Steem Consensus Witness Statement : Softfork 0.23.1

in witness-category •  4 years ago 

Dear Steemians,

Due to the incident, we had during the Hardfork 23.0 the witnesses came to a consensus to solve the issue with the community account @community321. We are in the moment talking with Bittrex to get the fund back.

As a safety measurement, the softfork 0.23.1 is limiting the account @community321 for transfer, as the community does not have the control over this account anymore.

Steem on.

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I demand you sent back the funds that you stole at HF23 from more than 60 STEEM accounts and have sent it to @community321 account !!! Here are the illegal transfers from at HF23 my funds where also stolen !!!

**BEFORE HF23 **

Screenshot from 20200519 162105.png

Screenshot from 20200521 021446.png

i will try this for 100 time. why did you take steem from this account
he never voted, never had nothing to do with hive, never freezed anyones funds, never commented, no activity for 4 years. But he had over 2M steem. Was there a plan to share that among witnesses as a pay for running 0.23? easy 25k$ per witness? do witnesses outside consensus know about this? were they going to get a cut, or were you planning to screw them over?

The community and investors demand an answer to this question!
Is our financial commitment secured or is it also taken away from us like you do at @mottler?

Fuck on!

Bravo, the brilliant geniuses have mastered the art of copy/paste.

Keep trying!


Dang, I wish I still had enough stake to give this the upvote it deserves.

two button Justin Sun.jpeg

Someone robbed you robbers? You reap what you sow. Repent, make restitution for your wrongdoing, and earn your way out of excommunication.

writ of excommunication.png was an anonymous account so the community NEVER had any control over the account. Who has the keys? Why would the funds be in an account like that?

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Well...thanks...for...tanking the Steem token. I guess you've lost the trust of the world and many users as well.

You cannot keep forking out accounts and think anyone will feel their content and earnings are safe here...

Oh and a quicker powerdown will always tank the value....people can now dump a higher volumn at a faster rate. You were warned, but refused to listen.

I can only shake my head in disbelief. {Bows head, slowly turns away and kicks rocks}

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

you can buyout companies, copy ideas from others but you can never force free people to become your slaves.

Justin, look in the mirror.




You guys have started sounding pathetic, or is it only me?

It's not just you. Totally pathetic.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

And why exactly you freeze this account, maybe you would like to elaborate on that? What happened with this account? Why not explain to steemians?

Don't worry about it, the community is handling it. :P

Locking and freezing accounts left right and centre? You totally messed up. How can anyone trust this chain ever again? Now that you have the code in place to quickly freeze accounts, censor postings and seize funds?

The dream of a free speech blockchain with secure payment system is dead.

Hope @bittrex won't return the funds. But I probably home in vain here.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

I would prefer it that happens after I powered down and got out of here. So I can wait for it.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Spot On!!! Thanks Boy.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

This was funny, but you should not be revealing such facts to Justin, he might get it right one day and steal everyone's Steem.

They know this, but it makes you question why they needed an anonymous account in the first place.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

That would be the top 20 on this list:

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Yes, but you are still a more reliable witness than a bunch of sock puppets.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Probably did my last posting today.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Why not? If I compare the upvotes, engagement and potential payout of last postings here with the identical postings on Hive I see no reason to post on SteemIt any more.

And thats before I consider that @justinsunsteemit has tried to steal the funds of 60+ accounts.

Who stole what I think the courts will decide, we shouldn't judge hastily

And switching to hive because you maybe have a higher payout there is not relevant to me

but everyone like him wants
VgA 🙂

I'm the first to say “Innocent until proven guilty” — But getting prove is not that difficult. A quick look at @community321 wallet, Block 43536278 and the steem source code is enough.

One would have been enough — I did all three.

And just a reminder: Vigilante justice is a crime as well. The witnesses needed a court order before seizing funds.

But most important question is: Are my funds save? — And the answer is: No.

All the witnesses need to do is add my user id to libraries/protocol/hardfork.d/0_23.hf and at the next hard fork my money is gone.

This chain is not trust worthy any more.

@bullionstackers, Downvote without comment is a weak performance!❗️❗️

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Was there anything inaccurate about the statement @justyy? Seems about as factual as it can get.

Yes it does.


  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment