[Witness] Update - November 2024 | Bugfixes | DAO Burn Steem | New Server

in witness •  4 months ago 

It's been three months since the last update...and a lot has happened. My rank alone has halved. That's thanks to @steemchiller's efforts. And of course the people who voted for me. Have a look at my activities for the Steem and then see if you have already voted for me :-D

Latest Data (01/11/2024)

Votes Received83,689.107 MV
Blocks Produced7,107
Blocks Missed4 (+0)
Running Version0.23.1
Power DownNone

Steemit Development

We all know that Steemit as a user interface for the Steem blockchain is getting a bit outdated. @the-gorilla is currently in the process of updating the interface and fixing the odd problem. He documents his work regularly here on Steem. You can also try out his new changes directly on my test frontend https://steemit.moecki.online/.

I have also been working on bug fixes for the last few weeks:

  • There have been no TRX rewards for some time and yet they were still displayed in the Condenser. This Pull Request has now been updated. Meanwhile, @ety001 is in the process of removing the TRX logic in its entirety.
  • I have already discussed the incorrect display of steem power in the profile here. This PR has now been merged into the production system.
  • Hivemind has a caching feature. However, this had a fundamental bug. I noticed this when analysing the steem power display. The values were cached with a prefix, but retrieved without it. This meant that the caching function was basically useless. This has been fixed with this Pull Request.
  • Later, I noticed an unhandled error in Hivemind with microforks. This caused the sync process to restart. I fixed this with this Pull Request.

There are still a few bugs to work on. If you notice anything else unusual, leave a comment.

DAO to burn Steem

There was a discussion some time ago about using the DAO to buy and burn Steem. Some witnesses are currently working on the implementation. Before submitting a proposal, we want to get the concept and scripts ready to go live.
There was a desire from the community for transparency and security. One aspect was the use of multi-signature accounts so that DAO funds are used only for the intended purpose.
We are currently in the process of writing the scripts. The transfer script is basically finished and the basis for the next steps is in place.


I am currently setting up a colocrossing server with another RPC node. I had planned not to use an existing database for this. Unfortunately, the image I used first was the wrong one, so not all the blockchain data was written to the database (thanks to Steemchiller for the right hint). So I had to repeat the replay. This was done yesterday. Now the Hivemind database sync is also running from scratch.

I have decided to deplay on this server my previous and future developments (like @the-gorilla's) into Condenser and Hivemind in the future. The result will be a customised interface that takes into account a few more user wishes. Currently this would be the bookmark function and the new (not yet finished) trending score.

... and if I know myself, there will be some unplanned activities :-)

So: Stay tuned, Steem on... and don't forget to vote for me!

Steem Search on https://moecki.online/

My Full Node on https://api.moecki.online

For fast account recovery set your recovery account to @moecki.recovery.

My Python Pricefeed for Witnesses

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You are clearly a top witness that is still not in top... ^^ It has been quite the bumpy ride so far to get you to your current rank, but I guess we will reach the goal now finally at some point. Thanks for all the great work you do for Steem!

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

bumpy ride

I don't want to know how many people you had to get on their nerves... ;-)
Thanks again for that, but also for your work for the Steem.

!DUBby 20%

Hey @moecki,
thank you for using our automatic payout bot 'DUBby' to share your post rewards with your commentators.

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Greetings from the 'DU-Finanzbot' (by Witness @moecki).

Hallo moecki, warum hilft der allmächtige auf dieser Plattform nicht jenen die ihre Zeit in den Steem stecken um sie attraktiver zu machen und am laufen halten ,…🤔 Denkpause , hm 😒 Frage , gibt es unter den ersten 20 noch welche die nicht mehr aktiv , Überflüssig sind ?

Sagen wir mal: es gibt nicht mehr viele. Du hast die Aktion vom Chiller mit den "Popups" auf Steemworld sicher mitbekommen. In der Zeit hat sich einiges getan.

