Steemchiller goes witness! Let's make Steem safe again ;)

in witness-category •  5 years ago  (edited)

I think this is the perfect time to start a witness node on Steem. As many known witnesses decided to leave us and start an own blockchain project, there is now more than ever before a need for new engaged Steem witnesses.

I am the founder and developer of and I think I have proven myself to be an honest Steemian many times over the years. Creating drama and wars is not my thing, therefore I prefer to focus on building a better and more peaceful world instead. A world where we can all work together and grow by learning from each other. I will always do my best to bring Steem to where it should be, the top. I think we now have a good chance to finally get there. The sun is already shining, we just need to trust in the beauty of our own creations.

Justin Sun did not really have a fair chance to begin with, because the old community 'influencers' decided to freeze his accounts and attack him badly in his posts. I don't know why the old witnesses were unable to trust him, but it looks like they wanted to ensure that they will not lose control over Steem. That fear started the whole conflict and, as I stated in my last few posts, Justin's decision to secure his own investment by voting own witnesses to the top was an understandable reaction. Nobody likes to wake up and see his millions being locked by other people over night. I would have done the same.

As long as there are no strong evidences of criminal actions by a user involved, I will never support any soft- or hardfork that freezes anyone's property.

Of course, I will not give criminals a free ride and in case of criminal actions (for example, harming the Steem system on purpose or clear evidences of fraud) I will work together with other witnesses to find a helping solution.

As soon as I can afford, I will provide a full RPC node to further support the whole Steem network. Of course, I will continue to develop amazing Steem tools and always help the community as best as I can.

If you want me to be your Steem witness, please vote for @steemchiller on or

Thank you and Steem on!

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I have no idea what a witness is, but I like your website and you don't like plagiarism so I used one of my 30 votes 👍

Thanks for your vote!

I have no idea what a witness is

In short: A witness poops the blocks into the blockchain.

Sounds like a rubbish job 😉 I thought I was the only one who uses the word poop instead of pop!! 🤣

Are you familiar with PLR content? I still consider it plagiarism as it's not the "author's" own work...

Plagiarism - the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own

I've had somebody use it in their "defence" and I don't like it! What would you say?

I'm not really convinced that someone should be able to earn something by uploading other people's work, even if it's public domain content. At least there should be a link to the original somewhere in the post, so that the curators can distinguish between a cheap copy and the original.

As his post is already at $0, I won't flag him for now. Let's wait and see what comes next.

I share your view. I find it dishonest to share something you didn't write, without those people upvoting it knowing that it's somebody else's content. I can't think of the write terminology but it lacks integrity and goes against the spirit of what author rewards should be.

It makes me question the origin of their other article although there are no signs that it's somebody else's content other than their admission in the original article.


스팀달러 굿

true talk though

Saya menyukainya

Mengambil karya orang lain menurut saya tidak cocok lebih baik berkarya hasil sendiri

Sounds like a rubbish job 😉

Perhaps "rather you than me" would've been a better phrase!

поооп,такое слово смешное :)

Hoy es mi primer dia es steemit, sera mi primer voto para ti por ser uno de los que protegen el orden y la continuidad de esta red social por así decirlo. También seras al primer usuario que siga, saludos desde Venezuela.

Segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan gagasan,karya pemikiran tidak layak dicuri atau diakui sebagai karya sendiri namun kadangkala ide hampir sama akan tetapi teknik teori dan praktisnya berbeda dalam segi isi,komposisi,kinerja,sistim peralatan dan sesuatu yang berkaitan langsung dengan topik atau teknik suatu tema objek maupun subjek yang dibahas.

This happens



Baik terima kasih atas penjelasannya

да всегда пожалуйста

can you explain it in more detail????
What benefits does one gets? who votes and to whom we have voted?
How can anyone vote me?

neither do i

Hoy es mi primer día en steemit, acabo de crear mi cuenta y sera mi primer voto para ti, porque eres uno de los que mantiene en orden los bloques que mantienen esta red social.Saludos desde Venezuela. Seras también al primer usuario que siga.

me too, i used my vote on this post. but i have no idea what can i gain from voting

Hopefully some crypto

Vous n'êtes pas le seul, je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'es le témoin. je suis nouvelle je prendrai le temps de lire tout les détails. J'ai eu beaucoup de retour positif de ce site bien bravo et félicitation au développeur de ce site. Je m'y plais déjà sur ce site j'aime bien c'est super cool je commence a prendre mes repères peu a peu. ce serais une très belle aventure


Saya tidak tahu apa itu saksi

how do you have 3 dollars on uvote im so confused

Up me lol

I like how he sounds I may be Abel to help with the node boss


Yeah I support you

i used one of mine as well. Im just trying to figure out how to deposit steem to my steem wallet. I can only find how to buy more steem but i hold a few hundred STEEM tokens in a different wallet already. anyone able to help?

I had a bit of a play and did it from binance. I think it might be different depending upon where your other wallet is. If you do a search for "transferring from 'wallet' to steemit", somebody has probably written an article on the subject.

Спасибо. Нужно будет попробывать ваш метод вывода!

Oh, and do it with the smallest amount possible as a test run. At least then you won't lose everything if it goes wrong.

ill support you man and beleive your gonna help alot of people out there. goodluck

good luck 😊

A witness is an individual who will contribute to the blockchain and these contributors ' must be elected by votes of Steemit community.

Свидетель- это кто увидел как другого убивают,насилую и совершают действия противоречащие закону,а не этот ваш биткоин

Thank you.

This is useful

да кого ты тут балакаешь?


  ·  last year Reveal Comment
  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment


Hello @steemchiller, with love, I have given you my vote.

Thank you for all you do

@steemchiller I am huge fan of your work. As an ameteur developer I sincerely find your 'invention' by that I mean steemitworld, fascinating. Sometimes am tempted to believe you are a real 'chill person'. I maybe be far from the truth🤷🏻. However I still a big fan!! So I will give you my vote. Not that it is actually worth much. Well lets call my vote of confidence in your work❤😄

@steemchiller I am huge fan of your great work,I have you my full support 👍

Creating drama and wars is not my thing, therefore I prefer to focus on building a better and more peaceful world instead.

Staying with steemit will not avoid the drama in the near future is my honest opinion. Does censoring of posts from steemit not bother you? Are you ok with that?Even if you really believe what you said in your post, then certainly you have double standards.

I'm ok with censoring when the future of Steem would otherwise be in danger. They should not use the old chain to promote the new one in the way they did. To a degree the promotion is understandable, because they made a very risky decision and they don't want to lose everything, which has been worked on over the years, but by attacking Justin and Steemit personally over and over again they created a good reason for starting the censorship.

It's like one works for Burger King but eats his burgers at Mc Donalds and while sitting there putting up a big sign that says 'this company's meat is toxic'.

We want to get money... He doesn't care on what engine this site is working on as long as he gets paid

The joke's on the@steemchiller then, because if you're "in this for the money" you're frighteningly naive.



"the hive" is already censoring accounts. Including @steemchiller.

// Accounts excluded [FROM HIVE AIRDROP] who voted a minimum of two sockpuppets or proxied someone who voted a minimum of two and who didn't unvote before the hive announcement with more than 1k sp

So, not so much a "democracy" as much as it's more like a VOTE FOR THE RIGHT ACCOUNTS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.

his account is not censored. It's there waiting for him should he choose to log in and use it. He didn't receive the airdrop which isn't an entitlement. There is however a process through which he can gain that airdrop and many have reached out to encourage him to use it.

He didn't receive the airdrop which isn't an entitlement.

Please explain what you mean. Isn't the entire value-theory of HIVE that it's a COPY of steem?

Imagine if NOBODY got an "airdrop"?? HOW many people do you think would move to HIVE?


So, not so much a "democracy" as much as it's more like a VOTE FOR THE RIGHT ACCOUNTS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.



yep Hive is a 'copy' of the Steem code ... a copy that those who created it had the right to decide what stayed what changed.

In this case they chose to create a starting point that dropped stake to people who didn't vote on sock puppets based on a criteria which was coded in and decided by the code.

That was a somewhat arbitrary starting point for some. For others who get that those who create get to decide we understand the starting point is created by those who create.

They then decided rather than arbitrarily decree that would be the final word, they created a process through which the community could agree to have the airdrop go to those the community didn't see as a threat even though they had a lapse of judgement.

That's democracy in action when those who could choose to control, choose to put the decision in the hands of the collective.

With the behaviour of Justin Sun and his arbitrary, dictatorial censorship, many would have made the move without an airdrop. They would have powered down their accounts and bought HIVE because of it being what Steem should have been. Like they are doing now.

Many of those same people would not be powering down and would be staying here except for the dictatorship from Sun. The more I see what has stayed here, the more I am relieved I'm among those leaving.

Caprcious fascism is alive and well, it's known as Justin Sun... enjoy

I hope the HIVE flourishes.

They definitely have a lot of talented and well-intentioned people on-board.

I just kind of wish they'd stop pretending they're "a decentralized censorship-resistant platform".

And they still haven't taken any steps to prevent someone (or some small group of oligarchs) from accumulating a large HIVE stake and taking-over-the-place (exactly like the SUN fiasco).

кого ты тут понаписал? вот делать тебе нечего конечно. Боже,его рили кто-то читает?



We want to get money and tske care of iur families but he doesn't care



he's in for the money

Just how do a handful of posts put Steem in danger? That's absurd.

A handful? :)
And also absurdedly upvoted by known accounts! They still have their pending rewards!
Think you were against spam and milking!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

If all of the fools left on Steem consider Justin the leader, and the leader is upvoting his own post to over $300 with @steemit, then I suppose we should all follow Steem's leader into the ground.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Must be for visibility, don't you have made it also?! XD

Self-voting should never have been considered a "crime" in the first place.

Which I didn't really mind that much at first, but with hundreds of lines of blank space??

It was making every comment section practically impossible to read.

It was far far far more than a handful of posts. Posts that were being left absolutely everywhere.

I believe in free-speech. However, I don't think you would appreciate someone coming to your home and spray painting self-promotion and hate speech everywhere. That would be taking the concept of free-speech a bit far, no? I'm pretty sure in that case it would be considered vandalism and abuse.

There's a massive difference between muting accounts that are blatantly comment spamming (which was already done before Justin bought Stinc) and censoring individual posts that happened to be about Hive and in many cases entire accounts. Furthermore I have seen zero hate speech. Your argument is a false equivalence.

You can see all of the censored posts and ENTIRE ACCOUNTS that were not comment spamming added to the Steemit blacklist here:

That crosses a huge line and is not acceptable behavior for someone who claims to be a majority stakeholder of a "decentralized" (lol) blockchain, Steem.

Lucky you that you have seen zero hate speech. I guess you really sheltered yourself from seeing that. How, I do not know. It was everywhere. Particularly in group chats, and by many of "our" so called esteemed members and leaders. It was all there, racism, threats, name-calling, swearing, everything. Many of those chats could be (and were) seen by many. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is a logical fallacy.

And who pray-tell do you think programmed those bots to spam users' blogs and their posts? Wouldn't be any of the same people would it?

Wouldn't be any of those people who threatened to fuck Justin and his team, would it?

Don't you know where that phrase originally came from? It originally came from chat and not from Justin. Justin just responded to it. But oh the mockery when he did.

If these people were civil, if they didn't lie, slander, defame, threaten, spam, or engage in other nefarious activity against Justin, then I agree. It was not acceptable to censor them.

However, if they did engage in that type of behavior, this then becomes a whole other issue.

I am sure Justin has an excellent legal team, who have gathered sufficient evidence to support all of his actions.

But of course, believe whatever you like.

Also, this is not the first-time posts or users have been censored on Steem.

Also, Justin didn't create the stake which he bought.

But well you know, if you want have to give the people something to love...and something to hate. Right? Isn't that how it works?

I signed up on Steemit forever ago and lost my password until just recently.

100% this.

I'm pretty sure in that case it would be considered vandalism and abuse.

100% this.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm ok with censoring when the future of Steem would otherwise be in danger.

How very sycophantic of you. You think people advertising another blockchain on STEEM is the greatest risk to it? Especially people who still own significant stake and resources? Laughable.

I'm ok with censoring when the future of Steem would otherwise be in danger.

If steem had a chance to survive, it certainly has it not after starting censoring.I know many that took their decision to abandon completely steem exactly because of that. Not that it was not obvious that it will happen at some point, but some had still illusions. I think you can see that too, I consider you are smart enough to realize where it will all end up...

If steem had a chance to survive, it certainly has it not after starting censoring.

Are you kidding me? Marky and the rest of the censorship (secret) "blacklist" crew all moved to HIVE. There should be much LESS censorship on steem now.

Regards dear friend @liondani.

If steem had a chance to survive, it certainly has it not after starting censoring.

Acts of censorship were currently directed at a group of well-identified users. We can understand this attack as an act of revenge, but ... can we really be sure that these actions will not be extended to the rest of the users?

Changes in TOS give a lot to think about. A legal framework for applying censorship is being established.

Your friend, Juan.

I'm ok with censoring when the future of Steem would otherwise be in danger. They should not use the old chain to promote the new one in the way they did.

The censoring placed Steem in more danger than the posts promoting the new chain. Every clone of Steem that has come into existence has done exactly the same thing. Whaleshares was one of the most persistent in doing so.

What the censoring did was move a lot of people, like me, who had every intention of staying on both chains with the hope that both would thrive in their own right to power down and decide to move on.

Justin Sun and his enabler Ned were the maker of their own misery. I didn't agree with the freezing of funds. I did agree with triggering the non-voting that was in the code and had been for years. I also didn't agree with voting for sock puppets especially when their creator wasn't even bothering to do the basics of appearing to run a witness properly like updating price feeds.

After seeing Sun's childish response to the whole situation -- the censoring accounts and arbitrarily changing the TOS to limit free speech was the last straw.

Having said all that, I'm among those who would support you getting the airdrop on Hive should you choose to pursue it simply because of the work you've done and the contributions to the community you've made in the past before this ugly situation occurred.

One of the main reasons Steem failed was the way how Ned handled the situation with Dan & EOS (remember the mr.delegation vote?). Guess, history is repeating itself, just that it's Justin vs Hive now.

Yea, i think i agree with you very much.

Hang on every time I have seen accounts censored here the argument has been ''the blockchain is imitable''
So going by their own logic they have not been censored!

Hive people spammed their content on off topic places on Steem Blockchain

dependiendo del punto de vista de cada persona aunque a veces la censura. ayuda con el contenido unapropiado es mi punto de vista

The problem that cannot be solved here is that there will always be people with bad intentions. No system configuration will change anything here. We are not able to control it at the level of software solutions. Any tool can be turned against someone else.


I understand that we all have axes to grind, but this is not the time or place to kill the messenger. Strength is in numbers, if you don't learn anything else from this reply>>What Is, Isn't, What Isn't Is, Until it Isn't or Is and Never Judge A Book By Its Cover, You May Get Caught Up In Its Pages, Especially, If You Are A Corrupt Politician Or An Unregistered Foreign Agent working against our Republics Inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and Property.


You won me with the no drama attitude. Just voted for you.

Thank you!

Now I was wondering if someone like me read old articles or posts on the Steem blockchain. For some reason it interests me.
I already came to the platform 4-5 months ago, probably my first witness vote was yours. Anyway, it's a pleasure to read the content of successful people and I respect that. :)

Very little I know about blockchain, but I've seen that you do a lot for it. If this ensures operation by the Steemit platform, then you have my vote.

i love crypto blockchain... I want recognize causes seen a lot of stupid.. share this on justice is meaning get...

Plagiarism should not be an option. Anyway, @steemchiller. I mistakenly sent 25 sbd to poloniex yesterday instead of steem. Is there any way you can help me have it returned? Hoping for your favorable reply

Hi, there is nothing we witnesses can do to let them return your funds. You should contact your exchange's support team, if you see a chance of getting them returned. In case the exchange states somewhere that only STEEM will be accepted, I don't see good chances though.

