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@kevinwong - shameless as I am I will rape the reward pool by upvoting my own comment with my massive SP to confirm i am voting for your witness. A MUST for 3 reasons: 1 - You DJ, 2 - You been one of the first 5 on Steemit to engage with me, 3 - You take care of the community. Will vote tomorrow!

hahahah....i like your style @uwelang <3, when you run for witness I will do the same for you :D



This is the beginning! Super!


thanks @uwelang lol funny as ever *off to go engage more for more votes*

  ·  6 years ago 

@uwelang, If you ever visit KL, Malaysia, you should definitely meet up with Kevin. He is one awesome cool guy who willingly support the community and doesn't want to be in the spotlight area. As one of Team Malaysia member, I am super grateful we have Kevin here. I have met him a couple of times, but I didn't dare to talk to him because he is THE Kevin Wong. But deep down inside, I am really thankful. And totally support him as witness. Voted! And confirm voted!

Posted using Partiko Android

:D Thank you for your post and for all you do here on Steem!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey Kev,

I don't know if you're currently top witness material, but you surely have the potential to get there. I'll always remember how you took my recommendations for complete strangers I was curating before I even knew that Curie existe, and how you were the first whale who came by to upvote an unknown startup community like @comedyopenmic so generously and putting your faith in us experimenting with a volunteer base community with rotational leadership of international jokers trying to disrupt the blockchain with a little humor.

I've always seen your devotion the the little peeps....the heart beat of Steem, aka the minnows, I've seen your passion to curate and bring reward to the talented, but most of all, your joy of giving of yourself to others, in art, music, philosophy, positive inspiration, and even with your mouth covering bandanna mystique 😁.....that kind of sharing, that's your passion.

I'm honored to give you my witness vote, I've been asked by a fellow COMer for my witness proxy, nevertheless in the interest of supporting big hearted witness who I believe will help take us to a new generation here on Steem, I will ask him to support you, I'm hopeful he will, either way, you will surely have my vote sooner than later.

Welcome to the witness club, I don't know what you have planned as you climb the ranks, but I'm confident it will be exciting and will be looking forward to seeing your creative ways to disrupt the blockchain. Do us all a favor and raise the bar for all witnesses. Also when you do come up with something cool, let us know if we can help!

Will get the word out to the the community of @comedyopenmic, we got your back!

Steem On!

Drop by discord, let me introduce you to everyone who haven't yet had the opportunity to get to know you <3

COM Discord:

happy to plonk a vote down on a Wong. I have noticed your name often and always in support. Hope you crash into that top 20 and shake shit up my man!!

Eh that's too much good words lol. really I don't do much at all, just autovote all day long here most of the time now. Got no plans to climb other than what I've already offered on the table here on this post. Up the community dedice and share it out if they like it. Just want write stuff here and keep building SP.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ah you're too modest, you probably come from a culture who exemplify humility (ironically it's often not attain by most in such a culture).......your generosity, optimism for the future, and belief there is still space for altruism in humanity brings balance to our current world of so many who are over-focus on just resources, monetary value, and being self-centrict

you don't know yet, but this is just a first step for you into another're an elected official of Steem now, be it by popularity, by good vibes, by old-school big fishes, or by doesn't matter. What matters is that you can start shaping the direction of where you want Steem to steer as we journey together.

Come say hello in COM Discord.....we need leaders like you to drop by even if it's just to visit our rabbit hole, it will greatly encourages the peeps!

Hey @kevinwong, 加油 (jia you)!

Hey @kevinwong, 加油 (jia you)!

There's my vote, @kevinwong. Thanks for everything you've done for COM and for Steemit in general.

You also have a supporter here :) ! I like your honest and straight to the point way of putting things @kevinwong and while I don't understand much (or about nothing) on tech and programming specifics I can agree on how we need to build communities that create points of interest for new and potential users. As a musician I've been finding a great joy networking around here and building new relationships , also it has allowed me to have some sort of revenue for my own art , also helping others is a possibility for me here , even as a minnow account I've been able to push and support initiatives that I like . After being kidnapped and blackmailed ....ahem....invited by @diebitch and @dj123 to the COM family I've come to see one of the hardest working communities around here and am also grateful for your support over there :) ! Cheers!



