can surely discuss it openly and honestly.

Regardless of what we feel is right, we won't know until we have tried, failed and observed the consequences of our actions.

We may not have much data or trials to go by for Steemit witness vote buying, BUT we do have centuries of corrupted governments to observe. I've yet to find an election that was paid for that benefitted the peoole half as much as it did the elected politicians.

I think it's safe to say there's no instance where soliciting positions of power in exchange for kickbacks has ended well for any society to date.

I have no issue with those who choose to sell their votes, it is usually those buying them that you must worry about first. 😉

Stay the course, Captain Jack. This dingy will become a cruise ship, just keep your sights set on the destination...

I am a little disappointed, every time I read things like these, that happen in high places, and leaders who should set the example of preserving and making prevail the ethical and moral foundations, that the steem governance tries (theoretically) to protect.

However, you my friend, you are an example for many steemians and especially for witnesses.

From the first day I read it, I support and promote your witness. I know I was not wrong.

Do not worry, God has it in the place where you will be used according to the divine purpose, that is the safest place where we can be.

A big hug, God bless you.

I have only recently started thinking about witness voting. Nobody has offered to buy a vote from me because I don't have enough voting power to make a difference.

You are the only witness that I've voted for who bothered to say thank you. I appreciate that.

Well about the fact of giving votes for votes, I don’t disagree with you cause I also feel good turn deserves the other.
It’s such a difficult case to judge those that pay for votes as everyone has got an opinion or the other . But whatever reason it may be , is it worth it ?

I want to tell you, I wish I wans't voting for you already, so I could ADD you as a witness!

I've said it before, but here, again:

You earn my witness vote on Openness and Fairness alone.
Your availability to respond to question, and your openness are reason enough.

Once again you prove yourself to be a man of honor. There are many things in this world you can do that are 'legal' but are not morally correct to do. This would fall under that category in my head.

All I can say, with my jaw still dropped to the floor is THANK YOU for being YOU!!

and yes, unfortunately, you always have to cover your A$$ in this day and age. I'm sorry to hear this is going on.

Some may claim that “vote trading” is the same.
I dare say that when voters exchange votes for whatever reason they may have and do not ask for a financial payment is not anything of a “sale”.

How is this different than vote selling/buying via bots ?

many say, vote buying on bots is similar to paying for advertising on other media.
Since most bots return less than the initial buy, it is indeed a form of advertising, with the return being eyeballs, or exposure.

I find that to be true for most part , the nomenclature however ( bots /vote selling) is unfortunate !!

I'm talking Witness votes, not votes on posts.

I understand , I am just asking what is the difference in concept ?

if it is wrong to sell witness votes isn't it wrong to sell post votes as well ?

Totally different values involved.

Witnesses are here to ensure the blockchain "exists" and the top20 in particular are the ones who have to ensure that the blockchain is "safe" and "running smoothly", not to mention they are the decision makers on the Hard Forks.
So a Witness vote is = RESPONSIBILITY.

While voting on posts does not decide who shall have the responsibility and who shan't on the future of our blockchain.

So that is what I would clearly state as the difference in values is.

I see , so similar to how the government officials are held to a different standard than private citizens...

makes sense.

Well, the only difference being, that when voting for government, your vote is 1 vote. Equal in value to any other persons vote.

While here we have DPOS, in which the size of the voters investment determines the weight of the vote. Meaning the more a person has invested, the more their vote is worth.

So although, governance can be compared in some ways, such as the responsibilities held by those who are voted in to make decisions, the voting system it self can't be compared.

But in essence yes, if voters give their proxy to a person who abuses it or if voters vote in persons who shall not necessarily look after the best interests of our blockchain, then yes, I guess we could compare the governance along with the (i)responsibility of the voters.

Agreed , it's similar but not the same.

It's old school style voting when only land owners were allowed to vote , you know , the good ol days.

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I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I think this was a well thought out and put together post. It gives you an opportunity to express your concerns and plans moving forward, and it also gives any other parties a deeper insight into what you are thinking without calling them into the spotlight.

The greatest "flaw" with freedom is that the closer to pure freedom one gets, the more of an opportunity to do just as much bad as good. But in a system where everyone is honest and respectful, this can be its greatest strength as that openness in and of itself guides and filters the players in the system.

Unfortunately this is a known and ongoing issue that jumps from person to person. It doesn't work in the long run.

Selling and auctioning witness votes is a tried 'business venture' that fails time after time and typically has severe repercussions. It's like moving to Alaska to sell ice; a poorly thought-out business venture.

This is one of the reasons why I have always supported you. You are a man of your word and a straight shooter. I have always felt weird trying to get votes for my witness because of things like this and the whole vote for vote thing going on, but it is a game that we have to play. It sucks, but the buying of votes takes it to a new level.

Right on!

And a delegation to the UMVbot? Nice! Throwing my small vote in on this post and appreciate that you are helping.

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One could not be more blatent about it than this witness. 😎