I understand. I tried to contact them and I guess this is a lesson to learn to be cautious at all times. Thank you for the reply.

Saludos @steeemchiller hoy vote por ti como testigo aunque no soy uno de los grandes pero por lo menos mi voto hace Bulto a la hora de contar jeje.🤗

Thank you!


Went to vote you but realized you were already at the top. It made me happy.
@steemchiller you’re my favorite personality on steemit. Your values, your intelligence, and you love for helping the whole of humanity without discrimination inspires me so much.
Thank you

That's so nice of you

Dear @steemchiller
i have set you as my witness and proxy as well

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

That sounds like you defend the governors ability to freeze accounts via a softfork. Of course, the top witnesses can try to attack a stakeholder personally, but they won't be successful in the end, because the world watches and trust will be lost immediately. The people trust in blockchains, because they know that their data/coins are secure.

There might exist blockchain projects where such things are being seen as 'normal' by the majority, but I don't believe that they will make it far in this world.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Why are you constantly upvoting your own comments?

As I said, the world watched how Steem's old top witnesses were willing to freeze a new investor's stake, because it was big enough to be able to put their own witness position in danger. I'm aware of the fact that attacks can happen and witnesses must react accordingly, but in this case it was no attack and there is no proof of him wanting to change Steem's consensus structure.

All the bad things that followed and brought us to a centralized-appearing chain are reactions to the one big failure of the witnesses. The good thing is that we can all learn from that and we now have a good reason to work on an improved DPoS system.

Also I've shared some ideas with Glory7, maybe you find them useful.

Maybe you have heard good words from many members of the Steem community, but certainly you have received lots of bad faith just for trying to do what you see fair!! I've been watching in recent days the great results that the proxy.token could make in the past conflict, I think it was a great idea to have that power for the little accounts to influence decisions through it. I know the critical times in which it was implemented don't let us see the great tool that this kind of project could represent. Of course many things need to be improved in the DPOS of Steem as the number of votes and/or decay. Needless to say this should be implemented, but combined with a proxy community vote in which one or various tokens each one having certain rules of participation, education in the vote and of course the posibility to activate, deactivate or leave the proxy if it is not acting accordingly could maybe result in a good instrument for the greater community in Steem.

About your second point is really sad, but we can have the security also that all the spam, angry comments, milking the votes, autovoting and shitposting are the true colors of some of them, others just follow. All the things that most of these people were preaching for three years was just hipocrisy and now greed is open to see. Of course they think they're hurting Justin Sun, nothing more far from reality. Happily all of this is registered in the blockchain!

Will be 13 hard weeks, steem didn't die when price was 0.10, it was 0.13 before Ned sold steemit, now it's 0.17 All is a game, only which is inside of us is the true value, everyone should know that!!

Much respect!!


I think the answer to all the so called censorship in steemit is simply having an independent and nice interface. The use of the stake mostly in the whale accounts is more difficult to oppose if they decide on their own circle-jerking interests.

@steemchiller when you say that you would never support any fork to freeze funds, would that include the people who are choosing to exit Steem?

Yes, that includes everyone and I'm pretty sure that also Justin would never ever fork out their funds. People need to see the big picture. No big investor would buy a company and attack its leaving customers, because it would damage one's own reputation massively.

Thanks @steemchiller. Based on his past interactions and current activities, I don't think he is too concerned with his reputation, but I'm glad that you are willing to stand by your convictions even if they go against the central authority. That's what the blockchain needs to survive. Hopefully, you will be able to bring some fairness to this chain. I'll be wishing you success.

Hopefully, you will be able to bring some fairness to this chain. I'll be wishing you success.

this. I doubt it, but thats the only grain of salt here.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Shame on you @steemchiller for taking part in this HF. Hopefully the funds go to where they belong and everybody can now be happy. Stay true to yourself. Wishing you luck in the future.

I got to STEEM through Steemit.
I don't think I like being on another part or on another platform, I have tried several and the only one I really liked was Steemit. In addition to all your training flow and all kinds of people. I have really kept myself low key and I do what I can and I will continue to do it but here. I believe in the potential of this platform but I also know that those who are witnesses should know how to defend the platform and not want harm for it.
Well anyway I have always liked SteemWorld and I have read many of your posts, and the anguish that caused you to invest all your resources to achieve an excellent job and not have enough. I think it is wonderful work and it would seem childish to me that the desire to destroy it for pride or for any other reason prevailed. I think these are times to build. So you have my vote, although I try to do it and I only see the button turn, without loading the vote.

Ich bin durch Steemit zu STEEM gekommen.
Ich glaube nicht, dass ich gerne auf einem anderen Teil oder auf einer anderen Plattform bin, ich habe mehrere ausprobiert und der einzige, den ich wirklich mochte, war Steemit. Zusätzlich zu all Ihrem Trainingsfluss und allen Arten von Menschen. Ich habe mich wirklich zurückhaltend gehalten und ich tue was ich kann und ich werde es weiterhin tun, aber hier. Ich glaube an das Potenzial dieser Plattform, aber ich weiß auch, dass diejenigen, die Zeugen sind, wissen sollten, wie man die Plattform verteidigt, und keinen Schaden dafür wollen.
Trotzdem hat mir SteemWorld immer gefallen und ich habe viele Ihrer Beiträge gelesen und die Qual, die Sie veranlasst hat, all Ihre Ressourcen zu investieren, um einen hervorragenden Job zu erreichen und nicht genug zu haben. Ich denke, es ist eine wundervolle Arbeit und es scheint mir kindisch, dass der Wunsch, sie aus Stolz oder aus irgendeinem anderen Grund zu zerstören, vorherrschte. Ich denke, dies sind Zeiten zum Bauen. Sie haben also meine Stimme, obwohl ich es versuche und nur den Knopf drehen sehe, ohne die Stimme zu laden.

