One word each day: Day 16

in wordnerd •  8 years ago  (edited)

Time for another awesome word, that probably everybody to be among my favorites words because of the meaning mostly..though the pronunciation isn't bad either.




Let's hear it.

Thanks to Emma Saying for the pronunciation.

What does it mean?

According to the dictionaries:

-it means causing harm (sometimes even deadly) in a subtle, gradual manner synonym with "stealthy", "deceitful", even "sneaky".


First known use ,appears to be in 1545. It comes from Latin īnsidiōsus meaning "cunning, artful, deceitful", from īnsidiae meaning "a lying in wait, an ambush".

I'll leave you guys with one of my favorite quotes by Samuel P. Huntington:

"Partial truths or half-truths are often more insidious than total falsehoods."


Previous days:
| Day 1 : Concoction | Day 2 : Allure | Day 3 : Clue | Day 4 : Bubble | Day 5 : Dystopia |
| Day 6 : Cornucopia | Day 7 : Dormant | Day 8 : Empirical | Day 9 : Forbidden | Day 10: Astute |
| Day 11: Bacon | Day 12: Grotesque | Day 13: Copacetic | Day 14: Hippopotamus |
| Day 15: Audacity |

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Tiff's smile has an insidious affect on my bitcoin wallet that's for sure.

Very Insidious Indeed!

No comment !!!! Lol

I never liked the film "Insidious" it was rubbish in a very insidious way.

Ahahahahaha i did not see it yet...