Have you checked steemit´s daemon lately?

in witnesses •  9 years ago 

One Person with a bot-net or datacenter is trying to dominate steem-mining. If you look at the witness-list you will see a long queue of miners who are waiting in line to mine steem, and as you can see on the next picture, one person is pretty much dominating that queue.

If this was Bitcoin, a guy like this, would be a danger to the blockchain!

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 23.04.59

But this is steemit - these 19 #witnesses make sure everything is legit!

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 23.05.22

I personally think it is incredible that one person dominates the entire mining queue, but - he is not making any threat to the steem-chain - this blockchain is really designed by geniuses. On the Bitcoin Blockchain it is all about everybody getting blocks at the same time - like a flock of elephants crossing a narrow door at the same time.

I could go on and on and on about how much electricity that is wasted on miners mining bitcoins and not finding a block, or how bitcoin-miners are paying the power-bill to the powers that are - the power-plant-owners, but I will not bother.

All system works the way they are designed :)

Thank you for reading - please leave a comment below and tell us what you thing

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He found an exploit in the system. There is a patch in the works and hopefully a hard fork to stop it soon. https://github.com/steemit/steem/issues/256

I hope they fork his rewards out too.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

no his rewards should not be forked out, the exploit is an error in the system, the person in question has merely highlighted a problem. If a cash machine is left open and you can take the cash, then that's the banks fault. If on a crypto-currency you can go around reversing transactions that don't suit, then you can lose a lot of credibility and potentially damage the acceptance of the system. If you are not seen to be completely decentralised then you will be superseded by one that is. Hence the imbalance in mining control in BTC is damaging it's long term viability. It's a weakness that other cryptos are exploiting and gaining traction through.

If the cash machine is left open and you take the cash you got directly to jail. It's theft.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

yeah, but they are unlikely to find you if you were quick, most people would at least want to take it, and most people would think it was a lucky event and one to which was worth exploiting. But anyway, it wasn't the best comparison for me to make in relation to this issue (but my latter point stands). This isn't an illegal exploit, if indeed it is an exploit at all. The benefit of someone taking a high profile move against a system is that it gets more attention and we all become a little more aware as to how secure this system is, hopefully before we invest too much of our time and or money, it certainly makes me hold back somewhat more as far as Steemit is concerned, and that's probably not a bad thing.

If someone found exploit in system he should report to developers not exploit it in expense of all other legitimate miners.

in an ideal world, but people by and large do not, as in the DAO hack. That is seen by many as a legitimate exploit within the terms of the contract. I am not really saying I condone it, but these sort of things tend to get more attention and dealt with a lot more urgently when they get high profile attention and cause financial issues.

This hack is really a pain, i don't mine much. Now I can't mine at all.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Im not really sure why you think this is an exploit (versus some random guy with lot of votes and a lot of hash power)... this guy might just have gotten GPU mining to work or something, or just brought in a buttload of machines.

It does seem kind of weird that the miners in question keep changing their memo keys though. unlike many cryptos, miners don't get paid a ton here there might just not be that many people willing to invest in hardware to compete with him.

that said, id expect him to be slightly more subtle if he was a bad actor exploiting some kind of security hole, like not giving all his machines similar names.

Great post @fyrstikken. The post and replies are very helpful for non-technical people like myself. I always up vote this type of article. I think some technical type could do very well on Steemit answering questions of a technical nature. I'm thinking of not only questions pertaining to Steemit but would include questions relating to computers, browsers, platforms like openledger, bitshares etc. I see it something like the following: a question is posed and then the technical recipient comes back with his price required, quoted in Steam, Bitshares etc., to answer the question. Do any of you tech. types see this as a business opportunity?

Thanks for keeping these thing s int eh light.
I have an idea to fill some space on my blog. A steemit journal. Let me know what you think. https://steemit.com/steemit/@joelinux/8-11-16-2-00am-california-mildly-entertaining-journal-entry-1

Steem block chain is amazing. Mining it is by far one of the best. Good job devs. Tried mining it started it but desired not to mess with it. So bought instead :) steem me up Scotty.

@fyrstikken I found something similar, only looking at ALL steemit accounts:

This seems to be spreading like wildfire.

Insane, large investment right there. I wish they would have just drove the price of steem up instead.....