I know you said you prefer to use Steemit. If this is not working: you could make an exception and try this: I hope this helps.

Hi @akiroq
Thanks for your interest and sample of altruism.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Great! This will please dear leader Justin Sun. Make sure you run every single hard fork and piece of code that he wants to be released. Also remember to never ask questions (dear leader hates that). Run every piece of code right on the mainnet, never test it. Always trust dear leader Sun knows best. If the code he gives you does not work or causes issues with the API, it's not his fault, it's your server.

I wonder how people can see so many bad things in a person without really knowing him and his plans. We should at least give him a chance. I'm finally very optimistic about Steem again, because there is now someone who will clean all the mess.

A few things come to mind. How many chances do you give someone who is taking a decentralised blockchain and running it in a centralised way? For years Steem has had content I have not always agreed with, but I would never wish for any of those authors to be blacklisted.

  • CCP style censorship (trying to scrub mention of Hive)
  • Justin using millions in Steem to downvote content related to Hive
  • Lying to exchanges to get them to use customer funds to vote in socket puppet witnesses
  • Creating a blacklist of users who left for Hive or had something to do with its development. First citing terms of service violations (which did not exist) and then changing the terms of service.
  • Dangerously lining the top 20 with sock puppet witnesses all running on the same server, with incorrect price feeds

I used to be a big believer in Steem. I've been actively involved in the community as well as numerous development efforts. I lead the Steem Engine front end team, I loved this place. Now, it goes against the principles of centralisation and the way Steemit is running this place, it's not what Steem was ever about. As much as Ned was an ass, he and Steemit never stooped this low.

All the points you mentioned are reactions to the one important failure of the witnesses:
They froze the stake of a new, big investor.

Justin is just defending his investment. Prior to the SF he even said that he does not plan to get involved in the existing consensus structure. The witnesses created a situation in which he could not do anything other than overtaking the top to get his funds back.

Here's the style to deal with that in the "free" world!!

Deal with reality or reality will deal with you!!!

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

It seems that you got lots of downvotes who did not even offer to counter your argument LOL.

Downvoted for fiction.

I voted for u

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

That's a special account. Can't do anything but payout HBD to proposals voted on by the decentralized community.


Please don't say anything if you're entirely ignorant of what you're talking about. Thank you.

Do you even know what the Steem.dao account is? Evidently, not. That's the account for the proposals system, it's akin to the null account... Sheesh, if this is the intelligence level of the people left on Steem, this place is doomed.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

In the hive dao is also the ninja mined stake of steemit. Now in the hands of your witnesses to use in their self voted proposals, along with the steem/hive of the censored users of steem that were labeled as traitors.

If anyone at all has access to it, then it is not a null account. From what I have heard people do have access, and stated justification for having that access. I am sure you can find that information unless it, like many other things, has also been walked back. Who knows at this point really.

Are you saying all of us who freely decided to stay in steemit is beneath you? Such arrogance.

That can't vote?

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

I’m moving there slowly but surely.

If you check out his history....

What people decide is up to them. All I can do is hope that people look a bit deeper than what they have been told, and do their own research. Then they will have something to base their opinion and decision on instead of just retelling the stories they have been told.


I am super glad that @Kuttmoped introduced me to your site. I already gave you my steem witness vote. Now I look around a little bit on steemworld and am happy to discover the functions. Thanks a lot!

Hi @steemchiller, that is great to see such a news it was already a long time that I was wondering why you are not a witness but I can understand that you are a person who is concentrating on your work and not in all the drama around.

The same like you, me and @myskye absolutely agree that everyone in this free world has a fair chance to show themselves, what he is and what he does and we have judge people on the results of their work and not on our personal likes or dislikes.

We have seen what you have done for last 4 years and very glad that you now step up and would like to lead the community as a witness. You have our Vote and we know that many of our friends will vote for you too.

Actually it is fair to say:

Hey Steemians, everyone who uses and likes Steemworld program have to Vote for you @steemchiller as a witness!

I think trying to make the world a better place to live is a great idea
But despite the old beliefs and superstitions and the desire for wealth and power of some people in power in the world, we must bury such a desire with us.

I don't think that we should bury such a desire. Isn't that exactly what the world did all the time? Wealth needs to be more equally spread among all human beings. The big change begins with believing that it is possible.

@justinsunsteemit did not really have a fair chance to begin with, because the old community 'influencers' decided to freeze his accounts and attack him badly in his posts.

It's like you're watching the same screen and an entirely different movie. Have fun appealing to a centralized authority, it's clearly the type of environment you prefer to exist in.

Lol... frag mich echt, wie du da nur minimales Vertrauen rein setzen kannst, aber gz zum Witness - LANGE überfällig ;).

Glad to have you, let's build this place.

Hey SteemChiller I voted for you.

Thank you :)

Let's gather people who want to work on helping to secure Steem.

Seems like a daunting task when you have Justin Sun voting in the top witnesses with his stake. And his stake (almost) alone. And he's a shitty voter, voting in multiple fake accounts into consensus. It's not going to work, Steem's a sinking ship.

It's been a month of hotheads escalating on both sides.

