10 Thankful Things (Wondrous Wednesday Contest)

in wondrouswednesday •  7 years ago  (edited)


This is my entry for the Wondrous Wednesday Contest by @princessmewmew that I happened upon at the last minute. Regardless of if I actually make the deadline, I need NEED this challenge today, so I'm going to do it anyway.

Ten Things that Make Me Happy/I'm Thankful For:



  • That I have such an awesome husband. We have our struggles like everyone else (note to others, even the fairy tale takes work!) but he has always been so supportive of me. As I watch other marriage fall apart around me, I am so thankful to be reminded every day that I am lucky enough to have a rock solid, loving and supportive man by my side. I don't know how I got so lucky.



  • That my kids are friends with each other. This comes up regularly. Most of them have grown and moved out, but they still choose to spend time together. They go out to movies, have dinner together randomly, just because. They choose to go do things together just because they enjoy each other's company. Hearing them laughing and just being together when they're at the house never fails to bring me immense joy and I am SO thankful that we managed to raise them in such a way that helped that happen.



  • That I can stay home. Mainly because my husband chooses to work to support us. This meant that I could stay home and homeschool our kids. That I could be here for them when they needed me and I wasn't torn between work and home. I know many mothers do that and do it well, but it isn't the kind of thing I would have been good at, so I'm VERY thankful that I was and STILL AM able to stay home. Now I'm able to focus on my writing and again, my husband is fully supportive of that.



  • I love my colorful room. My books shelves that line the walls and the colorful tapestries and artwork I have to make the room feel cozy. This is my bedroom/office and living room all in one. It is the place where I spend the most time and I am SO thankful that it is such a cozy, colorful, happy making place!



  • My grandsons. I'm very thankful that I get to have a relationship with my grandkids and see them often. I see them pretty much one day a week every single week. I know that there are plenty of grandparents who either live too far away, or have a strained relationship that makes that impossible and I am really glad that I am lucky enough to be able to have this time with them so often.



  • An aside to that last one... playing with legos and play doh and crayons makes me happy. I know it's probably weird, but I love to build things with the kids' Legos, maybe more than they do. I love creating things with Play Doh and watching my grandon's eyes get wide with admiration of the magic that I made (also, seeing them bite into PlayDoh "pizza"... oops!)


  • I'm thankful for the friends that I have in my life who understand that I'm an introvert and don't get out much. I'm thankful not ONLY that they are there for me when I need it, but that they know I'll be there for them when they need it. I have very few close friends, but those relationships are ones that are VERY important to me.



  • I'm thankful that my kids are close to ME. I'm glad that they all still talk to me about most everything and that for the most part, they actually take my advice when I give it. It makes me really really happy that I still have such a close relationshipw with them and that I see them so often.



  • I am SO thankful that my kids FRIENDS are awesome, supportive-part-of-the-family kind of people. They have friends or significant others that just fit in so well... and like I said in #2. Not only are my kids' friends good for them, but they ALL enjoy each others' company. Pretty much everyone seems to fit together well and get along. I LOVE that about my family.


  • Finally, I'm thankful for steemit, because it helped break my writer's block. I'm thankful for the community here who helped me to believe in myself again. That helped me get the confidence to start writing and sharing my writing again. Now that I'm branching out ~ outside of just steemit, I'm remembering how nerve wracking it is to step outside of a supportive community. I haven't had support like I've gotten here and it has literally been life changing. I couldn't be happier that I've found this place!


Short Stories

A fun series: Letters from a Boat Cat!


I'm BAAAACK After a Much needed vacation



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Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos (Or in the case of linked thumbnail cover photos in the sig, they are sourced at the original post).

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I love reading about your family. You all look like you are having fun together!! Hope to meet you all someday 😄

I hope to meet you, too! We do have a lot of fun. I am very very blessed!

i feel like ive seen all these photos already but you all always look like youre having so much fun! love ittttt

Yeah, for as exciting as my life is, it's pretty much the same old thing :) Plus, I hit this contest at the last minute and I was afraid I'd get distracted looking through photos to find all new ones!

hahahaa they are the same? i was kidding !! 😂🤣😂🤣 youre fam always looks like a hoot. never tire of seeing you all.

Lol, I did reuse some of the photos I've used for other posts about either my kids or my family and just put them in banners :) My family always makes fun of me for how many millions of photos I take... but it comes in handy!

@byn hehe funny girl! miss you and hope all is well on your frontier! hugs

What a wonderful list of awesome goodness @byn. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about what all of these mean to you. You all look like such a wonderful, fun and loving bunch. So happy that there is so much love in your family.

Thank you! :) I know that I pretty much write about the same things when I'm writing about gratitude, but I am really just THAT thankful that I ended up with so much awesome in my life. Coming from so much dysfunction in my family (and my family's history) I know better than some how hard it is to find a happy family!

wowowow! This is SO lovely! I love how almost all your points involve your family. It is so beautiful 💜

Thank you! I am very very VERY fortunate to have the awesome family I do!

Your post makes me happy! I see a lot of amazing people in your shots and a lot of colour and laughter and life <3