New World Order: The development of the (almost) dictatorial USA/Bank-led world government and its downfall

in world-government •  8 years ago 

I know that lots of people in this community are well informed about the bankingsystem-fraud, the Us Deep State etc. So mostly I write this for some relatively young people who I know respects me and who soon will be (or recently became) steemit-users.   

Trump-Brexit + Half the worlds population gives it a try 2017-2018 I start this with the ways to go, some of the “daily solutions”. That’s much nicer than writing about the psychopathic power-elites from Washington, New York and Brussels: Donald Trump and the Brexit-movement are trying to stop the Dictatorial World Government madness. Trump stopped TTP and the slavery Climate-scam-“agreement”, two of the worst enslavement-attempts from the NWO/ megacorporations (NWO = New World Order or Dictatorial Banker-led World Government). Much more needs to be done: Cryptocurrencies, Swiss type Direct Democracy, local interestfree currencies, leaving the old “slavery” multinational conglomerates-megabank-government-mainstream media-PR-school/university-systems. Further: Building local and individual production of what people need (not just food), using/building good networks with like-/freedom-minded people, is the way to go. Most of your power is in your networks, creativity, what money you use and from who/how you buy things. Do it and do it now! Mark Twain: “The best way to get something done is to get started!”   The current megacorrupt Washington-New York-Brussels based power-conglomerate is falling anyway, so lets not wait with introducing and building the solutions!   

A little of the history behind Dictatorial World Government: Plans from Cecil Rhodes and Illuminati that merged into a 0.00001% conglomerate. Depressing as it is, it's necessary that billions of people learn about the enormous economical and human betrayals that took place the last 300 years or so. The solutions are here, the Trump-Brexit revolution is, I think, unstoppable and that means the the psychopathy-led 0.000001 % superrich people will lose. I hope they get amnesty, a load of cash and an Island in the pacific so that we never see them any more. The Trump and Brexit victories are signs of what Catherine Austin Fitts recently said: You just can't run the world on psychopathy. It does not work! Not even with the back-up of the Ministries of Propaganda in mainstream media. But anyway, let me give a little of the history behind this enormous psychotic catastropy with USA-NATO perpetual wars  in order to make money for the criminal superrich money controllers that the Washington-New York-London-Brussels money-military controllers have created.  

The Cecil Rhodes-Millner and Illuminati plans for world government:                          A plan for an anglo-american world government was initiated by Cecil Rhodes secret society founded 1891. It is often called the Rhodes/Millner-group, initially a conglomerate of powerful people from the English empire. Carroll Quigley, a highly respected insider and history professor, documented the development of this world government-plan in his bestseller “Tragedy and Hope", 1966. See ca 20 pages summaries for free on internet! Some people will argue that Illuminati had similar world government plans and was more powerful. Illuminati was started 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bayern/Germany, by the university professor Adam Weishaupt. Fritz Springmeyer and others have documented a lot of Illuminatis history and agendas, although they are more hidden than the “Cecil Rhodes-Millner agenda”. Reality is that the Rhodes-Millner group, Illuminati and other very powerful groups like neocons in Washington and others all merged into the 0.00001 % power elite that we see dominating the world today. Officially 6 people own more than half the worlds population of ca 3 600 000000 people. It should be added that much of the world already was stolen way before, by the English empire, by the Vatican, by powerful bankingfamilies… Over time many of the economic giants from the 17-1800-s like the Oppenheimers, Rotschilds, the Vatican, Habsburgs, Breganza, English, Dutch and other royal families largely teamed together with the Rockefellers, Morgans, Vanderbilt, Carnegies, Mellons, Warburgs….. Especially during the “peace-conference” after the 1st world war in Versailles and in the following years (1919-1921), partnerships and organizations were formed: The old European royal families merged with the new USA robberbarons and the bankingdynasties and political elites on both sides of the Atlantic ocean, (for ex.) resulting in two highly powerful semi-secret sister-organizations on each side of the Atlantic ocean: CFR in New York and RIIA (Council on Foreign Relations in New York and Royal Institute of International Affairs in London). All in order to enslave “the crazy masses” (our grandparents, the 99.99999 % of the worlds population, the “useful idiots”).  

The Dulles brothers, Ed Bernays and Walter Lippman                                                     The mentioned enslavement agenda is very well described in “Tragedy and Hope” (Carroll Quigley, 1966, see ca 20 pages summaries for free in internet). The new superstars of Propaganda Walter Lippman and especially Ed Bernays laid out plans for how to fool the populations into submission even more effectively than before via newspapers, radio and later TV. Lawyers like the Dulles brothers helped the elites to make the laws more hidden with more complicated language and even more advantages for the establishment through the laws.

