LOL!! Looks like somebody doesn't like themarkymark

in witness •  5 years ago 

This jerkwad "top witness" downvotes good people's honest posts for personal reasons and vindication. He does indeed believes he's the police of Steemit and will let you know he doesn't like your content by STEALING votes away from you and downvoting your account into oblivion. He believes he is the arbiter of Steemit and can do no wrong. It's WITNESSES who act like this that is driving down the price of steem as no one is going to buy steem when they're treated this way. Instead, whatever steem they have they're going to sell and get the fuck out. That's what I'm currently doing. That's what EVERY SINGLE ONE of the friends I encouraged over here are doing. We're all selling our Steem. And I'm personally reinvesting it in BAT, a far superior technology.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Right on man! I'm still in limbo about powering down. If I do I'm putting my Steem in EOS. That way I can make more EOS playing their crypto games.

Look, I sympathize with your side of this dispute, but calling people Nazis is just pathetic.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Unfortunately, that says more about you than him. Is he being authoritarian and abusive? Maybe. But it is so incredibly lazy and unimaginative to accuse someone of being a Nazi in the course of a dispute, and it makes the accuser look foolish. It also dilutes the term to meaninglessness so when an actual Nazi needs to be condemned, the word has lost its meaning.

Find it strange you are ok with someone posting a dictionary definition of a word a few times a day for $3-$20 and then 80% of the post is a template.

I also find it strange you would even consider it authoritarian or abusive considering you flag abuse as well.

I was being civil to someone who had a dispute with you and giving them the benefit of the doubt. The longer this goes on, the less I am inclined to be so charitable.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

If I knew about your shit posts a year ago I would have been flagging it back then.

I have no clue nor care who you flagged on trending.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This post has been promoted with @minnowbooster as a gift send by @dnitz50.
5% of the purchase will be burned and 5% sent to the @steem.dao fund as part of our ethical promotion initiative.
For further information please check this post.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Just as an outsider to this discussion I went to see your profile and engagement on your recent posts. Somehow those word definition posts don't seem to get any interest from users. There are almost no comments. But this post is really engaging (for the sake of my point it doesn't matter that it also received @themarkymark's downvote). Yes, it's full of angry comments but they are comments from real people.

Maybe that's because you are being authentic in this post. Maybe it's because you are saying things that are frustrating to you. Even though I wouldn't use this picture myself, for this I congratulate you.

I realize I have no right to tell you what to do on Steem since I don't know you and you probably don't know me. Everyone needs to find what Steem is for themselves. I can only share what my experience has been. And whenever I use my own voice I tend to do better here. Whenever I post about the things that I'm working on, things that are frustrating or inspiring to me, these posts seem to resonate with people more.

Hope this helps!

Posted using Partiko Android