I agree, huge uphill battle, could fail might not be worth it.

Great to see Hive doing so well, congrats.

Lovely picture and conflict resolution in Slack!

😂 If you've been paying attention there's no reasoning with these incompetent people. Censoring Steemit was the last straw for me. Just the fact that two photos of Justin's face popping out of goatse's asshole remain there means they don't even visit the slack anymore.

the lack of reasonableness is plain to see, the conflict resolution absent.

I'm sure giggling about your picture brought great joy. :)

I'm not easily offended... It was such a moment of clarity in who I'm dealing with. Thanks for that.

Voted you, Man.
Keep on the good work!

You have my vote. I think you acted very fairly in this drama and were unfairly penalised by not receiving a stake in Hive, in spite of your service to so many Steemians 🙏🏽

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemchiller

what's going on here, have you seen it?
witness 63teemchiller (disabled forever)


on this list it is correct


Thanks for mentioning this! As @bluerobo stated, the running_version is reported as 0.0.0. as long as a witness hasn't yet produced a block. I produced my first block a few minutes ago and now it's being displayed correctly ;)

well, then I understand

Well i understand good

I think it is because he has not run any blocks yet. He is still setting up

Hello dear, @Xpilar! I was thinking that maybe THIS, deserve some of your attention and much more visibility on hive.

A big hug and good winds for every project!!

thanks for the information @leveuf


Glad to see that there are still developers on steemit who are brave enough to take a chance and help build a new steemit and steem. I will stay in Steem and continue to use steemit. I totally agree with you and the old witnesses did not handle the negotiations well. They started the war which they could not finish. I mean they did not even last a month. The end result was Steem landing in full control of Justin Sun.

The incident brought out the worse of the Steem community with many coming off as bigots and racist, equating Justin's ethnicity as one of the reasons for not trusting him. Ignoring the sensibilities of other races who are also using this platform.

It was all about maintaining power, influence and whale circle jerking party that has been running since time immemorial. Censorship is nothing new on steemit practically those who have enough power can downvote (censor) anyone without any repercussions. Unfortunately, there is a bigger whale in town. Funny it seems that censorship is okay so long as they are the one censoring now they are getting a dose of their own medicine it miraculously becomes taboo, how hypocritical.

Let's make Steem safe again ;)

This resonates with me a lot... the previous Steem is not safe for dissenting opinions especially against whales or their cohorts. While steemit inc is censoring post it does not bother me since a lot of them are just spamming the network. Their post does not add value that will benefit steemit users. They are just here to burn down the house which others chose to stay.

I'd rather deal with censorship than having to associate myself with bigots, and racists. I don't want to be coerced to behave differently just to always be invited to a whale circle-jerking party or to avoid being censored by a downvoting group of megalomaniacs with their skewed ethnocentric views.

Meine Stimme wirst du bekommen 👍

Yes I agree
My vote is not worth much bu you have it : )

It seems to me that a lot of people do not know what to look for in a witness and have been wondering for quite some time about what we need to know about witnesses.

Given the recent events I am wondering what questions you would ask any potential top twenty witness to determine their suitability?

A witness should be in control of himself and be able to make important decisions himself. He should be able to work with a clear mind also when there is much noise around him. He should care about what is being discussed regarding the future of Steem and should always stay true to himself, not just blindly follow the herd into the darkness.

I won't vote for witnesses that are at any point willing to freeze other accounts and I prefer to vote for people who focus on Steem's success instead of drama.

A witness should be in control of himself and be able to make important decisions himself.

As you will be... waiting for to vote you in. 😂

Welcome to the TRON promotion machine.
I at least hope you make some money out of it, you speak nonsense, but at least you had a good service going.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hey @SteemChiller I would never want to be disrespectful to you since I really enjoy your services for the community and your general attitude. If you see me hate on Justin or recent happenings, do never feel included.

The Sun has risen very high meanwhile, there is a lot of work ahead of you.

You have my support.

We voted for your witness.

And why did Exyle suddenly disappeared?

really glad to see new witness candidacy like you, steemchiller! Welcome aboard, you deserve to be a rewardee from community :)

I am in FULL support of you @steemchiller. I have always been from the very beginning...from day 1. I was just waiting for you to come out so I could vote you in. I've never voted someone for witness before because I was waiting for you. Thank God you are here. This man is "the dude" we can trust. He deserves it. I love you @steemchiller.

Esto es amor y lo demás tonterías xD

Hallo @steemchiller gut Nachrichten können wir gebrauchen! Steemchiller for Witness
Ich sehe die alte Wittnesse Garde auch als Schuldigen die den Streit vom Zaun gebrochen hat.

Danke dir! Ja, es wird Zeit für weniger Streit und mehr positive, erfolgsversprechende Zusammenarbeit. Es können nicht immer alle Leute einer Meinung sein, aber zumindest sollten wir andere Meinungen respektieren und nicht sofort einen Krieg starten, wenn es mal kompliziert wird.

Wir schaffen das, wenn wir es zulassen ;)

Hallo @steemchiller,

ich bewundere deinen Mut. Was zwischen den Witnesses und Justin Sun abgelaufen ist, gleicht einem Kindergarten. Das ist kein professionelles Geschäftsgebahren. Ich persönlich bin neutral und der Meinung, dass beide Blockchains eine Chance für die Dezentralisierung bedeuten, wobei ich ehrlich gesagt Hive gößere Chancen einräume.

