New diet that’s actually manageable

in workout •  7 years ago 

It’s called SKIP LOADING.

THE principles behind skip LOADING:
Weigh yourself before your skipload (upon waking is best)
Start with a 6 hour window of Skiploading. Usually it’s best to go from Breakfast and time 6 hours. When 6 hours are up go back to your normal diet
Eat high carb foods- the higher the GI the better, but make sure its low fat. Yes that’s sugary foods such as pancakes in syrup, malt loaf covered in jam, pic and mix, marshmallows, kids cereals, fruit etc. The skies the limit here- as long as its high GI, low fat it’s on the menu.
Keep water intake to a minimum! This is important because the carbs will act like a sponge in your stomach and drinking water at your normal levels will make you feel very bloated, full and uncomfortable.
No dairy (it slows down digestion). If you opt for kids cereals then mix them with a protein shake (be warned coco pops mixed with chocolate whey shake and chocolate syrup = chocolate overload!)
Eat your carbs, do not drink them. This means no fruit juice drinks or bottles of coke.
Use your hunger as a guide as to when to eat. If you are hungry eat. Don’t stick to set meal times as you normally would – think about the load as a 6hour graze. If you are full don’t eat again until you are hungry.
PERSONAL PREFERENCE – Start on high GI carbs and taper onto more savoury carbs such as low fat crisps, low fat oven chips, potatoes, pasta, low fat pizza etc. You will find that there is only so much sugar you can eat before you feel terrible. You can increase the GI of more savoury foods by dipping them in BBQ sauce, ketchup, syrup, jam or sprinkling sugar onto them etc.
Your skipload will add instant next day weight to the scales, but fear not, it’s only going to be water weight. Expect to put on anything from 1-10lbs depending on just how much you can eat. Your job every morning following the load is to stand on the scales and check your weight. You are aiming to baseline (return to the same weight as before your skipload) by Wednesday mornings weigh-in. If you baseline early then add 2 hours onto the following weeks load. If you baseline late remove an hour on the following weeks load. You may baseline as late as Friday, and this can be scary and a bit demoralising, but you should still lose weight by the following Saturday. If you get to a point where you are loading all day on Saturday from waking to going to bed (and this does happen to some) then you may wish to bring your load forward to a few hours of Friday night – this should help you eat more as you can fill up on Friday night and wake up hungry on Saturday morning.
They key benefit to skiploading for me is that it works – plain and simple. I don’t care about the science or lack of science behind it, I don’t care that nobody has published a study on it or that it’s a bit left field from the norm and gets some bodybuilders knickers in a twist. Every week for 4 weeks I have skiploaded for 6 hours and lost weight. Whilst I continue to get leaner I also have the added benefit of getting stronger and am hitting new personal bests week-in-week out (whoever thought that would be possible on a cut?!). I have also found skiploading helps me maintain my focus – mainly in part because I know that come Saturday I can graze on sugary foods. Coincidentally I have also found that I do not crave carbs until the load weight has dropped off – which is great because Sunday – Wednesday keeping diet on point is effortless.

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Please let me know how you are doing , if you get candida overgrowth and or how you deal with it if at all. a I would love to loose some fat.

I do the Keto diet. 5% carbs, 75% fat, 20%% protein.

Max 50g of carbs per day
Protein & fats are your best friends

Protein: chicken, steak, (all types of meats & fish)
& no cold cuts

fats: avocados, nuts, cheese