Many yap. Few act. Kevinwong doesn't talk much but he does a whole freaking lot. Add to the mindset of never overselling or overpromising aka shilling. It's called honesty and that is more scarce than "good coins" in this cryptosphere filled with greedy b*rstards.

Give him the votes people!

I still remember how in my first weeks here, I'd always come to your posts for some insight, humor and of course, upvotes. lol Also I've seen how you're always supporting the little guy, educating, and inspiring steemians in general to let loose every once in a while so, of course you have my vote.

P.S I still listen to "the girl from ipanema" from time to time so cheers for that too.


I also join the wave of support. I trust Dj's eye. We wish the best for the platform and we will support any initiative that ensures the good of it.

This is awesome, He's not much of a talker but I always know he's in the background, lurking and searching for quality to curate. Thanx for the smiles, the nudes the upvotes and supporting comedyopenmic community.

I've always seen your devotion the the little peeps....the heart beat of Steem, aka the minnows, I've seen your passion to curate and bring reward to the talented, but most of all, your joy of giving of yourself to others, in art, music, philosophy, positive inspiration, and even with your mouth covering bandanna mystique 😁.....that kind of sharing, that's your passion.

Ditto that from me. I have kept up with this guy and he seems perfect as a Witness. Look forward to that :)

Kevin easily got my vote. Good luck.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey @kevinwong! You inspired me to keep steeming way back when, and you gave me one of my first "heavier" upvotes. It felt good seeing someone with your rep and SP give me those words of encouragement! I believe you will make a great witness, and I thank you for all the support you give throughout the steemit community! You got my vote for sure!

So after about 10 attempts to cast the witness vote and steemit not showing me any indication, I realized the added/removed spam via steemworld. Sorry for the vote spam if you noticed it :P

Hey thanks! I don't think I noticed btw :)

@kevinwong has my vote as well!

Hi Kevin,

When I think of Steemit you are one of the first names that come to mind. I'm on my way over to support you as a witness.

加油 (jia you)!

Or as we say in Korea,


You rock!!

Hey thanks for the support! I really appreciate it. Will try to write more content frequently.

Kevin had my vote at Running. All the best in this journey @kevinwong. Thanks a lot for your effort in helping bring up Steem and Steemers.
Keep going, we gotcho back~

PS: Dope avy.

It is great, witness.

I stumbled across a resteem on my feed about your post.
In the last two days I have dealt with the topics "complexity" and "quality" and read some scientific contributions. As a balance, I read those of philosophers, historians, systemists and people working on environmental issues.

From the respective perspective of these people and views, there are urgent and important topics that all want to be dealt with and observed.

When I focus on complexity theory and what mathematicians and computer scientists say, I read that ...

The complex interdependencies of computational ecologies violate the traditional requirements for a hierarchical decomposition into technical, industrial, or administrative modules as used in traditional management. Modern technical communication networks are growing open systems which must be used without central control, synchronicity, or consistent data from other agents like machines or humans.
Thus, the dynamic theory of informational and computational ecologies, which incorporates the features of incomplete knowledge and delayed information, will provide well known evolutionary patterns like fixed points, oscillations, or chaos.
Under the conditions of complexity more and more control functions and human activities must be ceded and replaced by artificial intelligent systems. Human responsibility is not abolished, but restricted by collective and nonlinear effects of complex systems which cannot be forecast or controlled in the long run. Thus, we do not promote any kind of biologism or reductionism. But, under the conditions of complexity, it is not enough to have good individual intentions. We have to consider the nonlinear dynamic effects of computer technology, Artificial Life, and Artificial Intelligence for the future of human society.


You're talking about Avoiding Turing completeness and

a self-defining and decidable non-Turing-complete meta-language based on FO[PFP] with PSPACE-complexity that will support an internet of languages; thus enabling the scaling of discussions, consensus, collaboration, and production of knowledge worldwide.