Dennoch warte ich erst mal ab, was hinter den Versprechungen beider Seiten über deren Pläne zur Entwicklung einer wahren dezentralen Plattform bzw. Blockchain steckt und am Ende in die Tat umgesetzt wird.

Wir brauchen Witnesses mit Integrität und guten Prinzipien, denen sie treu sind. Selbstloses Handeln zu Diensten der Community und der Entwicklung einer wahren dezentralen Blockchain, das ist der richtige Weg in eine freie und friedliche Gesellschaft.

Deshalb beabsichtige ich demnächst eine Community zu gründen, die sich mit der Vision von "Protopolis" beschäftigt. Dazu folgen noch Posts von mir, worin ich das Projekt und die Vorgehensweise zur Entwicklung einer Blaupause für die zukünftige Gesellschaft vorstellen werde.

Aus oben genannten Gründen werde ich neben Hive auch weiterhin die Steem Blockchain unterstützen. Beide können gedeihen. Krieg ist keine Lösung.

Lass dich nicht unterkriegen und diene stets dem Guten!



I love to vote you as witness. I can do whatever in my hand to reach out you at top 20. Please update your version.
I also think about to start a witness note from a week but i don't have sufficient support to reachout at top50, So I droped the idea. I am in learning stage.

I like the steemworld app very much, your thoughts for standing strong against wrong things done with @justinsunsteemit . I Support you.

you shd do tat moons ago ! keep going. want to vote but having issue with steemworld witness voting , cant sign with keychain and manual login return some error.

Yes, finally the time has come :)

cant sign with keychain and manual login return some error.

I guess you weren't signed in. Auto-Signin is not yet available. You first need to sign in using your posting key.

I added a hint that was missing for those cases.
Thanks for reporting!

진심으로 환영 합니다.

대단히 감사합니다 :)

Witness voted!

Was wondering if you were ever going to be a witness. You have my vote hands down. Steemworld is by far, my favorite tool that has come out of Steem to date! I hope to see Steem move forward, and think very similarly about the situation as you.

Ich habe dies gerade entdeckt und dich gevotet. Wenn du magst, setze ich dich als Proxy. Soll ich?


Vielen Dank @freiheit50! Ja, du kannst mich gerne als Proxy setzen.

Schon erledigt!

Ich werde dich hier nicht alleine lassen, auch wenn ich auf der anderen Seite mitspiele, weil ich dort ebenfalls viele gute Kumpels (und Kumpelinen) habe.

Schauen wir mal, wie sich alles weiterentwickelt.


@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

I withdrew all my delegations and began powerdown after I heard news of the hardfork coming. I was initially pro-Hive, but during the hardfork they really screwed Steem-Engine based tribes. Many whales and witnesses dumped their SCOT tokens while discussing a hardfork with the community. I am let down with both sides and will continue a presence on both. If you intend to stay on Steem and try to keep doing good things, I'll redelegate a bit to you again to help support the future of SteemWorld. Sorry you got the short end of the stick my friend.

I am very confused but decided to power down and this for the very first time since 4 years. I am planning to observe for a few more days before I make a decision.

Voted @steemchiller
Keep it up Sir. :D

Mexican community supports your witness, for the sake of steem. @steemchiller

Congratulations on your honesty and commitment. :)


I'll be brief but with a sincere heart, this is great news!
The best winds for this great project and those to come!!

You are my first (and only so far) wuness vote with our new Steem. I live Steem world and wish you the best. If there is anything i can do to help, please let me know.

Hi @steemchiller, it seems that the moment is indeed interesting for new witnesses on STEEM but I still wonder if it's worth investing in it since there is no visibility on what @justinsunsteemit wants to do for the future of STEEM. I think I'll wait until I have a little more info on where STEEM is going before making a decision, if the migration to Tron is still on the way, in which case the witnesses won't be useful anymore.

What documentation did you use to set up your server? Most of the documentation I know is very old and the Steem-in-a-box version is I guess doomed to become obsolete.

What documentation did you use to set up your server?

I've read all the available (old) guides and tried out different configurations. I don't want to use prebuilt containers or something like steem-in-a-box, because I prefer to learn how it all works by doing it myself. When all works stable, I will publish my own 'how to setup a consensus node' guides.

I created a bash script that downloads the latest stable source from github and builds steemd and cli_wallet automatically. It now all seems to work, the only thing I still need to find out is why my node reports the version 0.0.0 instead of the blockchain version that I'm running (0.22.5).

it reports 0.0.0. until you had your first block. Then it will display the version you are running.

Thanks for the information and for your useful SteemWorld 😉

Yes there is a little visibility. It's just that you have not looked in the right place just yet : )

I am feeling very confident. Sure when they dump their Steem on the market, the price will tank for a while, but the price will recover. And we will start to grow the amount of individual users again after three years. We have had bulk new accounts created and funded by Steemit inc only ever used for flagging. Now those accounts have been counted as users. Here is a small list associated to just one operator account there are a lot more but i just got bored collecting them but at least it gave me a good idea how many there are
@mandraki @grenilcu @brassir @artrilstev @rezdam @clirkliev @warzi @blickhil @dentbos @nedrykp @septima @moille @pfisbrem @arxiov @santfroo @azmgaird @catzib @zigonum @trimcor @inbort @trevtic @posfica @catrism @wraist @belegas @trimust @afsol @sercifik @merdujo @pollentic @seildo @lirdin @paeng @vreislo @qualistit @draesvum @kkoui @cheescer @chiomna @anstaf @afsol @zalimo @puabni @prodef @ezffermi @encuke @batird @borstad @azmiges @kzalembraz @frsicola

Meinen Respekt für diese Entscheidung hast du. Ich werde dich hier auf jeden Fall unterstützen und für dich Voten.