In ganz krassen Fällen hat der Allmächtige seine Stimme schon zurückgezogen. Es wird und wurde vielfach diskutiert, ob die Stimmen ganz zurückgenommen nur anders verteilt werden sollen? Dass die Stimmen überhaupt vergeben wurden, war ja offensichtlich auch ein Ergebnis des großen Streits. Heute sind mehr große Akteure auf dem Steem, so dass Zeugen, die nur die Stimme des Allmächtigen haben, es nicht mehr unter die Top20 schaffen. Das ist auch gut so, denn Zeugen, die nur durch dem Segen eines großen Accounts den größten Einfluss auf die Chain haben, sind unberechenbar.
Ich finde es wichtig, dass Zeugen gevotet werden, die nicht nur die Rewards als Einnahmen im Blick haben, sondern etwas für den Steem bewirken wollen. Du offensichtlich auch :-)

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Ich möchte ja auch keinen Monarchischen Steem und dennoch braucht es gebündelte Power um Witness die sich viel und überall einbringen mal dahin zu schieben drücken 🤗 ziehen wo sie hingehören , vielleicht noch vor Weihnachten, schade das mein Einfluss an diesen Schrauben zu drehen sehr begrenzt ist .

Schau'n wir mal, dann seh'n wir schon :-D
Pläne habe ich jedenfalls noch genug.

!dubby 20%

I don't understand much about the bug issue, but I support always being the best for every improvement in the steemit system, and hopefully in the future it will continue to be better, we just hope that the very senior supporters will continue to be able to make this better.

I am very convinced that @steemchiller is indeed extraordinary in understanding every system in steem

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Let's hope that there are no such bugs that a large number of users notice. Because then it's really bad. The small errors are not so quickly noticeable, but can degrade performance. Nevertheless, fixing these small errors is sometimes quite time-consuming. Maybe that's why people don't like doing it so much.

If you think my work and that of Steemchiller is so good, you can vote for us now. You still have a few slots free.

Ich verstehe zwar kein bisschen von der Materie. Finde es aber klasse wie ihr Euch reinhängt.


  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Das finde ich wiederum klasse, Danke! :-)

Danke auch für dein Vote. Das für Holger kannst du übrigens entfernen. Er ist schon lange nicht mehr für den Steem aktiv.

Danke für den Hinweis.

Hab einfach derzeit viel im die Ohren.

Werde Holger dann bei Gelegenheit mal rausnehmen

!dubby 5%

These will be good fixes. I still don't see the purpose of the burn Steem project, now that President Trump won

We should think long-term ;-)

I don't know why I am saying anything: I am at 128kbps, if that. I have to think long term and remember it because it takes an hour to enter into Steem, if I can login at all at that internet speed - what's that called again? DSL.

I wonder how many Steemians have dsl? How long do they hang around?

Time for Starlink! 😉 No idea what their speed is, but I'm guessing it's faster than 128k? Maybe it's expensive, though. I don't know their pricing, either.

I had DSL some years ago, but thankfully I've been on fiber for a while now. I had a nice employee discount for it when I worked for Verizon. I miss that.

Oh, 128kbps is quiet slow. So it's no wonder that logging in and reading takes a long time.

I can see you’re doing a lot for Steemit and thank you for keeping us updated. About the bug issue, I haven’t experienced it since I’m yet to explore Steemit fully
Thanks for the update

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Thank you. For a newcomer, there are of course many details that you are probably not yet aware of.

In due course, you should familiarise yourself with the function of the witnesses and vote for your favourites. They ensure, for example, that you can write and read posts on Steemit at all. Each of the witnesses has a copy of the Steem blockchain and thus ensures its immutability.

!DUBby 5%

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I must confess that I really admire your consistency and dedication for what you do on the Steemit platform and I must confess that you are a big inspiration to many people. Keep doing the great work you are doing

But then I'm astonished that I haven't received a vote from you yet.
May I remind you that you have 30 witness votes and only one of them has been given so far.

Hi my good friend, I'm happy to meet you. I hope I can get to know my senior better. Please share your knowledge, sis. 🥹🥹