Perverted and inverted.

in world •  2 years ago 


It’s been an interesting few days noticing peoples’ response to the old queen's passing.

To be sure, it underscored this ongoing rift among folks, certainly here in opinion land, but I expect around the world as well, between those who seem content to believe the story of the world as it gets handed to them, and as it has been constructed in their minds by decades of media and cultural narratives and by the body of inherited traditions.

I will admit I too was of that mind for most of my life, as I expect most of us were. After all, it's so much easier (especially when you're pliably young) to interact with others (especially with family) when everyone believes the pretty much the same fundamental things - even if it later proves itself to be absolute balderdash.

But then, one day, your perceptions begin to change and you find yourself moved to start questioning the very nature of those narratives and common assumptions that you are being told.

Well, that’s where the road splits and I think it's safe to say that once you take that path less travelled, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to go back to that prior way of thinking. It just no longer fits you as it once did. It's three sizes too small!

Using a simple example, it’s a bit like Santa Claus, where you believe in something so strongly - it's your all and everything… and then at a certain point, the bubble gets popped and you realize that it was always just a fabrication, perhaps a well-meaning fabrication, but a fabrication nonetheless … after which you are forced to live your life without Santa Claus (or Joe Biden,) and without that insulating fabrication of consensus.

Calling them a fabrication is a nice way of saying they’re lies. In the case of Santa Claus, they are relatively harmless, but when we encounter the power, wealth, and information operating systems that dominate our daily lives, such lies can be very dangerous.

False briefs can leave you, your family and your children incredibly vulnerable to dark and stealthy forces, to evil people and to circumstances which can easily lead to death, difficulty, and great sorrow.

I don’t expect anyone to look at the world and see things the way I do, but it sure would be great if people were a bit more critical about the consensus reality that is being foisted upon all of us every day and all the time.

But maybe that’s too much to ask and perhaps we’ll just have to make the best of it with these two different sectors of society - one that is trying hard to see the truth and act upon it, at least as far as the various constraints allow ... and then, that second group who mostly go along, follow the fantasy, live the dream, seemingly convinced of what is right and wrong, so that they feel justified in their judgement of others who do not share their belief.

It would be comical if it were funny, but it’s not funny and it’s not a quirky little habit , like wearing shorts in winter … No, losing your chance to see the world as it is leaves you deaf, dumb, and blind to so much.

So anyway, there we go... good luck to you on your journey and on finding your way home.

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