Prancis melaju ke semi final usai mempercundangi Uruguay 2-0

in worldcup •  7 years ago 

source : Metronews : contra France vs Uruguay have ended after the referee blew the pluit of the game's ending. France make sure to qualify for the semi-finals after beating Uruguay with a convincing 2-0 score at the Nizhny Novrogord Stadium, Friday 6 July night local time.

The victory is not easy. Because the French had trouble breaking the Uruguayan goal until midway through the first half. but in the 40th minute Atletico Madrid striker Antoine Griezzman unleashed a bait forwarded by varane and scored a goal.

Uruguay continue to try to get up from behind, instead of wanting to equalize, France again netted Uruguay goal, the score became 2-0. Until the long whistle sounded as a sign of the end of the game.

The second goal was a fatal mistake by Uruguayan goalkeeper Mursela. That held back the Griezzman antoine kick, the ball being held towards goal and fruitful goal. Goal is like a goal that occurred during the final of the league champion real madrid cons liverpool, then lorius karius failed to block gareth bale kick.

Prancis melaju ke semi final

kontra Prancis vs Uruguay telah berakhir setelah wasit meniup pluit pertanda berakhirnya pertandingan. Prancis memastikan lolos ke babak semi final setelah menaklukkan Uruguay dengan skor meyakinkan 2-0 di Stadion Nizhny Novrogord, Jumat 6 Juli malam WIB.

Kemenangan tersebut bukanlah hal yang mudah. Pasalnya Prancis sempat kesulitan membobol gawang Uruguay hingga pertengahan babak pertama. namun pada menit ke-40 penyerang Atletico Madrid, Antoine Griezzman melepaskan umpan matang yang diteruskan oleh varane dan berbuah gol.

Uruguay terus berusaha bangkit dari ketertinggalan, alih alih ingin menyamakan kedudukan, Prancis kembali menyarangkan bola ke gawang Uruguay, skor menjadi 2-0. Hingga peluit panjang berbunyi sebagai pertanda berakhirnya pertandingan.

Gol kedua disebabkan kesalahan fatal penjaga gawang Uruguay Mursela. Yang menahan tendangan antoine Griezzman, bola yang ditahan mengarah ke gawang dan berbuah gol. Gol tersebut seperti gol yang terjadi saat final liga champion real madrid kontra liverpool, saat itu lorius karius gagal menghalang tendangan gareth bale.


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