her passion

in words •  7 years ago  (edited)

He said he loved her passion. He said that it was one of his favorite things about her. And she loved that someone did. But she started to wonder if he knew what that meant. Or if he was just now figuring that part out and that's why it all seemed weird now. Maybe he didn't realize that her passion was more than songs and movies and quotes and all the silly things that made her who she was. Maybe it was the passion for the other things that he didn't know was there. The pieces that made everyone else run away too. Maybe he figured out that she was just too intense and she wanted just too much. Maybe it was her passionate hatred of certain words. Maybe it was passionate love for others. Maybe it was the way she squealed when something made her excited. Maybe it was the way she panicked when something seemed to go wrong. Maybe it was exactly what he thought he loved that is scaring him away.

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