I looked up the definitions, but I can't make sense of them. Can you explain a little more? I am a systemic consultant by profession and have been a supporter of the systemic view of life and interaction of systems.

Do you think that future human communities will no longer be able to cope with the tasks that await us according to the theory of complexity? If I understand it correctly, the conclusion is that we cannot predict the machine-controlled work, i.e. the communication from machine to man and machine to machine.

I had anxieties when reading and I'm afraid of this kind of technology. Do you have an opinion on that?

In any case, I read your article with interest. It's good to see that you give some of your personal thoughts on your decision.

somewhat related (to understand what PSPACE is under finite complexity), interesting vid too :)


Thank you @etherpunk for the courtesy & video.
I watched it one time and will watch it again. This guy talks really fast! :)

It's an interesting topic but I want to find out where it relates to the world I live in and how I can make connections.

Awesome video. Thanks for taking me to oatmeal school.

I looked up the definitions, but I can't make sense of them. Can you explain a little more? I am a systemic consultant by profession and have been a supporter of the systemic view of life and interaction of systems.

It's quite a new thing so it's hard to find elsewhere, although the gist of it is actually the Semantic Web by Tim Berners-Lee, but of course, with some somewhat serendipitous twists enabled by a blockchain that stores the rules of the network.

Do you think that future human communities will no longer be able to cope with the tasks that await us according to the theory of complexity? If I understand it correctly, the conclusion is that we cannot predict the machine-controlled work, i.e. the communication from machine to man and machine to machine.

Just avoiding turing-completeness at the metalanguage, in which an internet of languages can be supported with semantics preserved, including turing-complete ones. It's just that this class of language wouldn't be able to enjoy the benefits of decidability and all the other good stuff offered by using FO[PFP].

Btw, Tau is actually not an AI per se, at least not in the form we know in mainstream industries which are mostly essentially statistical-based AIs. Tau is purely logic-based and I have not found it being romanticised in popular novels and such, which is for me, quite a good sign. Will be waiting for the demo hitting by end of this year and see how it pans out. Try to go through the website and blogposts - you'll get more answered by the developer himself :)

Thanks for your feedback.

Though I have troubles to understand your used expressions. Which is either because I am not a native English speaker and/or used to a non technical language. Let's see what I can make out of going to the Tau side and the blog-posts.

Have a good Sunday, Greetings from Hamburg.

I think your second point at the beginning is something new crypto users are going to struggle with. Smart contracts aren’t that simple but some people that aren’t familiar with blockchain as us would trust it immediately!

Posted using Partiko iOS

yea man you are right

steemit - fantastic.gifpost!

I have been telling all my retail friends about SMT's.

Voted for you as a witness. I have faith in you always doing the right thing.


Hey thanks!!

No worries Kevin.
I know you will do a great job as a witness.

Do you want to go to Anarchapulco 2019 ? if so, you can stay at my place and hangout for as long as you want.

@modprobe let me stay at his Mansion last year. He worked on Steemit, Bitshares and EOS.
You will like him, great guy.

With the great things that you have done to the steem community, you surely got my support. Thank you for constantly building communities along with @donkeypong.

Voted you and with @steemph.cebu, our communal account.

  • Steem On
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I can't let go steemit because of posts like yours! Go for witness with my support!
TAU estas la nova, nuntempa universala lingvo kiel estis iam Esperanto?

Thank you!

TAU estas la nova, nuntempa universala lingvo kiel estis iam Esperanto?

My esperanto is not good, but yes, I think so. Check out their website under Tau's main features:-

Thanks @kevinwong; I definitely will dive deeper into that subject. Looks already promising.


You have my vote and I am very enthusiastic about your witness. Over the months (years?) that I've known you, I've come to understand there is nobody better in terms of understanding this community. And you have a great passion for making a better world through the blockchain. I encourage everyone to vote for @kevinwong.

Thanks @donkeypong for your support as always!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

you're the one who gave the big shot in my first post, then I often visit your blog, get knowledge about blockchain in a language that is simple and easy to understand, thank you @kevinwong, good luck in your next step, running for witness

Good to know that @rayfa! Thank you so much.

You have my witness vote @kevinwong. 👍

Thanks @future24, highly appreciate it man!

Mine too!

Oh my! Congratssssss!!!!Another big step for you on this fun and crazy steem world! I did vote as soon as I found out! You're prolly one of the funniest (most of the time #deep) witness on the blockchain!! LOLOL and to be honest, this post tl:dr but I get the concept! Though will give it more time when I get a chance so I truely understand! congrats again!

hehe..... a true KW fan!

Hey thanks @waybeyondpadthai, appreciate it. Btw i'm not funny at all, I have a textbook on how to be funny everytime i go online lol

Burst_Cover_GIF_Action_20180812172255.gif tomyam!

Reversed Kiss? Taking it back? Kind of funny.

Will cast my vote after leaving this comment. I came here because of @dj123's advice, he does that more often put me (or someone else) in the right (witness) direction.. that's much appreciated though, because although I interact with a lot of Steemit members, and know quite a few names by now, I never have interacted with you during my steemit career. This would probably mean that I would never gave you my witness vote if he didn't do this... But I read your post, and I trust on dj's opinion (read his comment too) you seem to do a lot for the community, which I do appreciate a lot.. Plus two communities you support are close to my heart: curie and comedyopenmic..

So here you have my vote, and I'm looking forward to all the things you'll be doing for the community..

Have a good sunday :)

Thanks @anouk.nox. Can someone get @dj123 to start posting his/her own posts already?? lol

Welcome! Lol, maybe we should all make a collective post from the members @dj123 is commenting on or for :) lol you can send your entry for that post to my discord if you want to participate :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey @kevinwong all the best on your witness journey! I am so glad that you finally decided to do this! Thank you for all the you do behind the scenes for STEEM and the TM community! Yay! Another witness in sunny Malaysia! You got my vote!

How are you?

Thanks @khimgoh - appreciate it!

It’s about time you became a witness! Good luck bro! 😀👍😎

Could not have said it any better @rawdawg!

Thanks @rawdawg! Luck is definitely needed lol

@kevinwong my friend, you know I enjoy our regular banter, and I'm very happy to back your campaign to become a top 20 witness here on Steemit. In the end, I'm glad to have someone who cares running to become a witness and I'd be happy to give you my vote.

The only condition I have is that once you break into the top 20, no posts on self-fellation. Other than that, I'm all good.

<<For example: really knowing what's in the real world around us, from legal ownership to the things that I'm saying here in this post. Blockchains or any records of anything in life would rely on sensors (or oracles, human-beings, etc) to sense. But sensors ultimately require input, which is something that can be trusted 100% since we can just provide kind of signals, true or false, as input. So relationships and social networks still matter in the end even if we are to use the blockchain as a trust protocol for meta-information.>> -- BUT, yet the truth is cheaper. Cause it is easier to just let the mutual entropy between ... things, to reach its maximum. 'Faking' signals takes. Takes exponentially more than truth. Lie is like rowing against the flow of the entropic explosion which any system, incl. the universe is. Maybe this is the secret of the successful internal trust (enforcement) manufacturing which the PoW is. The processes within the network are sooooo reliably isolated from the general flow of the world.


I wish you luck and hope you will be a great witness.

Thank you very much!

I thought this was a post about crypts that were decorated all cool and shit like that show that shows off celebrity homes. FYI i'm going to be wallpapering my crypt and putting in parquet flooring. I know it's totally 70's but I think it will make people feel more at home.

LOL sorry to disappoint! Hopefully I'd get into what you're talking about once i get my life back returning from the rabbit hole hahah

Welcome to Steem Community @kevinwong! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

We need human, passionate, bright, challenging and active minds like Kevin, feeding the path of Steemit's Vision.
It's unquestionable the constant added value in the content and high-quality insights for the community in this last 2 years(it seems like 5 years to me hehe).
My best wishes and support, and thanks a lot for the inspiration and motivation to keep me writing on Steemit.

