So, I want to be upset and broken and defeated and all these tragic things that I'm so good at. But somehow I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I am, for lack of better terms, disappointed. You had so much promise. Hell, but don't they all. There's a connection between us that I can't seem to put into words, and fuck every time you're around I get all tongue tied, and just sound like a fool. But what can I say? I've always been a fool for some pretty words and slick grin. And sure, I'll be on to the next one in no time. Thats what I do. Constantly looking for the 'right one'. But silly silly me thought maybe it could've been you. Always playing the role of my hero. Always there to help me pick myself back up off the floor. Always taking my side, and telling me that its not me. They're all just crazy and foolish. And I let myself be blinded sided but all your ways. All the ones I knew about. The ones that are so familiar. The ones that keep me hanging on. And I'm trying to shake it. Trying to shake you, in this light. But, fuck you were always hard to shake. Then. Now. I'm all but positive we'll cross the bridge again. And you'll be just as hard to shake then too. Le sigh. Whats a girl to do?
7 years ago by astrick (36)