Plans for our new "Steem-Bounty" Witness

in witness-category •  6 years ago  (edited)

We are excited to announce our new witness “steem-bounty” and want to ask for your support and vote.

“steem-bounty” is a witness run by both @famunger also known as “swisschris” and @knircky.



As investors and active community members of the Steem ecosystem, we want to focus our energy and resources on Steem to achieve the following goals:

  • Expand functionality and increase ease of use for everyone
  • Grow the value of the Steem ecosystem and the STEEM token
  • Support new users and authors who bring quality content to the blockchain

What we have done so far

We are just getting started as a witness, but both @famunger and @knircky have been Steem investors and active community members since the Summer of 2016. We have both left corporate jobs to focus on cryptocurrency investment and entrepreneurship.

Brief background:
@famunger studied economic computer science and completed an executive MBA at University St. Gallen, Switzerland, has been an entrepreneur for more than 10 years, and served as CFO and head of the IT-Management group of a mid size consulting company
@knircky studied economic computer science and has been working in IT consulting and IT sales for more than 10 years before deciding to focus on crypto investing and entrepreneurship last year.

We have decided to double-down on Steem a bit more and contribute to the development and improvement of the platform by launching projects that improve the value and usability of both the token and the application.
We have also supported the local steemit meetup in Philadelphia and created accounts for many new users in order to simplify and accelerate the on-boarding process.

We are running our witness and a separate seed server leveraging the services from @someguy123 using two 64GB RAM, Xeon E5 Processor, 2x240 GB SSD, Dedicated Servers.

We are also updating the STEEM price every hour using the script created by @yabapmatt to calculate the average price between bittrex, poloniex and binance.

We are just getting started now but, in the future, will look forward to populating this section of our witness report with more details in the future.

What we plan for the future

As you may imagine from the name of our witness, we are working on a project around bounties and are very close to launching the first version. We are very excited about this project and believe that it will enhance the usability of Steem for users by creating a new way to use this blockchain. We believe it will increase the value of steem by attracting “outside money” to the ecosystem and making it easier for that money to enter the Steem economy. We also believe it will serve as an incentive to attract new users to the system by establish a new use for the blockchain. Together, these two factors will increase the value and price of the steem currency.
We will announce the details of our project in a future post as soon as we are a bit closer to launching. We are hard at work to get to the market as soon as possible and expect to make our announcement within in the next few weeks.
Further ideas like supporting “challenges” and funding ideas are in the making as a later step.

Please vote for us

For now, thank you very much for your attention and we hope you will vote for us!

In order to vote for us you can go to:

And enter the "steem-bounty" account into the text field and click vote.

Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 3.05.35 PM.png

Or use steem-connect to vote directly for us as Steem witness!

Thank you for your attention

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And thank you from me too!


Please try to help me.How to do income!

thank you!

Thank you for providing good information for all steemit friends, hope you are given success, and I want to be like you @knircky

thank you.

Thanks for all your efforts! I’m looking forward to joining you guys in the trenches! Thanks for the post!

Dear @

I believe its good people and you've got the high concern of the poor like us. I like your post and it's not easy. I apologize if I have commented differently with your post, I believe you do understand and I believe your kindness.

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Sorry my impudence, kan has pitted the unfortunate fate of me in your post

If you are willing to pay a visit to my blog lah, with all due respect I thank you.

Save poor countries

Save humanity and the future of the children.



very cool!

very cool !

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Your witness URL is not correct:

(Upvoted for visibility)

Voted because of you @knircky You guys are already at 87th spot. Hope you'd get into top 50 in the next few months.
Good Luck!

Wishing you the best of luck with this project.

Having people like yourself trying to help and ensure Steem is a great place for everyone to be and want to come is a HUGE plus :-)

Good Luck

Buen post.

Welcome to Steemit @steem-bounty!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.
Many blessings! @bycoleman

Done voting :)H9KdBD0.png

Thank you!

Cool deal is this like ICO bounty programs?

thanks for all the details. I decided to vote for the account as a witness. I'm not super familiar with how this works but I like what you have said. I onboarded an investor in Philly so I will let him know about the meetup there. It's nice to see the local communities doing outreach.

Awesome thank you so much. Are you from Philly also?

Nope, I'm in LA but I work on projects with someone in Philly and he's now a Steemian lol. I'll get him over to the meetup. He's a smart guy and doing lots of fun crypto projects.

Great mission winess @steem-bounty. Vere good ideas

thank you!

Followed. I am really curious about your idea to bring in more money from the outside.

Are you considering ideas to increase internal voting re-distribution as well?

See my idea here if you like.

Steemit Devs: Please force a fraction of a user's upvotes to go to other users

Great idea!

wishing you best of luck in witness category

That's awesome @knircky. Congrats to you and partner @famunger . I look forward to hearing more here and at our next event! Also we should include some time talk about the voting process at some point. What do you think?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you! We are excited about it.

i wish you good luck. i believe 85% of steemit users want to see this platform grow and evolve into a juggernaut that will change the future of social media and cryptocurrencies for the better.

Yep. And so do we, we we will try to enhance functionality and grow the token value.

bandicam 2018-02-28 02-00-51-360.jpg

approved steem-bounty as witness .... best wishes

thank you!

Sounds cool @knirky and @famunger! I will definitely keep an eye on your projects and activities.

If at some point you think I can be of help with your projects, don't hesitate to contact me!