Carroll Quigleys Tragedy and Hope and fake parliamentarian democracy                  No falshe conspiracy-theory (rather conspiracy-reality!) here, history professor Quigley was a 1st class insider and by far the leading expert in anglo-american economic history. Quigley was hired by CFR (CFR = Council on Foreign Relations) as their historian in the early 1960-s, allowed to read the secret documents from CFR meetings from its start-up 1921. According to another well informed writer, William Engdahl, Quigley was allowed to write about these semi-secret plans on the condition that the key-role of the Rockefeller family was not mentioned. Carroll Quigley once said: Western parliamentarian democracy is so far, the best method to get the masses to think that they decide over something important in society”.  

Planning of a USA-Rockefeller Century after WW2                                                               The Bretton Woods and Nixon crimes: The Rockefeller-brothers, Allen Dulles and others planned a Rockefeller-banker / US century through the Rockefeller Foundation sponsored “War and Peace Studies” – within the frame of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – during WW2. It resulted in that much of the worlds current moneysystem was formed in the Bretton Woods agreement: With the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, ruling much of the world soley from this set-up. The dollar was theoretically backed by gold: 36 dollar per 31.1 gram (ounce) and all other major currencies were linked to the dollar to a fixed rate. Of course, in the late 60-s when de Gaulle and Germany wanted gold for all the dollar they accumulated, Nixon broke the Bretton Woods agreement, advised by David Rockefeller. So no gold to get any more, just more paper dollars. So already then, 1971, the US government broke the most important economical agreement of all. They just printed money to finance the Vietnam killing, payed the bills by printing dollar, flooding the world with dollar that no one could change into gold anymore. David Rockefeller: Many people get David Rockefeller in mind when they hear about dictatorial bank-led world government. With the exeption of the Rotschild family and possibly Cecil Rhodes no people have been furthering the agenda of dictatorial world government as effective and much as David Rockefeller. According to his memoaires, he honestly thought that it was a good idea for mankind with a dictatorial bank-corporate-led world government (although it all had to be hidden in order to avoid public light). Mind that this is exactly how Mussolini defined fascism: An all powerful government that basically is the same “corporation” as the largest companies and banks, with total control over the masses. It’s inhuman/criminal and needs to be taken away!                                                             

About world government from Nic Rockefeller, year 2009                                            Some very interesting details of the plans for a dictatorial world government-plan were described 2012 by Aaron Russo (see Youtube) when he goes back to conversations with Nic Rockefeller: Rockefeller exposed the World Government agenda: One world digital currency, cashless society, microchipped populations, world army (NATO), dictatorial bank-led world government: A UN/Washington/EU world government led by Federal Reserve, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, IMF, BIS, the World Bank, HSBC, Barcleys, Socite Generale and others). Further world Police/Intelligence and most people moved into megacities in small apartments...                                         

Dictatorial world government is already in place and the western world is semi-fascist (but every day losing against their mightiest enemy, the truth)                 IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, EU-commission, NATO, United Nations, the western world controlled bankingsystem and Google/NSA have built a fantastical big brother/surveillance society.  The Bilderberg-group, the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA/US Deep State, Trilateral Commission, western world “Ministries of Propaganda/Disinformation” (mainstream media), plays key-roles. William Engdahl details the important thinktanks in his book “Die Denkfabriken” (the Thinktanks). All western countries today carries out different levels of quite dictatorial (not yet complete) fascism or socialism:  The EU-commission is dictatorial and lawless, the US Deep State-military/CIA-government is lawless, the megabanks are certainly lawless and what the governments do has little to do with the needs and wishes from their populations. They simply do what their masters forces or/and bribes them to do. The cynical psychopathic owners/controllers of the Wall Street megabanks, IMF, Federal Reserve, EZB, the World Bank and Bank of International Settlements leads this completely lawless, enslaving, murderous system in corporation with the US Military industrial/security complex.   

Fascism and communism/socialism are the same: Enslaving collectivism!           Their agendas are discussed and furthered in (for ex.) Bilderberg- and Davos-meetings, EU- and Deep State Neocon/CFR meetings. They all like to pretend as there are real differences between communism and fascism. That’s the big political trick. It’s all a scam. It’s all collectivism it’s all power mad psychopaths and severly damaged narcissists trying to enslave populations through central banks, a criminal bankingsystem, horribly unfair taxes, horrible laws.  Former Ronald Reagan economical adviser Paul Craig Roberts recently describede ed the US Government under Obama: “the most criminal government in the history of the world”. We will see what Trump does/+intentions in the coming year.   

The way to go                                                                                                                                                In my next article “The way to go” I will try to detail and expand a bit with my ideas of solutions. That’s really what counts. Be patient, English is not my mothertongue …                 

Kind regards from the Blueseal….  

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