I was just checking and noticed the same thing. Amazon EC2 getting a payday! Interesting how they stay in perfect numeric order - likely running off of one script.

yeah as long as we have the witnesses, there is no need to fear :)

I thought mining are in the cloud? so power is not one them no more?

Can you please explain for dummies like me. How is that he or she is not a threat to the system? Are these miners being skipped or what?

I was playing with an idea to start mining but I didn't really do the math yet :)

Simple answer: the 19 witnesses have been vetted over a span of time as 'rational, benevolent actors' to the ecosystem.

The behavior of the entity wanting to mine is using an exploit apparently and would likely not be 'benevolent'. The 19 witnesses are keeping it out.

So how come this doesn't effect the mining power of the 19 benevolent actors? Do they have some sort of advantage over everyone else also? And without a hard fork, would the supercomputer eventually end up on the list of 19? I do not understand the process with Steemit, but from my limited understanding it sounds like there is some degree of centralisation going on?

Thanks for your reply. So does that mean that the mining is going on without interruptions? Only that these non-benevolent miners are ignored?

It just means he has a huge advantage over miners who arent using an exploit, so he gets most of the rewards. The total amount of mining rewards is unaffected and even if the miner is malicious (which we don't know) there isn't really anything he can do to harm the system. He just gets a bit of extra rewards, but even that isn't a huge amount. It is equivalent to what one of the top 19 witnesses gets, and when it comes down to it, he's doing the same thing (signing blocks).

Thank you for this quick explanation.

Only 1 in every 21 blocks is generated by a miner. Other 20 blocks are produced by witnesses, 19 of whom are selected by voting and 1 is selected from the rest (time-shared). See the the Steem White Paper, page 22.

The blocks are produced every 3 seconds, so miners can't generate more than one block in 63 seconds.

I'm nowhere near understanding mining but is that fair, is he allowed to do that?

if someone finds an exploit in the system miner steemit certainly was a mistake of mine steemit program that is still in the beginning stages and I hope steemit can be great for the next day with a wide range of existing experience, @fyrstikken thnks for information :-)

Jeeze that person is dominating right now. Great post!

I read an article on mining and I still have no idea how to do it. Can anyone recommend a good video tutorial specifically for mining Steem?

Thanks @fyrstikken

Very interesting to see how the Daemons at work.
They comes in a mysterious way. With this masses there will be surely some Jammed there.
Like a bottle-neck trying to squeeze them all out .

Steem is young - it's good stress test for the system. Ethereum just passed the test, Bitcoin cannot yet. But if Bitcoin will not reach consensys about block size it'll be bad for all cryptos.

I even a little before, had been mined.
However, I have stopped looking at the current state of the queue.
Because witnesses are accounted for, I also crisis I do not think.
Although is is mortifying can not compete with mining.

Ya i mine as well and i noticed him. Glad there is a patch in the works.

Nice post @fyrstikken

I was looking into mining Steem today. I mine bitcoin and other altcoins and thought it might be fun to mine Steem too. Still wrapping my head around it. Should this discourage me?

great article, @fyrstikken

Worthy of a vote for the little devil alone!! Great article.

Interesting to read this post @fyrstikken

I also had been mining, but when looking at this, I think to continue no longer.
Once you get home, to stop the mining program.

I am pretty sure he is cloud mining. You basically get accounts on computers that sell cloud space and setup a miner. Once you get one setup you image it and install it again with the click of the mouse. On steemit he would have to make another account. I don't think he is breaking any rules other than having that many accounts.

Hey there, just discovered you today! Love your post! very interesting how the system works and the way they are designed. I guess as long as they are not a threat thats fine! ;) Alla

I tried to get a friend to mine but his 38k isn't enough to get a block apparently :/

eventually but currently everything is overruled by supercomputer user....
it's waiting for hardfork 13.

don't understanding mining but hope to learn more about this.

I have a question @fyrstikken , what is mining by the way? How they do that? Is it possible to become a miner also?

I like the fact that the Steem model seems to be self-correcting.

I'd noticed this as well. Glad to hear that there's a fix in the works :). I don't think that they should fork out his rewards, however. @fubar-bdhr, that's how there came to be two ethereums.... I prefer our single steem, really.