Justo me estoy enterando que eres el desarrollador de Steemworld. Es mi herramienta preferida. Gracias por crearla. Tienes mi voto

Good luck.

luck will needed

Voted for you now, I hope your projects get funded and you can continue to grow steemworld :)

I agree with you, we're meant to be a community.
I feel trapped in a children's war.

You get my witness vote @steemchiler because I know you long hoped to run a witness here, and you tirelessly created and maintained the excellent app that is with very little support... and it was always one of the most enjoyable parts of the Steem experience, for me.

I hope your witness does well and makes it into the top-20 so you can make a little money to help with your financial struggles. I may not agree with your perspectives on everything that happened during the recent upheaval (and I now view Steem with a lot of skepticism), but you deserve every success here!

Well, we definitly don't share the same opinions on some facts... but I respect yours and I think this chain needs an objective and critical voice. (as long as sun permets it, good luck with that)
Anyway, you got my vote(s) and I wish you all the best! If you can make some money of deserve it. I had a wonderful time using steemworld and always found you were not enough rewarded for it.
Take care and good luck!

I feel the same way. Great job of summing it all up.

I believe there was a reason why markymark was not supportive of you doing this before

Thanks for the opportunity and give us a chance to make its part again, thank you.

Of course, you have my vote.
You are a magnificent example of compassionate clear vision, @steemchiller 🙏
A huge hug! 🤗

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 36/45 - need recharge?)


Please join us here:

Yaaay! Finally! Good Luck!

Steemworld alone is more than enough for me to vote your witness. I hope you rise up to the Top 20 to get you funded for your future development.

Thanks for keeping Steem stable.

I will vote for your witness.

Will you stay on steem?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I am already more focused on Hive but I still had some contests open here on Steem. I need to finish giving out the Steem prizes etc.. as of right now my account is on power down.

@steemchiller has one of the best dApps and I'd love to see it on Hive.


I love your Website

The point is plagiarizing other people's work is not good

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I am very happy to see you staying with us. Also, I appreciate and share many of your points of view. I've voted for you as a witness, and I hope many others will as well. You are an asset to this community. Not to mention that Steemworld has always been an amazing tool, one I use daily.

Thank you!

I hope you will be able to re-add the delegation tool

What exactly do you mean by re-adding? There is a tool for adding/removing/editing delegations directly in the Dashboard (Account Overview) and one for exploring older delegations (Delegation History).

My bad. Perhaps there was a glitch last night. It was completely gone from my dashboard. I just checked. You are right, it is there now. Wonderful. Steemworld is probably my favorite by far. Very useful. Thank you for all of your time and dedication.



ok boys good luck been here on steem for 2 years and guessss what. ive made only 5.3 steem oh gosh i dont understand it

I used one of my 30 votes for you. You deserve that :).


I like your website

Seriously I have been getting of a witness and I don't have an idea on how it functions but I I love your invention and your contribution towards steemit and I will be voting you today as a witness out of my 30 I have decided to take you alone.


New on the platform. I love it here, and keep your head high!
And yes, I used one of my 30 votes for you❤️

Hello it is very interesting

Agree, hope to get better

Please work on reducing the number of vote to witness, e.g. 30 to 3. This is the key point of decentralization.

my vote goes for you.

Ok, you just got my vote. Still looking for more Witnesses to vote for who are eager to continue to build the current set up of Steemit. Any tips are welcome.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Well, since I like your steemworld tool and would love to see something similar on the HIVE Blockchain. I have delegated a small temporary 500 SP (HIVE ACCOUNT) to help out a bit while you wait on your appeal concerning the HIVE airdrop.

I have very mixed feelings concerning this SNAFU (Steem Now All Fouled Up). I am just trying to do something positive in this entire quagmire.

Happy being on a centralized blockchain which is freezing accounts? And Steemit censoring posts? Steemit "being neutral" and unapproving any witness who's not willing to freeze accounts.

Hope you enjoy your stay. You can't pretend you're surprised. You choose to support a tyrant, you get what you asked for.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Yes, yes, that's partially right, but not entirely.

Hive is run by a large group of people with different ideas, viewpoints and goals. Steem is run by a single person, removing those who think differently.

Where can you find censorship on Hive? Because there's downvotes?

LOL wherever you got your education, it should be shut down.

How you like justinsun now LOL


nice job

The sun is already shining, we just need to trust in the beauty of our own creations.- Steem Chiller. Love it!

Du hast mein Witness-Vote. Ich finde es echt schade, dass du auf einer Blacklist bist auf Hive. Diese Leute reden von dezentralität machen aber genau das Gegenteil. Ich verstehe das überhaupt nicht.

Screenshot_2020-03-25 SteemWorld ~ thales7.png

I have very limited knowledge of Witness. Can I delegatee some steam power to you? Please tell me.

Why do we need to make a beautiful world? Isn't this world is beautiful? Try to be real, not ideal. We already very beautiful. Let's not forget that and let's be united.

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More room for improvement. Better times ahead. Trt harder man.



keep up


It's interesting

Wow nice

up everybody will do the best

I voter for u

Nice inspiration

I like steemworld and your idea! Good to see you are on board!

Perfect! You have my vote :)

Seems legit. Ill vote for you (y).