Keep up the good work!

Awesome. Lets get I. Touch!

Voted for you guys as a witness as well now. Excited about what you guys will bring :-)

Exchellent post ,,
Thank you for the beautiful and hard work!!

The first ever witness I voted.
All the best! I voted for the future of Steem. Please make the project happen

We will and we are excited about t.

nice post you friends

great post, thanks for the info

follow me @thunderland

nice post you friends

nice post you friends

followed and voted. looking foward to seeing what you guys come up with! Good luck.

Good post

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

up voted

As a new person on steemit who has been supported by @famunger, I would be looking forward to your project. You have my vote.

Upvoted, followed, resteemed, and first time witness voting.1520016736244238257942.jpg

best of luck


wishing you best of luck in witness category★★★

Hey guys, I am really impressed with your work and vision. My vote goes to you.steembountyupvote.png

Thank for your good post. I read the post and learn many other thing


like the writing of your article is very interesting people to comment on your article ,,,
I want tips and tricks from you ,, please help

Thanks to you

I'm voting for use good luck

good post!

Welcome to Steem @steem-bounty.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Start ... Go

Really nice


good job

amazing @steem-bounty
wish you the best, you got my vote!
cheers to you :)


Hawa jeut keu witness hai apa gam nyoe 😂

good post brother, I invite you to know my blog

good luck

We are excited to see you join us here! Steemit is a remarkable platform that is built to reward users for creating quality content. Its a logic called proof of brain.

As for TechChat, think of us as DJs that create tech content instead of music. We create content by looking for the most shocking, interesting, and exciting breakthroughs in the tech space. Basically - we do all the research so you dont have to.

We hope to hear your opinion on TechChats content! We always love to hear from our community.

Happy Steeming 🚀


Are you winner?

nice posted
upvoted and followed . pls keep in touch

Wish you best of luck

Reaching out is our duty as human beings to help each other out

I will sure be watching out for the bounty, cos i am a bounty hunter😁

Welcome to steemit , will look forward to your posts

Congratulations and success to "Steem-bounty" this is a tremendous change. In a new innovation in cryptocarreny we realize this will be a real-time event in the real world as it is happening right now, I am very proud to be joining in Steemit.dan a great honor for me. I know NET SCOTT of CEO Steemit.di in our country with the presence of steemit among urban, rural and remote communities they are already aware that we can do anything for the sake of a world prosperity.

I need to say here we as steeminial want to appreciate that @net
and witnesses @famunger, @knircky A long journey that has been passed can produce maximum results at this time. Cristal Gold Will Become A Prosperity for the world community with Steemit and Steem-beauty.

we in Indonesia are very supportive about what All steemit staff have born, and all the inverters that have been together create changes.

this completed project has become a very significant success, with the hard work of all the steeminials who have contributed to this measuring success in this short period of time. A belief as a newcomer to steemit. who has just joined for 45 days.
Indonesia is ready to unite everything with a very extraordinary capacity. witness

Greetings and success, "Steem-bounty"


Gr8 will do

Nice photos of her

Is there any specific reason for the name choice--"steem-bounty"? I thought this post was for some kind of bounty program 😀🤣

Yes! We will anounce the detail of our bounty Programm soon.

thats a pretty good idea to do, the steemit community also love you

Hey @steem-bounty, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)

Done and resteemed :-)

Thank you @lichtblick for you continuous support. Highly appreciated!

You are very welcome @famunger :-)

wow thank you so much!

Good luck for your future work.

you deserve your #upvote

Hi steem-bounty
Welcome to steemit and good luck on you new steem-bounty project.
Have a fantastic day

You have been upvoted by @nextvote community!

We wish you the best of luck in this great competition of witnessing!!
there is a typo: He is @yabapmatt.

Thx! Corrected

Very nice. thank you

You have received an upvote from @nicestbot. I am an automated curation bot trying to make minnows happy.

Tisko Bot
Send 0.200 Steem or 0.200 SBD and the URL in the memo to @tisko to use the bot for a resteem and to get 5 good upvots.
Click here to see how to use Tisko Bot.

@famunger, @knircky - I voted for @steem-bounty and signed up! I invite you to my blog! My blog is associated with charity. I will be glad to your help!

oh, one of the haejin boys, cant vote for you, let him vote for you.

Excellent idea

Follow me pls

Already voted sir at exactly 8:25 am , ph time. Excited and really want to learn more in this new witness, good luck and more power.

Interesting thing @cleverbot @banjo

Very cool thoughts. Good luck with it.

On your marks, Get set... go!" Vote!

1 permanent vote, always successful greeting
Animasi Steemitku.gif

This is a great post and I think this is a great idea indeed!! Keep up the good work guys.

Congratulations to you and accomplice @famunger . I anticipate hearing more here and at our next occasion! Likewise we ought to incorporate some time discuss the voting procedure sooner or later. What do you think? good luck .

Yea always happy to auch discussions.

Great project! I wish you all the best.


very nice super best post steemian goodday goodhealth

Voting you guys in too...

very nice @steem-bounty

Voted for @steem-bounty.
Thanks you

this is very good mission..Thanks.....
Upvote me....

Great plans... very good project @steem-bounty

Big Ups
Big blessings and good luck.
I appreciated reading a bit about your project.
WE welcome your conversation at
I welcome conversation on how #improv can empower your mission.