Prove me wroooong, christians! Part 2!

in wotan •  4 months ago  (edited)

Next. "Satan" "Lucifer" What are they really? What might they be? O, many things. Not just one thing. No no.

But first!

jesus is asked by jews "What is the foremost commandment" jesus said unto them "Hear, O Israel, THE LORD our God is ONE LORD and you will love him with all your heart and all your mind" blah blah blah.

So that's your jesus. jews and Israel. Read it. jews are Israel. Read, it.


1918 was the beginning of restless days in Munich. So-called worker and soldier councils were established.

In a vehement speech, Sebottendorff appealed to the Thule to fight.

Sebottendorff: Yesterday we witnessed the collapse of everything we value and cherish. Our blood-related princes have been replaced by our arch-enemy: Juda. We don't know what will develop from this chaos. As long as I hold the iron hammer, I am determined to send Thule into battle. Our order is a Germanic order, and loyalty is Germanic.

Our God is Walvather. His Rune is the Aa-Rune. The Aa-Rune means Aryan, original fire, sun, eagle...from now on, the eagle will be our symbol. It will remind us that we have to experience death in order to live."

"Even a young Rudolf Hess, who became Hitlers deputy, enthusiastically joined in the fighting. The writer Dietrich Eckart served as an important model for him. He wrote about Nordic Mythology and fostered metaphysical anti-semitism"

And Satan? Well, from what Otto Rahn learned when he concluded his academic research, Satan or as the christians call him "Lucifer" because their bible is badly translated, is the God of the Aryan Race. So, Wotan. Lucifer is conflated with Satan falsely, but Otto Rahn probably did not know this. Because not too many knew that until people like Jordan Maxwell came along.


When he said "I fight under the flag of Lucifer" he must have meant Wotan because he's confusing Lucifer with Satan and Wotan or Walvather is the God of the Aryan Race that he is referring to. Someone else uhh, Sebottendorff, he said this.

Sebottendorff: Our God is Walvather. His Rune is the Aa-Rune.

That Aa Germanic Rune is the Nordic Ansuz Rune, and that is Odins Rune.

"What a strange God you christians have, who created you upright but who commands you to crawl to him on your knees!
We heathens do not beg to our Creator, it would be an insult to the divinity in our souls.
Nor do we heathens come to the Creator to complain.
We do not proclaim our failures to the world and least of all not to our Creator.
We seek to overcome our faults and to grow.
Our way is not complaining, but anger! And first of all anger against ourselves.
Nor do we repent, we heathens, because we cannot be cowardly; we have the courage to stand by our own deeds"

Heinrich Himmler; Voice of our Ancestors.

Sounds a lot like me.

How are these the bad guys? The more I find out, the less it makes sense.

Now look at the jewish talmud.

Yebamoth 63a: Agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

They hate farmers. And, and, rabbi openly admit or they claim anyway that White people are "Satans Progeny" from
Zohar talmud.
All that means is it's their Adversaries Progeny.

So they don't even lump blacks or Chinese in with us. Showing more how Wotan is the Europeans God.

AND you can go to this video to see all of that and a bunch of other things! Why are you christians this stupid? You deserve the ridicule you get. All of it.'The-Aryan-Knight'--His-Life-and-Struggle---WW2---DOCUMENTARY-:2

Now watch this. And see your past crimes. And live in shame for what you've done. Oh you're pro White huh? You killed more Whites than anyone! The Inquisition it was at least 50 million Whites killed for being Aryan Pagans. You bastards!

In the Inquisition, this website says that allll of the deaths from the Inquisiton, were sacrifices on the altars of the...get this, 'christian Moloch' O yeah. It was 56 000 000 people. 9 000 000 for witchcraft.
And that dickhead Aryan Empire he tried to tell me once that the Inquisition only killed jews. What a moron. The death count for jews from that is not even a million. It's like 160 000 at the high end. Some say only 35 000. What a moronic meddler. Hardly even worth our time. I'll put a link to the website in my next video about Satanists being blamed for the christians crimes.

Link to the Inquisition kill count. You can find many...maaaany google searches that say the opposite of this. That's called downplay and propaganda. This website tells you the truth. There's even a section in chapter 5 that proves the 9 million witches killed is not an exaggeration and "also has a source and was not made up."

"Middleton gives a figure of a million killed among the Waldenses, Albigenses,
and others; Mede (cited in Cassels) gives a figure at least as large. Clarke doubles the
figure. For this figure, at least, Dr. Middleton had some basis, and did not invent it out of
thin air. The same is true of the figure of 9 million witches killed:
Gottfried Christian Voigt (1740-1791) extrapolated from his section of Germany
to calculate 9,442,994 witches killed throughout Europe. From this came the
common estimate of 9 million.
-- Selected Death Tolls for Wars, Massacres and Atrocities Before the 20th Century, by
Matthew White.
Therefore the figure of 9 million witches killed also has a source and was not made up.
From these two examples it is possible to infer Middleton‘s approach: All of the figures
he gave were obtained from another source. None of the figures were increased; in fact
some of them may even have been reduced."
Chapter 5 page 50 and 51.

Chapter 5 is very important and Chapter 6 is pretty good too.

56 000 000 killed in one estimate. And that seems to be the low end. Some say 68 million. Some say over 100 million. Especially when you get to Chapter 6.

9 000 000 witches killed all over Europe.
Only 160 000 jews killed at the high end estimate. Some say it was only 35 000.

So no. They didn't only kill jews. 9 000 000 witches killed. Do the math. Oh I forgot christians can't do math they're fucking stupid.

But it is important to know the facts of history, or else we may repeat them. As church and state grow ever nearer to a union in the USA, it is vital for us to be familiar with the dangers of religious persecution so that religious liberty can be guaranteed for many years to come. Because of the dangers of cloistered
convents, they need to be prohibited or else regularly inspected and opened. We also need to beware of religious influences that lead to wars. For these and other reasons, it is important to preserve the facts of history, or else they may be forgotten altogether. There is hardly any knowledge of the facts of religious persecution among American citizens today. But Lecky, at least, in his day felt that the knowledge of such persecutions was so widespread as to require little justification. This shows that the facts of history are
rapidly being eroded away, and there is a continual need for men and women to search out and make known the truth so that it can be preserved for future generations. Without such efforts, in a generation or two, it may be commonly believed that hardly any persecution occurred during the Middle Ages, and the stage would be set for a repetition. In fact, such persecutions could begin much sooner than we realize."

Hey christians. Hey. Dumfucks. Go, fuck yourself. One day you will all pay for your crimes. You pieces of shit! HnhnahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Watch this guy laugh at you brainwashed parasites too. You have committed SPIRITUAL! ADULTERY! You have been JUDAISED! YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING CHRISTIAN!

Have you finally realized your own true nature? That you are the greatest of foolz?




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