Thanks a lot @charlie777pt, it certainly feels like it's been forever. This year itself feels like 2 years lol. I guess we're just trying to make good content!

Agreed, my first year on Steemit feels like many moons and yes, humanity is as fundamental as oatmeal.

Who if not you, Kevin? :-)
Congratulations on your decision.

I had to take away a vote from another witness in order to vote yours, but that's my way of showing appreciation for your contribution to the Steem community...


All the best for that new endeavor!

Hey thanks a lot for the vote and well wishes @surfermarly!

Just voted, gladly, for you, Kevin 😀

Here’s to thinking differently, supporting underdogs, unpopular advice and good conversation. Onwards & Upwards ✌🏼

That sounds way too optimistic under current market conditions bro.. lol, thanks for the vote btw!

I’m an incurable optimist (aka Idealist)... and I believe in you ✌🏼

I've read your words in the past pertaining to misaligned incentives on Steemit, and I know you care deeply about growing the platform, and that such thinking will inform your witness, especially vis-a-vis future hard fork voting, so I just voted for you. Good luck. :)

I voted for you! :D Happy to support your efforts. I bought some more AGRS too.

Hello, what an interesting experience you have shared with us in the Steem community. You're very versatile. I also want to study system or software, I am currently a Mechanical Engineer, and I am very interested in this world of steemit... Greetings from Venezuela!

Hey thanks. Check out the workings of the blockchain :) its fun

Hey, yeah! In fact, I'm pretty interested in the subject! You got some group in discord?

Oh sorry, no I don’t have a group. There’s some channels on though :) not sure about discord

Did you really put a trade mark on the term "Crypto Life"?

Anyways, Voted you as a witness! Good Luck!

Haha i put the trademark in the chain, it must be real! Thanks for your vote!

Dear @kevinwong,

You have my votes!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

just cool

You got my vote!
Man, I think we just birthed our witnesses on the same day...
I launched last night.

I took some time off for the crypto winter for some introspection. What do I really want out of all this?

I want stability with the ability to work on my passions in the crypto space. The roller coaster ride is fun, but I'm looking longer term.

I'm investing in property. Somewhere like, Austin, Singapore, Montana, or a coastal surf spot.

I consolidated my outrageous coin collection down to 3. Steem, BTC, and a platform. I decided I want to be invested in projects I can directly add value to.

I'm also advising one fitness related project bc it will keep me healthy so it fits with the lifestyle.

Then I launched a witness node to put my time and effort where my heart is.

Now my crypto time is consolidated. My life feels more simple. I'm down to grind without the worries of wen moon.

In reading your last few blogs, I felt some interesting synchronicities with my path.

PS. I also read the Alchemist twice last month, which gives nice perspective on the journey of our souls. It made me start hatching crazy plans like taking a cargo ship to steemfest this year. haha

Anyway, cheers to you and your merry Witnesshood.
Your mind and philosophy are a great addition.

Hey thanks @happymoneyman!

outrageous coin collection

lol happened to most of us in the game last year i think.. yeah feels good to wind down to a couple few now. a lot of waiting, but the grind is the grind..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

May the road to your success as a witness obey you, you are a good man and I support you!! @kevinwong.


Thanks @mbj!

Hi @kevingwong, I am so glad of your decision. As I already told you, you were one of the reason that made me sign in on Steemit, so you have my vote. I really hope to have a chat someday, somehow.
and most important... How was the Winner Taco icecream? That's the important one

Winner Taco nowhere to be found here haha. Thanks for the vote bbtw @bafi, appreciate it. Feel free to ask or talk about anything

Thanks for getting back to me Kevin. Wanted to talk you about:

  1. What do you think of the current lack of "printing" of SBD?
  2. How a Feb 2018 user can really grow? I'm struggling finding a proper growth without using bidbot with a 10% return. The whole system seems to be based on auto-vote right now, so I guess it's just having luck entering in some whale's list?
  3. Following the point before, as much as I would love to be a super active member of steemit, it's extremely hard to be. The truth is that SP counts a lot in terms of being a Steemit "player", aside the content aspect.
  4. The news tab is almost useless right now, it's just complete spam from people with -33 reputation.
  5. I've a really strong idea/feature/app based on the sector I am studying, medicine. Have no developer skill to realize it, but if you want we can talk about it through Discord. Reach me out @bafi


Have been waiting for you to be witness. So once I know, then voted. All the best and have fun.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I approved @kevinwong as witness. I resteemed this article for #japanese community.

Thank you @yasu24!

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!
Click the Image Below to see the Video!

While I start to do some research and try to wrap my head around what a witness actually is... I am starting to buy into everything everyone is saying about Tau on here. I still think I need to go back and try understand the fundamentals of blockchain before I start seriously getting into investing and understand exactly what the platform would provide for the world. In saying this though, I'd still like to know how I would do so and it seems like I cant buy any of the Agoras tokens anywhere? Where have they gone?

try bitshares, there are some there

Nothing much to say just that I always been your supporter from the start @kevinwong Thanks

You have my votes. no questions asked.

Witness vote allocated. A true Streemian mentor who I first had the privilege of hearing off through the @curie project when I curated for them.

Hey thanks a lot @zest!

You've got my vote! I'm brand new to steemit and I like your writing style--along with the content.

Hey thanks, and welcome to steem by the way!

Hi @kevinwong voted for you as witness, welcome to the family. I hope you checkout my witness profile also. Have a great day!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'll need to grab some sleep first, the sun's up lol.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

no thx, i hope you had a good sleep.

Thx for the vote on my post.. awesome.. I hope you also check if you want to vote for me as witness.. This can make dreams come true..

There's just no one single company dedicated to work on these platforms. Instead, everyone can and should take a part. But with the game as it is now, it has been difficult for users to connect with trustworthy applications, projects, and communities that are relevant. It's really a different ballgame when it comes to building a world of decentralized networks.. that work.

This is where I’ve seen ConsenSys as offering an immensely valuable service to the Ethereum ecosystem, for one example.

Might be interesting to see something be birthed and grow based on a similar modeling catering to Tau and other blockchain ecosystems in due time, as Lublin really seems to have done an excellent job developing the organization to support not only a thriving network of dapp development, but setting a fine example of how to bridge those innovations into existing realms of industry, enterprise, and governments...

I just voted for your witness @kevinwong after I saw your name in the list. I believe that you are one of those individuals that have something to offer for the betterment of the steem technicals and its community.

The summary why we must vote for you is better put on the top.

Hmm i like that suggestion, maybe a new post, shortened.

This is the second time I'm hearing about Tau. The first time being early this year and I think I promised myself to look into it. Well, this might just be a sign to get into something revolutionary with Tau. At least, for once, I will settle down and do something good.

I wish you good luck in your witness journey. Voted you, sir.

Met you two years ago bro. Our paths are obviously different as hell.

But, we here man. We here.

Very glad to know a legit dude among all the weirdos in this space.

Never doubted less info in your own witness thread. No hype, that's for sure.

Love ya man! With you all the way.

What? i thought we're the weirdos lol. Thanks dude <3

I am a bit new in steem and this tale has helped me to apprehend a chunk like this platform was earlier than, I simply noticed all the help you give to the users because I have been working on it for a few days now could be high-quality, I would love someday to be one of these folks that obtain your assist, I will constantly be helping you within the comments, my buddy, I am hoping you have got a pleasant afternoon.

even if that may entail waiting for the painfully long developments.

Yeah, but Tau's development is worth waiting for. I like that you include Tau in this post. Goodluck then, in regards with your witness campaign. Definitely worth supporting!

Life hasn't been the same since getting to know Tau lol.. Good to know another supporter here! Thanks @themanualbot

Voted for you, upvoted and resteemed!

You got my vote!


Selamat bergabung as a witness! 👍

I actually really enjoyed this platform, before I only heard from my friends that blockchain has many advantages that facilitate trading and digital assets in doing business, after I tried it I could no longer leave it in my life. this really helped me in doing business.

