James Corbett - 9/11 War Games

in world •  6 years ago  (edited)

The events of September 11th, 2001 in conjunction with the patently absurd official narrative explaining those events will forever define the cognitively drug impaired gullibility of the Baby Boomer generation - the television generation - who by manipulated complacency slept walked through those events in a cognitive dazed stupor just as they have slept walked through their entire lives in a disassociated from reality cognitive blurred haze.

A generation so thoroughly indoctrinated and programmed by television, even now, seventeen years later, despite now living in the age of the internet the vast majority of these people who belong to this abysmal degenerative generation are no more the wiser about the events of September 11th, 2001 than what they were able to glean from the mainstream media coverage on the day - or soon afterwards - where exactly as with the JFK assassination the mainstream media had magically solved the case naming the culprit responsible within an hour of the event.

A generation so delinquent in its responsibilities to all future generations that even when an event is defined by unanimous consensus as being the seminal event of the 21st century which would and did change the Western world for the worst, forever, did anyone from this vile onerous generation have the decency to pause and reflect on their own lack of civic duty in safe guarding the future for their own children and their children's children rather than just merrily accepting as gospel truth some incredulous fantastical tale that defies both logical reasoning and the laws of physics.

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