One word each day: Day 7

in wordnerd •  9 years ago  (edited)

We have today an awesome favorite word of mine..i simply like the sound of it and it has awesome meanings.




Hear hear !!

What does it mean ?

Well this word has some awesome meanings and definitions.

-it means (of an animal) having all normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time, like being in a deep sleep synonym with "asleep" "slumbering" "comatose" etc

-it means (of a plant) alive but not growing

-it means (of a volcano) temporarily inactive

-it means (of a disease) causing no symptoms but not cured and liable to come back

-and sometimes it's referring to an animal depicted as lying with it's head on its paws


The word dormant comes from Middle English , in the senses "fixed in position" and also "latent" , from Old French dormir, also from Latin dormiēns.

First known use was around 1500 referring to a resting situation, only in 1620 , people start using it for sleeping.

I'll end this post with a quote from one of Jay-Z's songs...

"I'd rather die enormous than live dormant.. "

Thank you and apologize for being a little late for today's word. I was a little dormant..


Previous days:

Day 1 : Concoction

Day 2 : Allure

Day 3 : Clue

Day 4 : Bubble

Day 5 : Dystopia

Day 6 : Cornucopia

For more each day...don't forget to follow me .

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Royal may be dormant most of the time but when Tiff calls he springs to life and obeys. Amazing since he's a cat.

Ahahahhaahhah good one !

This is the perfect word to describe my last blog post lol

AHhahahaha dormant ?Why ?