Good to know @rijalmahyud! Nice view by the way!

I voted your witness now @kevinwong. My big congratulations to your new jump.

One of the more interesting 'witness intro' reads in some time. Will be following with interest. ✌💛

Was waiting for your witness setup and finally, you did it! Witness voted.

thanks @legendchew! i hope i can keep a record of 0 missed blocks, but it'll surely not be so one day.. lol

Please maintain the 0 missed blocks record forever. I actually hate when it delay and get error especially 504 gateway issue. I believe you can do it well since you are pioneer in Steemit. Keep it up! 😁

I was actually auditing my witness votes and seen you on there. Voted before I even saw this. I remember your posting about self-voting.

From what I have observed, you are a good community dude so you got my vote. Best of luck to you.

Really enjoyed your post. I think you're capturing the state of things in a sober and knowledgable way. Thanks again...I'll be re-reading this.

Glad it is so, i will talk about these things in the next posts :)

You certainly have my vote! I am actually @mother2chicks🐓 this is my 2nd account where I mostly resteem others interesting posts. You’d be a great witness😉

Congrats! Will vote for your witness! ❤️

thanks @karensuestudios! <3 am i doing this right? haha

Hehe finally got to it yesterday and added you!! You are doing great already! ❤️❤️ Best of luck!

It is awesome seeing you as a witness @kevinwong, why didn't you become one earlier?
All rewards from this comment will go to charity

Because Steem seems to be working..

It is, I actually wonder what will happen when Bithumb fixes the wallet (currently Steem is worth 3.84$ in Bithumb with a +80% of the volume).
All rewards from this comment will go to charity

Upvoted your post and voted you as a witness. I really hope you can bring the best out of our platform. You seem like you genuinely care.

no such thing as too late. happy to support your efforts... maybe we can move the convo forward really soon (your ideas on ROI for investors)

More then happy to vote for you as witness @kevinwong , I have one spot left, and have always had you on my auto voter since I got it set up! I have also been on this roller coaster ride for 2 years and know where your coming from. Best of luck to you! You Have My Vote! Upped and resteemed to spread the word!I just set you up on my auto voter @momskitchen account as my main auto voter is full @karenmckersie👌👍✌😀☑

I'm really curious to see how things will work out with you running as witness?
As I know you already have lots of influencing friends on the blockchain. So I expect you have a good chance to end up high. Let's see

Nah i barely do any networking.. lol will see how it goes.

So lots of people just love you as you are, while you don't put any effort in 😀

That sounds great. Especially the financial part in terms of Steem rewards. You should teach all of us. That helps to improve the churn rates (I think it's called that)!


I applaud you on you move to become a witness. Reading over your witness introduction post really allowed me to get to know you and your intentions with and for steem.

"dev-to-dev communications about Steem-related technicalities" With a focus on Steem development and preparing for SMT and gathering knowledge and planning prior to deployment is a solid strategy as opposed to waiting for it to drop and then start working. I really like this idea.

I am working to become a developer and have what I would like to think is a great idea to launch the Dev community within and around blockchain to a new level using the Steem platform and developer community as the base. Lets just say school and development would change forever. If you would be interested in hearing more look me up. You have my vote of confidence and I wish you all the luck on your journey as a Witness.

Pax Vo Biscum

@kevinwong Awesome article and detailed information, thanks for share this, interesting to see the journey going forward. I wish you all the best for all your projects and Witness endeavour here and soon having a Whale of a time!

Thanks a lot @marcossman! Appreciate it.

Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at 07.57.39.png

thanks @phoneinf!

  ·  6 years ago 

You've been a great person for all the community, I'd already voted for you, keep it up the good work!

Congratulations for this great step and to have become a witness, you have my vote of support, keep it that way and always good luck with every decision

Support you to be a witness

Hi @kevinwong, I'm waiting to see your fully witness category and 01 hour ago you done it. I already voted your witness. I see kevinwong no.75 level in the my witness category. I think you start new journey of your second steemit life. Congrats and go ahead.

