Announcement : Indonesia Steemit Community Launching Witness

in witness •  5 years ago  (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-27 at 19.13.21.jpeg

Hallo Steemit Community, Hallo Indonesia Steemit Community. I am gladly to announce to all community members that we just lunched our witness in order to make sure the value our community as well as the advancement of community growth. Throughout few weeks, I discussed this issue with some friends which came to the conclusion that we need a witness that helps us to feel great being in touch on this platform. A lots of thought has been poured down to establish the witness as the great step to have incredible future here. I invested in servers and infrastructures in the name of Indonesia community which is gladly named our witness as @indo.witness.

Why do we need a witness?

We're a community that is highly regarded steemit as potential platform and so far, it brings positive impact to our community. We want to make steem the best crypto to use and a place to build good relation within communities member. As I recall, we have a lot members that still believe steemit can be great again.

However, in order to be worked out perfectly, we decide to launch a witness which is expected to help community growth. As many as 80% community members still hang out on this platform, and it is the best chance to elevate the value of community. Having witness allows us to create a new source to help us support the individual and high quality community member.

The Purpose of Launching @indo.witness

Steem has fascinated me from the day I joined and I and some friends have made such incredible connection on steemit. We succesfully build a community with a lot of members joined steemit. Steem is the long term platform that we always do the promotion to new people and help them solve the problem. Helping by the members, Indonesia Steemit Communiy is known as the large community on this platform. What a great community we have. We surely want to do incredible work for the steem family as always. I finally came up with a conclusion to contribute to steemit and its member by establishing our witness (Steemit Community Witness)

So, I would like to ask for the support from the members to vote our witness, @indo.witness and take it as the help for us to grow. Let make steem great again.

Cheer up Your Life


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첫 블록 생성을 축하 드립니다.
이제 @indo.witness는 명예로운 스팀 증인입니다.
앞으로 부단히 노력하여 상위증인의 랭크되기를 바랍니다.


오늘은 인도네시아 스팀 역사에 중요한 획을 긋는 날입니다.
축하드리며 앞으로 스팀의 발전을 위하여 인도네시아의
스티미언을 위하여 열심히 노력해주시기 바랍니다.

wah berita bagus ini kawan.. saya akan mendukung @indo.witness sebagai saksi di steemit..


betoi hai :D

Good News, saya akan mendukung sepenuhnya... Cheers!!!

yang beutoi neu peugah... hana peungeut,,, ha ha

thank you wak kems :D

great. let us rock to make steem great again.

lets rock dude :D

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


함께 응원합니다~! 💙
짠~! 💙


항상 행복한 💙 오늘 보내셔용~^^
2020 스팀 ♨ 이제 좀 가쥐~! 힘차게~! 쭈욱~!

thank you @bluengel :D

꼭 상위 증인 되시기 바라며
스팀의 미래를 위해 열심히 활동해주시기 바랍니다.

Steemit을 개발하기 위해 열심히 노력하겠습니다.고마워 친구 :D

응원 합니다.
반드시 상위 증인에 올라가서 인도네시아에도 스팀의꽃이 활짝 피기를 기원 합니다.

제공해 주신 지원에 감사드립니다. 성공은 항상 Steemzzang입니다 :D

스팀을 위하여, 인도네시아 스티미안을 위하여 큰 결심 하신것을 축하와 더불어 감사드립니다. @cjsdns@indo.witness을 최선을 다하여 지원 할것을 약속하며 아름다운 인도네시아 유저들을 스팀을 통하여 행복하게 만들어 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

@cjsdns 님이 제공 한 지원에 감사드립니다.당신의 지원은 인도네시아 Steemit 커뮤니티에 많은 것을 의미합니다

Tat tega speak Korea dua te.. pu dicakap @mt451r?

또한 증인 중 한 사람이 훔쳐서 @indo.witness를 지원했습니다.

Good jhob friends

terima kasih @darmianton :D

스팀을 위하여 열심히 노력해주세요.
응원 합니다.

도와 주셔서 감사합니다, 부인 나는 더 열심히 일할 것이다 :D

High up the sky.

To the moon :D


thank you :D

Saya sangat senang dengan kabar gembira ini, dan sangat mendukung @indo.witness sabagai saksi di steemit, semoga ini menjadi awal kebangkitan kembali para steemian indonesia...

betul bang @yanis01 ini sejarah bagi steemian indonesia , semoga saja kedepan steemian indonesia bisa berjaya kembali seperti dulu :D


Hai @levycore
Semoga Sukses Untuk masa depan yang masih cerah
salam @sultan-aceh

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan yang telah anda berikan bang @sultan-aceh,semoga kita semua bisa sukses di masa yang akan datang :D


Sebagai Steemian indonesia ini patut di appresiasi atas gebrakan baru bagi kita steemian indonesia yang memiliki witnes kita sendiri.
Saya juga mengajak banyak steemian indonesia untuk memberi suaranya kepada @indo.witness
Satu suara sangat berarti
Steemian indonesia selalu menunjukan konsistensi

ya ini pertama kalinya indonesia bisa menjadi witness di steemit ini. terima kasih banyak atas dukungan yang anda berikan ,salam sukses selalu @wira8788 :D

스팀의 미래가 동남아시아에서도 활짝 피어나가를 바랍니다. 응원 합니다.

이것이 동남아시아에서 영광의 시작이되기를 바랍니다.당신의 지원에 감사드립니다 :D

Make a beautiful steem.

thank you, lets make steem great again :D

인도네시아를 대표하는 @indo.witness 이 상위 20위 안에 들어가는 증인이 탄생되었습니다.
기적같은 일이 일어 났습니다.

이는 스팀의 미래 희망을 보는것이며 그간 열심히 활동해온 인도네시아의 많은 유저들의 승리이며 기쁨이고 희망이라고 봅니다.
축하와 감사의 인사를 드립니다.


Ayo ramaikan dengan memberi dukungan penuh. Saya juga support 100%.

Terimakasih banyak @midiagam , jagan lupa di vote witnessnya :D

Oke bang, sipp 😊

응원 합니다.

당신의 지원에 감사드립니다 @palja :D

Make a beautiful steem.

26위에 랭크되셨네요

우린 지금 17에있다,당신의 지원에 감사드립니다 :D

witnes indonesia tapi nulisnya pakek bahasa ingris. 🤣 saya sudah 2 tahun lebih disini. Saya tahu kali kamu siapa. kamu tidak akan memberikan suara untuk komunitas indonesia. Walaupun posting tersebut berkualitas. kamu hanya memberikan suara untuk diri kamu sendiri dan untuk akun yang memiliki kekuatan besar.

Kamu hanya mencari keutungan untuk diri kamu sendiri.

스팀의 독수리 오형제를 찾아라/스팀짱 풀보팅 이벤트입니다.

독수리 오 형제 하면 무척 친근한 말입니다.
독수리 오 형제는 일본 다쓰노코 ...


I am one of steemians voted for you since I trust you and your country. Please do your best for our steemit and our future

Ka di tamong lam 10 besar, cukop bereh. sang payah tapeugot saboh teuk yang blah deh.