I have faith you will do a grand job witnessing our blockchain @kevinwong.

Good luck with this and Tau - the secret is out!

I'm still quite slow at it tbh. The real challenge are the emergencies, if they happen..

Just last month there was a major issue and it took some witnesses a week to get back online. They are rare events though in which every witness will need to patch their version.

A good start!

Supervisor ain't working that well for me, it somehow booted out my shared-file and i had to replay earlier

I wish you good luck with your Witness journey and I’m still new here but I’ll support you :)

All the best with your witness journey, Kevin.

You got my vote! I always valued your attitude as a free thinker. Steem needs more people like you. I wish you much success as a witness!

Thanks for the vote and encouragement @atmosblack!

Good Luck, it's good to see diverse people are willing to become a witness, we need more people as witness who thinks differently.

I am upcoming you for your great article. I am also thinking to consider some of your ideas in my upcoming business opportunity.

Good luck and Best wishes @kevinwong... Very well written post and I think we need witnesses like you.... Will follow your posts more often


You got it buddy! Good luck! 😎👍

This is a well written, comprehensive, and insightful post. Thanks for taking the time to compile your thoughts.

Wow! I just want to be a node and mine a bit

You have my vote! Good luck.
If you have time, I would like you to see my post here

@kevinwong Best of luck :)

I really don't quite follow your explanations here...but it seems interesting. Make it vivid in your subsequent post for novice like me, who might be interested in making money from crypto. Thanks

sure @asaha! i'll try to, it'll take a bit of time!

Alright then, thank you!

all the best on your witness journey!

Interesting article i'm your witness kevinwong ! o.Ob

welcome to the world of witnessing

just checked my vote for witness and you moved up a lot great going keep up the good work all the best :D

Blockchain is an unknown world to many still.
But good work always pays off.
Keep going.

thanks @kevinwong for sharing this important information

Definitely giving you my vote friend

Good luck! Upvote!!

lovely pix

Hope You become witness, im new, will try to support You.

Hello welcome to steemit
in short you can visit the site busy it's a platform related to steemit ca can help you write your post more easily
if you have questions do not hesitate to ask me and you can find answers in

Embracing the Crypto Life™.

So my buddy's pat in the back made me think that I should now just continue to pursue my interests 100% in this space, wherever it takes me. So what's this Crypto Life™ about? It's just a clickbait and it really just means me being invested in my investments. That's how it all becomes currency I guess. I think it's a powerful idea.

I lolled, great job. Have a vote™.

Excellent Post

Epic!... @kevinwong .... Perfect way to close out my night. Thanks for your solid read. As busy in life as I find myself, I enjoy this here social media platform of sorts as the one I enjoy and look forward to coming to visit. Especially when I get a heavy flow of gratitude for how things are playing out in my life. It’s pretty ironic in a multi faceted way that over the past couple years of me being a part of the Steemit Community I have come to find myself visiting this pocket of the web when I have the urge to reciprocate back to other solid folks whom I feel are like-minded. Tired of another long days work I realize unfortunately if I don’t cut myself off to a slim select number of intriguing ‘Posts’, I will find myself catching daylight as I can easily lose myself in all of the fine crafted material that has emerged here over the past couple years.
I love that I get to close my night on a perfect addition created by you that pretty much touched on what I do when I carve out whatever remaining time my eyes allow for me before I’m forced to abandon ship due to
unchallengeable wheights hung from my eye lids.
Times like this, as tired as I am, yet intrigued while filled with gratitude for life, I find myself just enjoying upvoting solid material and just simply satisfied giving from my bank, which is not too grand these days unfortunately. If I could I would throw a more large amount your way. I’m just afraid if I have another night of gratitude in the near future I wouldn’t be able to pass the ‘Goods’ to others as Id like. Hopefully the tides will turn where i soon may be able to do so.
For now, thanks from the good read and I appreciate the content and angle in which I feel you come from and aim for! Keep the vibe Alive!